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Aanolan's FF7 Site

Aanolan's back! Well you all probably don't care too much, if at all. On to the point, ok this is a school project, will get better, gonna start workin on my own actual site, when i have time.. Muwahaha Now for the brief overview:


Ok so very brief overview. Now back to the site. Under walkthrough, I will have at least a decent one, if I don't already. Some misc. gameshark codes under cheats, and a little cheat that really isn't a cheat ill put there just for kicks. Some tips & hints in secrets, you know like how to get ribbions and that kind of stuff. The complete ff7 midi soundtrack under media.

And now some info on the gratious creator. My name is Trey Shroyer. And if for some obscure reason you would like to contact me. E-mail me at
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