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Latter-Day Christians


Welcome to my web page. The mission of this site is four-fold:


1)     To give correct ideas and doctrines of the LDS Church.

2)     To allow LDS (and non-LDS) members the chance to publish papers on important gospel topics.

3)     To encourage inter-faith work between non-LDS Christians and LDS Christians.

4)     To spread the gospel of Christ.


The primary purpose of this site is to present doctrine in a concise and accurate manner (though some small portion may be used for Apologetic material, my desire is to work mainly on doctrinal issues). Despite this purpose, the information on this page and the papers given are the ideas of the authors and are not officially representative of other LDS members, participants, the host site, or the Church of Jesus-Christ of Latter-day Saints. I take full responsibility for my information, as do all other contributors.


With the above in mind, I would encourage all who read this site to participate by submitting papers, class outlines, or anything which may contribute to the mission of this site (I am currently working in Microsoft Word format and, thus, would prefer the papers written as such; e-mail me the papers as an attachment). These papers will be peer reviewed before publication by faithful members who have offered their help.


Feel free to look through the paper(s) that I have published by clicking on the links in the left toolbar.



I have recently added a little more to the Philosophy section.  Among the additions are a link to the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, an incredibly useful tool for gaining a basic understanding of specific philosophical concepts and/or figures.  I’ve likewise added a preliminary paper by James Faulconer (of BYU) on Postmodernism that serves as a basic introduction to postmodern thought along with general debunking of common misconceptions of what it means to be a postmodernist.  For those with a thirst for logic, I’ve added a work in progress: my Introduction to Logic. Replacing my inaccessible, unorganized, and incredibly vague Logic Notes, An Introduction to Logic will eventually be a lucid introductory text to basic rules of logic, inference, and an elucidation of logical fallacies complete with examples and exercises.  As always, suggestions in relation to that work would be welcomed.  Lastly, I’ve expanded my paper, A Primer to Whiteheadian Process Thought (was “The Foundations of Process Thought”).  Hopefully it will be more accessible for those who wish to learn about this fascinating philosopher and his thought (though further expansions of that text are forthcoming).


As always, suggestions on how to improve the site would be greatly appreciated.


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Last revised: Date 10/26/03


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