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WSYC | News
West Seattle Yacht Club

  Main   |   Membership Info   |   Schedules   |   Weather Forcast   |   Anchorline   |   Forum   |   NOAA   |   Email Me

News - [7-21-00]

As you can see I have redisigned the website. It is best viewed (for looks) at resolution rate of 800x600. To change this you can go to My Computer, Control Panel, Display; then hit the tab that says "Settings". On the bottom right side you should see a bar that you can scroll left and right with. Use that and select 800x600, then it "OK".

News - [7-03-00]

I have made it easier to get to this website by changing the adress. I still have up, but I always have up now too. Easier to remember and sounds better considering our yacht club name.

News - [6-13-00]

I'm going to try to get the Anchorline onto this web page. If you have tried to download it and couldn't, it's because I haven't made the link yet. Once I get the link for the Anchorline onto this web page I will post it.

News - [5-10-00]

On this page that you are looking at now will be our current event/news page. Any new information that is given to us via email or from other sources will be posted on this page for you to see. If you have any iformation please email me and I will post it.