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The Arizona Angel Page

Well Hello I am the wiskie angel this pic is a pic of my son Gregery. WiskieAngel is my kitty cat, who I love very much, but beats me up a lot lol, She is my first Cat. I made this page because well I wanted to just to have fun. I hope all of my friends see this and understand how much I care for each one of them no matter what we have been through THANKS GUYS AND GALS, you mean so much to me. This picture is of my son who is 18months old.

Ok Well a little about me, My name is Melody aka Angel :-) . I live with my mom, and little sis and bro. I love my family but not my dad and well that is a long story. Well I am 5'4" Dirty Blonde hair Hazel eyes 145lbs. I am basicailly a laid back kinda chick. I like to party, hang with Friends, play sports : Volleyball, Football, Softball, baseball, Kickball, and track. I talk to everyone about anything really, I am an open person who cares way to much to hurt people

Im into the whole Teddy Bear, horses, and Dolphin thing. That means I love stuff animals. Stuff Animals are like relationships you can always hold on or you can always let go either way it goes they are always around.

Well Hello again todays date is 7/13/2000, I just got in a fight with my exboyfriend. I told him off ya!! I hope he understands to, he makes me really mad, and just wont lay off. Anyways, just wanted to let everyone know if you want to be friends with an Ex dont let the past bother you in anyway.

Hey all the day is 8/1/00 well I just relized most guys are assholes. I guess my ex now I guess I dunno Sean for instants i love him with all my heart but we havent talked in about 1 1/2 months. So does that mean we are no longer together ??? I am not really sure. Dont you hate when you are going out with someone and they are looking for another girl still ? or puts up a yahoo personal ad ? Make's us girls feel bad, like we really messed up or something you know, but I mean hell if you dont want to tell us, it is better than leading us on.

Ok Hey all today is 1/19/2001, WOW a new year and the best year at that to. To tell you the dirt, well I got a man he is sweet as can be, and I have meet some really cool people to. My best friends b-day is in 5 more days KICK ASS...

Today is 3/17/2001, it has been a while since I last wrote because I have been REAL BUSY. I got a horse for Valentines Day, I wanted one since I was like 6 but here I am 17 and I got one cool huh? I have a Kitten to I got her for Christmas I named her Angel right after me lol, she is my second one. Anyways right now im talking to Kurt he is newest and really awesome friend. He lives in Michigan, I wont put his online name on here because I dont want anyone to talk to him but me lol. Anyways lets just say he is great, I have helped him he has helped me and it means alot to me. Anyways thanks Kurt :-)

Today is 03/29/2001, So life is great I got this email from a guy a while back but he didnt really leave his name or anything and I wrote him back and I still I havent gotten anything back.. weird huh ? Oh well if it works out that is great if not then it is cool and I wont cry about it this time.

Well today is 4/14/2001, Easter is tomorrow and I am happy that it is here. Easter is the only Holiday that comes around and makes my mom REALLY REALLY HAPPY. We got her, her own Easter basket this year something new ya know ? I hope she likes it. She has always talked about getting one of her own since she has been a mom and stuff. Anyways I have to go I am making cake's and tomorrow I am cooking Easter dinner !!!!!! YAAAA

Today is 6/14/2001, Well well it has been 2 months and what I failed to mention a long time ago was that I was pregnant, I am now 6 months(if I remember right lol) and things are great, it is going to be a baby boy and his name is going to be Chance. His Daddy is a great guy and he means a lot to me, I couldnt get through some things with out him around me. Thanks ......

Well I had my baby but I didnt name him Chance, I named him Gregery. He is so cute he came out with black hair, dark blue eyes, 21inch long, 8lbs 7ozs, 14 1/2inch head, and a 12 1/2inch chest. He is SOOOOO adorable, and I love him to death. He is 2 weeks and 2 days old now, and boy am I the one feeling old lol... Well I had better go

Well all here I am. My son is 7 months old now and he doing ok. things are working out for us and I am enjoying it a lot I graduate in June and everyone is pushing me to do it. Well I have to go sorry this one is short.

My son is 9 months now boy he is big, he is standing kinda by himself and starting to walk. July 2 we leave to go to New Jeresy so that will be cool. He gets to go see his aunt.

3/20/03 Well my son is almost 2 years old, he turns 2 in Sep. His picture is up at the top of the page. Isnt he cute ? Life is good and well it could be better but I am not complaining at all. I have everything I could ever want and need. Thanks for hanging in there with me guys and gals.


How can I love someone who lies to me

How can I love someone who picks there friends over me

How can I love someone who picks me over there friends

How can I love someone who dispises all things

How can I love someone who doesnt think highly of themselves or the people around them

How can I love someone who doesnt have good taste in friends

How can I love someone who doest value there own love for themselves

How can I love someone who doesnt really know I exsist, The Reason I can love someone like that is because they are in my heart, and that is where forever you will stay.





Thanks To My friends ::::

Take a Peek :-)

Gregery's HomePage(My Son)
Kick Ass Country Song(lyrics)
MSN Messanger
The Hottie Tony :-)
Chris Page :-)
Want Mp3's Get Napster
My Fav Song(lyrics)
JoJo's Page
Dallas's Page :-)
Best Place on web 9
