Paint,Chalk & Crayons

Finger Paint Mixture (A)
1-cup liquid starch
½-cup soap chips
6-cups warm water
Dry tempera or food coloring
Dissolve soap chips with enough water
and stir until all lumps have disappeared.
Add to starch and remaining water.
Keep covered in plastic jar.
Color may be added as
children paint, or in the mix.
A few drops of oil of clove prevent odors.
Be sure to keep mixtures in
covered jars in a cool location.

Kool-Aid Finger Paint
You Need:
2 cups flour
2 packs unsweented kool-aid
1/2 cup salt
3 cups boiling water
3T. Oil
Mix wet into dry.
The kids love the color change.
Then finger paint away..<.

Jell-O Finger Paint
You Need:
Any kind of flavored Jell-O
enough boiling water to make it
a goo consistency for finger-paint.
Use your normal finger-painting
material or glossy paper.
Kids love the smell and the feel of it..

Puffy Paint
You Need:
Tempera Paint
Mix equal amounts of flour, salt and water.
Add liquid tempera paint for color.
Pour mixture into squeeze bottles
and paint. Mixture will
harden in a puffy shape..

Eggshell Chalk
You Need:
4-5 eggshells
1-teaspoon flour
1-teaspoon very hot tap water
Food coloring (optional)
Wash & dry eggshells.
Put into bowl and grind into a powder.
A mortar and pestle works fine for this.
Discard any large pieces.
Place flour and hot water in another bowl
and add 1 tablespoon eggshell powder
& mix until a paste forms.
Add food coloring if desired.
Shape and press mixture firmly into
the shape of a chalk stick.
Roll up tightly in a strip of paper towel.
Allow to dry approximately 3 days until hard.
Remove paper towel & you've got chalk!
Eggshell chalk is for sidewalks only..

Soap Crayons (B)
1 3/4 cup Ivory Snow (powder)
50 drops food coloring
¼-cup water
Mix water & soap flakes together.
Add food coloring & put mixture into an ice cube tray.
Allow to become hard.
Break or cut into pieces.
Fun to write with on the tub
when bathing & face & hands..