Moon Phase: Waning
Any Day, Any Time, Use as needed

Materials: A bowl of distilled or boiled water
Favorite Incense
A White Candle
Some Earth

Begin by casting your circle as you normally would

Say aloud:

Here before me I gather the elements of life
Earth, Air, Fire, Water, to remove all negative energies from within.

The Earth grounds me from harm
(rub the Earth between your hands)

The Air blows away any fear
(run hands through the smoke of the incense)

Fire burns away negativity
(quickly run fingers through the candle flame, be careful not to burn yourself)

And Water brings freshness back in
(place your hands in the bowl of water)

With harm to none, I release my negativity
to cleanse my emotions, and fill
myself full of good intention.

So mote it be

Take the Water and Salt outside and empty it near your door
(if in a large city, a park will do fine)
and save the candle and incense
for later spells of similar need.

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