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Interview Workshop Tips

1 What is the purpose of an interview?

For you to get the job? From your point of view, you want to make sure that the job is suitable for you while proving that you are the best candidate. Many people forget that an important part of the interview is for you to find out about the position.

2 How should you prepare for an interview?

You should find out as much information about the company as possible. This will really impress the interviewer. You can check the company’s website on the Internet. Also, make sure that you are well groomed. Buy a notebook and pen to take notes. Prepare answers in your head to difficult questions. Make a list of things that you want to know and questions that you may ask. Finally, visualise a mental image of yourself making a good impression

3 How do you know what the company is looking for?

Scan the job advertisement carefully. You can really tell what kind of company it is and what they are looking for. For example, if they want someone who is “able to function in a high pressure environment”, that means they want someone with good time management skills who can handle a heavy workload. It’s also a good idea to talk to someone who works for the company or even to email and ask for more details about the position.

4 Why is the beginning of the interview important?

People tend to form an opinion of others within the first ten seconds of meeting them. If this first impression is negative, it will be hard to shake off. However, if the first impression is positive, you can afford a few slip-ups after that. At the beginning of the interview, therefore, you should look the interviewer in the eye, smile confidently and greet him or her courteously.

5 What body language should you have during an interview?

Smile confidently. Keep an erect posture and lean forward slightly to show interest. Maintain eye contact. Don’t shake your legs, fiddle with your hands or touch your face.

6 How should you answer the questions?

Try to give positive answers which are not to short and not too long. Never give one or two word answers. Watch the interviewers face for signs that it’s time for you to stop talking so that he can move on. Avoid areas of negativity such as badmouthing a former company or boss. It is okay to touch on your personal life as this shows that you are a rounded person. You can make a list of things that you should try and bring up such as courses attended.

7 What kind of questions can you expect to be asked?

If you are a fresh graduate, you will definitely be asked about your course, extracurricular activities and projects. If you are experienced, you will definitely be asked about your previous jobs and why you left. You may be asked personal questions, questions on ethics and problem solving questions. There are also questions about your skills such as language and computer skills. If English is your second language and it is an English speaking country, you can expect to be asked about this. Many interviewers like to test you with tough questions like “what are your weak areas?”. For a list of questions, go to

8 If the interviewer asks about your weaknesses or other tough questions, how should you answer?

The answer itself is not the most important thing. The interviewer is just trying to test your confidence and see how you answer. Choose something that may be true for many people, such as, “I get upset if people criticise me. But I’m learning to view criticism as a positive thing.”

9 What should you do at the end of the interview?

It is very important to ask questions! It shows that you are interested. Thank the interviewer for his time and express interest in the job once more.

10 What questions should I ask?

Ask about three questions on whatever you need to know about the company. Many professionals say that you shouldn’t ask about the salary. However in some countries this is okay, especially if you really have no idea what it could be. Also, it shows honesty on your part. Do not ask this as the first question though. You should also ask a question that shows your ambition. Interviewers like to ask the question “Where do you see yourself in two years time?”. Turn the question around and ask, “If I were to prove myself as a valuable and hardworking employee of this firm, where do you see me in two years time?”.