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2blue 2blue4 blshape bluruf 2blue2
graysw1 grayrfb graysw2 ltpur dkpurple
pur1 pink2 rylblu5 pwav2 pwav
redff red4 red red6 wav
rylblu1 rylblu2 ryblu rylblu4 grnswl
rylblu8 yelbrn yelf gldsw yelswirl

redrose daisies rosey rose hearts

cream cream2 pplswirl ryppl2 silver
salmon2 salmon3 salmon slvblue tweed
mauve blz blz2 medblu pplmav
pplr pur2 grswirl purplsw teal
rblue spheremv bluemoon1 bluish2 blusky
dkblu2 2blue3 2blue5 blucir grefluff

blugry red2 ppl3 ppr2 silver2
pur3 crgray grback red7 ppl2
ryblu3 navysatin pplwhisp aquaflow aquapaper
bluepaper blueplane blufeath burgpaper eye
goldenpl redplane mauvflow raw rawplane
redflow redpaper redridg mauvflower tan
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