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A Spiritual Survey
Concerning what individuals are really seeking in life and on the net.

In our use of the word "spiritual" we refer to one's personal inner reality and the quality it offers to each of us in our life experiences. Our interest and efforts will be focused in that area. We defer to others on the subject of religious belief systems and seek to honor and respect such beliefs each person may embrace.

The links above will take you to our other pages on this site. We urge you to read more about us, what we are doing and what we seek to accomplish before examining the questionaire. Doing so will help you make sense of the questions. There is also a link to our forum and discussion board on Delphi.The contacts page offers you three ways of reaching us, from the standard e-mail to short-form anonymous to a new completely anonymous e-mail application. As you will read on subsequent pages, we have no interest in finding out who you are. Our true interest is for your input via the questionaire.
So . . . read on . . . .