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Teris Xenite's Home Page

Welcome to my site.

This page is a work in progress. It's always changing.
Come Back Soon!

Turn the volume up. This site has music! Girls Just Wanna Have Fun is playing on this page, in honor of summer fun! Follow the links to visit:



Dark Angel

For now stop by:

If any image or sound here came from your site and you object to it being here, please e-mail me and let me know and I'll remove it. If an image is on this site and your aren't given credit for it I probably don't know who I got it from. I learned to save images and music long before I learned how to write HTML, so if its something I got before then I have no idea where it came from 90% of the time. If you'd like to let me know please do so and I'll give you credit for your image.

Copywrite Information: Big suprise. I don't own Jem, Lois and Clark, Xena, or Dark Angel. They're aren't my characters. This is just what I do in my spare time for fun. No profit is made.I have not written for copywrite premission because I either don't know who currently owns the show, or I don't know the address of the people who own the show. If you own rights to one of the shows featured here and them being here offends you let me know and I'll remove them. So lastly please don't sue me.

© 1999