Patrick Rondat from France is one of my favourite guitarists.His guitar style is a great mix of melodic, progressive and neo-classical elements.Thanks to another good French guitarist, Jean Fontanille, I had the chance to have an interview with Patrick Rondat.

At which age have you started to play electric guitar ?
I started at 17 , I am not from a musicians family so it took time to me to discover rock music .

Which composors / bands / guitarists have influenced you ?
So many , it started with bands like Rainbow , Van Halen and then the jazz scene impressed me a lot , my main influence was Al Dimeola .

Which were your first bands / projects ?
Some unknown bands , I recorded my first album with a band called The Element back in 1985 with people from France and Germany .

Tell me more about your period in the band of Jean-Michel Jarre ?
This period is not over yet , I am still in touch with Jean-Michel and I am sure there will be a few projects in a near future . Anyway it was a great experience and I loved it . I like the way he mixed electronic , classical and rock music and of course the big venues where we played were like a dream come true for me .

About what / who do you think when you write instrumental songs ?
It depends , it is not always the same . I try to give emotions to the listeners and I try to create my own musical world with my own mix of elements I need in music such as technique , melodie rhythm’s and give the impression of a journey through different landscapes .

Which was your most succesful solo album , both personally and commercially ?
Undoubtly “Amphibia” .

How did you get in touch with Ian Parry and how is to play in progressive metal bands? Do you have enough chance to compose songs for Elegy and The Consortium Project ?
I saw him first when I played in a festival a few years ago with my band and Ian played with the band Vengeance at the time . In 1999 when he started his Consortium Project he was looking for guest guitar players and a friend of him played him my “Amphibia” album and he loved it . He got in touch with me through Olivier Garnier / NTS . I wrote some songs for Elegy and one for The Consortium Project Two . I will not be a part of the third album of The Consortium Project because we both thought it was a bit too much people started to be confused because most Elegy members also play in The Consortium Project

How many gigs will Elegy play in the near future ? Any chance that you can play some instrumental songs from yourself and maybe even older Elegy songs ?
We still have some shows to come , one festival in America , Brave Words & Bloody Knucles on june 13th in Cleveland , then one in Holland around july 13th and we have planned some other shows in Germany and Holland in September .

When will your next solo album be released ?
Hopefully in 2004 , I’ve got 99 % of the material but I am still looking for a deal , but it will probably be NTS for France and SPV for Europe .

Are there plans to release a DVD from a Patrick Rondat concert ?
Not yet , I would like to film the next tour and we will see if it is possible to use it . My plans are mainly to record a new album and go on tour with it . In the mean time I will have to play some Elegy Shows in september and start to compose some songs for the band too .

Why was the gig in the Biebob (Vosselaar , Belgium) cancelled ?
The Biebob gig was cancelled because there are too many shows at the time in Belgium and it sounded like we were not able to get enough people there .

Thank you so much for the interview Patrick. I wish you many success with your future projects.

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by Ronny Elst (2003)