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Oath of Druids

by Kyle
4 Delusions of Mediocrity
4 Energy Field

4 Oath of Druids

2 Arcrivist
4 Bedlam
4 Ferver

2 Absolute Grace
2 Absolute Law
4 Enlighted Tutor
4 Opalessence
4 Replenish

4 Brushland
4 City of Brass
4 Crystal Vein
3 Forest
3 Plains
4 Rishadan Port

2 Absolute Grace
2 Absolute Law
4 Ivory Mask
3 Tranquility

Once you get the Oath in play use the ability until you get an Anarcist and put it in play to get your Replenish and then drop the Replenish to put all your enchantments into play which are creatures because of Opalessence, unblockable because of Bedlam and Uneffected by summoning sickness because of Ferver. Since the Anarcists are the only creatures in your deck you will get a hord of enchantments when the Replenish hits the table.

The sideboard isn't that hard to figure out, Absolute Grace against black beatdown, Absolute Law to deal with sligh, Ivory Mask against Necro or Burn. It has Tranquility for other decks that have many enchantments.