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Deticated To The One and Only Dragonite13

What My Sites About

What do I need to put on my site?

I'm a Pokémon Trainer!

If you see a site that has a voting thing like the one above that has the name Ultra Top 50, DON'T click on it, there is unessisary things for ads on it and consult the Web Designer, AMIDIATLY!Thank you. BUT PLEASE, FOR THE SAKE OF THIS SITE VOTE FOR ME!!!

~Okay here is the scoop, for all you frequent visitors, don't be amazed by how LONG it takes me, 1 person to reneu a site, hey I work on this site a lot and try to do as much as possible, so PLEASE give me credit. I'm working on my Downloads page, my Pokedex, my price guides, the real pokemon world, and my news page, so PLEASE be patiant. I can't do everything at once and PLEASE vote for me!

Rate Digimon

YEAH, It's the BOMB
Yeah, It's great
It's good
It's OK
It's not so good
It stinks
It bites
It's a Pokémon rip-off

Current Results

ACK...been gone for vacation in the keys of Florida..but I'm back and will be working on the site again.

Click to Adopt a

Meet Alakazam!

Level: 95

Skills: Psychic, Psybeam, Recover, Hypnosis

Adopt yours at The Psychic Pokemon Connection

PLEASE if you have any Fan Fics E-MAIl them to me at

Links to other parts in my site

Red/Blue Codes N' Cheats

Pokemon Stadium Codes

Alakazam's Photo Gallery!

Alakazam's Links Page

Alakazam's Pokémon Cards Page

The Story of Pokémon

Alakazam's Character Page

Game Info.


Battle Arena

FINALLY, Alakazam's Chat Room!

The REAL Pokémon World! (NO DOWNLOAD)

Win My Award!

Awards I've won

The sites that I've given my award to, if it's not there it is a cheasy rip-off of my award

Alakazam's Pokédex!(Heavily under construction)

Pokemon Info

Pokemon Downloads

Game Shark Codes

Game Geinie Codes


PLEASE sign my guest book!