P-Fit Program
a very personal fitness regimen

What Doesn't Work

In the course of doing this research I did discover other methods besides exercise. Some I even tried.

Vacuum Pumps

A vacuum pump is a cylinder which fits tight against your body and your penis goes inside. A bulb or grip is used to pump the air out of the cylinder, creating a vacuum. Bodily fluids then are drawn into the penis, causing it to swell.

This swelling can take some time to occur. Thirty minutes or more inside the vacuum are usually needed before any size difference is noticeable. This can be an interesting sensation, especially the way the swollen penis feels in your hand.

The bad news: the swelling is temporary, and may only last a few minutes or perhaps hours once you release the vacuum. The sensation of the swollen penis can be dramatically decreased as well, so even though it's bigger it's not much fun to use. Also, great care should be taken not to overdo the pumping, as it can cause blood vessels to break inside the penis causing discoloration and pain.

Hypnosis Tapes

By listening to a tape of a hypnotist, your body is fooled into thinking that you are in puberty again. It's supposed to react by sending growth hormones to your genitals.

This might work on "normal" folks (though I doubt it). For us KS folks, however, who couldn't enter puberty without hormone therapy, it seems unlikely that a hypnotist would be able to make our body do something it's not capable of on its own.

Magnetic Devices

I purchased a magnetic device that consisted of a one-inch by six-inch strip of cloth with three small magnets sewn inside it. It wrapped around the penis just behind the head, and was intended to be worn for several hours of the day. The theory was that the magnets would attract the iron in the blood, causing a small increase in blood flow to the penis, making it increase in girth but not length.

I actually did see a slight increase in girth while using this, but very slight. The gain might have been due to other things I was doing at the same time (not a very scientific test).

Enlargement Surgery

I didn't try this one, nor would I.

The surgery usually consists of two parts. First, the suspensory ligament inside the groin is severed. This allows an inch or more of the penis which normally stays inside the body to come out. Second, fat is injected into the penis to give it additional girth. This fat is usually extracted from the patient's buttocks.

The surgery is quite expensive and pretty risky. There have been lots of cases where men have sued their doctors for botching the surgery, leaving them with unsightly or non-functioning equipment.

Stretching the ligament through exercise just seems more natural and safer than taking a knife to it.

Also, the fat injections into the penis can leave it with unsightly bumps when the fat shifts around. Eventually, the fat is absorbed back into the body and the penis returns to its previous thickness.

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