P-Fit Program
a very personal fitness regimen

General Massage
Testicle Exercise

What will it do:

improve the health and fitness of your testicles
How does it work:
massage increases circulation to the testicles, which improves their health and fitness
How do I begin:
Lie down flat on your back or stand upright (standing is better). Part your legs. Massage your scrotum gently until the skin is loose and flexible.
What do I do:
With the thumb and fingertips of your left hand, gently take hold of your left testicle and pull it very gently away from your body.

Holding the testicle gently between your fingertips, massage and knead it gently for thirty seconds.

Switch hands, taking hold of the right testicle with your right hand.

Holding the testicle gently between your fingertips, massage and knead it gently for thirty seconds.

You can also massage both testicles at the same time with both hands, if you prefer.

Massage each testicle for thirty seconds. Repeat five times each day.
Personal Note:
This is a good exercise to alternate with the next one, the Focused Massage. Do one repetition of this exercise, then switch to one rep of the next one; then repeat.

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