P-Fit Program
a very personal fitness regimen

Your Progress

Before you begin:
Take accurate measurements of your erect and flaccid length and girth. Don't exaggerate - be honest. You're the only one who will see these measurements, and they are for your benefit.

You'll need a ruler and a piece of string or ribbon. Having a partner help you will ensure a better measurement (and can be fun, too).

You'll be measuring along the top of your penis, from the base to the tip.

For the flaccid measurement, your penis should be soft (not aroused at all). Place the end of the string or ribbon at the spot where your penis meets your body. With the tip of your finger, poke the end of the string in toward your body until you touch your pubic bone. Extend the string along the top of your penis, and mark the spot on the string at the very tip of the penis head.

For the erect measurement, stimulate yourself to a full erection. Again, place the end of the string at the very base of your penis, along the top of the shaft. This point where your body ends and your penis begins will be easier to determine in the erect state. Poke the string into your body to your pubic bone. Run the string along the top of your penis all the way to the end. Mark the spot on the string at the very tip of the head.

Now lay the string next to the ruler and note the two measurements.

To measure girth (the distance around the shaft), wrap the string around your erect penis at its thickest point (probably just behind the head).

Mark the points on the string where the string crosses itself. Lay the string next to the ruler and note that measurement

You might even take photos of your penis in the erect and flaccid states. After doing the exercises for three months, measure and photograph again, then compare. This will be the best way to see the progress that you are making.

Here's the progress that I have made.

Some progress is not exactly measurable. You may notice that your penis feels slightly different in your hand, or looks a little different in the mirror. You may notice that everything feels more "alive" in some indescribable way. Your partner may comment that something feels different (hopefully better!) when you have sex. You may notice more frequent or stronger or longer-lasting erections, or more intense orgasms.

These are all benefits of regular exercise.

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