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The Portal

lightning flashes o'er the land where daydreams fly and nightmares roam the silence spun, the night is still a shadow walks upon the hill... journey to thunderhill site under construction ******** the pathway branches, either way could lead to death or life the gods of old and new as well seek to hide truth so none can tell the journey's final outcome... follow the path to the way station site under construction ******** from minds of innocents do many images spring sunshine and hope, wishes and fears the open door is there glance inside the picture frame... open the door the the child's gallery ******** imagination, the greatest tool man has at his disposal flights of thought can sometimes lead to the most spectacular vistas in the human mind... take flight into the realm of fantasy ******** the darkest thoughts within our souls can sometimes light a blackened path the written word, in all its glory has powers yet unfathomed and riches yet unsung... slip into the pool of poetry and prose
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