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My Precious Cheyenne

This is lovingly dedicated to my darling angel,Cheyenne. Please stay awhile and visit her.

Cheyenne, to beautiful a child for this world to hold and a shining angel in her mother's eyes. When someone speaks Cheyenne's name a sparkle of hope ignites in the eyes of a mom who longs to see and hold her child again. The mere thought of her makes a smile appear across her face with bittersweet tears in her eyes.

Though she was not here for the world to see, the memory of a child so precious lingers on. Through her mom her memory continues to shine and lights a path for other moms to follow. It is because of her love for her angel that she gives her time and devotes her life to enlightening those who do not understand the pain of a child gone before them.

Written by: Delynn Jones In Memory of Joanne's beautiful angel Cheyenne.

Chey, now has a beautiful brother who reminds his mom everyday just how much her little girl lives on. It is through him that Chey will grow up for her mom and through him that the love that Chey would have given her mom here on earth is passed on.

Please stay a visit some, on the next few pages you will see a glimpse of heaven on earth through the eyes of Chey. There are pictures of her and some words of encouragement from her mom.

Chey's Webrings

Chey's Poems

Chey's pictures