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Buffy the Vampire Slayer

This Year's Girl

Buffy Cast

Aired in Canada on Feb.22.00

Now, we've all been waiting for Faith's awakening. We all knew it would happen. So it's been 8 months since Faith and Buffy's brutal battle. Everytime these two meet there will be some "ass kicking". That word was used alot in this episode. These two slayers don't care at all where they fight. Out on the college campus where everyone can see them or maybe in Buffy's living room and dining room. Just as long as someone ends up running away.
I kind of stopped watching some episodes in the third season because account of it was pissing me off how Buffy kept crying all the time. It was Angel. But now that he has left I like the two characters again because they're not always crying about eachother. Anywayz, well yeah I missed how Faith turned bad. I guess she was always bad but it was because of Buffy that she turned against the world. Faith did have a point about how everyone loves Buffy and she's always the hero. But then again she is pyscho. But only because of Buffy.
I knew that when Faith was looking at Buffy and Riley together she would do something to break them up like she tried to do with Angel. So of course now that they have switched bodies she will go after him. What does 5 by 5 mean anywayz? If anyone knows please tell me! At first I didn't understand what Buffy said but then I watched it again and then I heard I understood. See you have to watch shows twice or you won't understand them. You might even get the jokes they crack. Like when Xander got electricuted by the blaster and no one noticed. Haha. I love Xander!
Now, this year I don't like Willow as much. She's trying to much to be cute and suttely funny. I don't think so. I don't want to try and explain her and Tara. But there's definitely something going on if she won't tell Buffy (her best friend) about her.

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