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Who Are You

"Xander and I are going to go have sex" -Anya
"Well, we'll leave you alone because that's going to take up to well 7 minutes" -Buffy

Aired in Canada on Feb.29.00

You'd think that after alot of years in acting, you would know how to act. I guess Sarah Michelle Gellar never did learn how to act. This episode SMG and Eliza Dushku (Faith) switched bodies and well they acted as eachother's characters for that show. Well, I don't know why, but SMG did not do a good job of it. Seriously, she is a one character actor. Every character she plays no matter what is the same person. She's just like Jennifer Love Hewitt. They are bad actors so that's why all their characters are the same. Even though SMG was playing a bad girl, psycho killer she still was Buffy. On the other hand, Eliza was doing a great job of playing Buffy. She had the pout, the attitude and the sulking down to the bone. She was a natural! I couldn't believe it.
That is all I can practicaly say about this episode. SMG sucked royaly as a Faith. She should stick to Buffy. Anywayz, the relationship between Tara and Willow has totally gone up a level. It's scary really. This show has been going on for three seasons. And soon Willow will be out of the closet. Rumours have been circulating about these two and the episode with their kiss is coming up soon along with Oz's arrival! Oh oh. Big mess alert!
What I didn't understand is why Willow didn't know it wasn't really Buffy and Tara did. I know Tara is "magical" and everything but still, Willow and Buffy have been best friends since they were 15 (now 18) Never mind about that. I'm ashamed of Riley too. He should've suspected something after his girlfriend said "How do you want me?" and "Who do you want to be?" and "Don't you want to play?". Get a hint!
Okay, now it's time for the highlight of the episode! Woohoo, I love this part of my reviews. There really was a good part in this episode. But I guess when Faith (or it was really Buffy) came into Giles's house and tried to explain to him she was really Buffy by telling him "remember when I had those psychic powers and I read my mom's mind and she said that you guys had sex on top of the police car and she said you were like...". Okay I seriously didn't understand what she said and then after Giles told her to stop she asked him what he was like. I would like to know what it was. If you know please tell me. Okay, bye now.

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