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Minchkin Land

Hi everybody! Welcome to Minchkin Land! This web page depicts the normal teenage mind. A whole bunch of loose ends thrown together. Beware: If you're not a teen, this page WILL be considered weird and obscure.... hmm, it sounds a little like me! :þ

My name is Lisa. I'm 15 years old and I am a Freshman in High School. My school mascot is a penguin. I know it sounds kind of odd, but we used to be the skunks, so we're okay with penguins now. I like to hang out with friends, read, write, sing, and dance. And I'm not as boring as I probably seem... but you have to get to know me better! Ask my friends... they know how weird I am!

In this page you will see a whole mixture of things. You can find out about my friends, read things we've written, sign my Slambook (please sign and have fun with it!!!!), view my Slambook, and you can read all about my family.

I'm in something called the Race for the Rainforest. It's a way of helping save acres of rainforest over the internet. If you'd like to help, click on this link. It's free!

If you'd like to make a comment, a suggestion, or submit something for me to publish here, send it to I really appreciate feedback. Enjoy!

The Links of Minchkin Land

The Fanfiction Network.
Visit Ashley's web page!
Visit Sam's DragonBall Z site! She even mentions me! It's a heck of a lot better than mine! She's actually talking about something. If haven't noticed, I never do!
Visit Joshua's web site! If you like musicals, especially Phantom of the Opera, than you don't want to miss it.
This is a website that I had to do for school on digestion. There's no link back to this site from it because I didn't want my teacher coming here.... :þ
This is Anna H.'s webpage! She loves polar bears and has a bunch of pics of them!
This is It's got a bunch of fun, mindless stuff to do!
Here's Nick's webpage! He's got a bunch of pics from Episode 1 for you to see!
Some very intriguing questions!
The Official Star Trek Webpage!
Is your cow safe to eat? Better check here! :þ
The Syndicate
Scared of clowns? Hate them? Want to laugh? Go here!
Ghetto Cookies are Deelicious! Visit their club!
Here's Anna H.'s new webpage. Don't believe what she says about me, she's just getting bak at me for my comments about her.... and don't go to the link in my info! Just... don't!
