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    Hey hey!! Welcome to my page!! I'm Mary!! I'm17(as of November 5th!! Scorpio's rule!! right anna banana??) and from Arizona.I'm a Senior in HS and totally can't wait to graduate!! (and even more excited about my trip to cali for like amonth!!it's gonna be way awesome!!I have naturally curly shoulder length brown hair w/ a red and purple tint to it, brown eyes,I'm about 5'5, tan, and athletic. I'm also a dancer. Itake ballet, jazz, and pointe. I've been dancing for about 8 1/2 years now.

    Well, as you can see my site is still under construction.  I still have a lot to work on.  Hopefully it'll look awesome by the time I'm finished w/ it.  If you have any suggestions about what I could add, I'm open to hear them. If you have any kick ass pics or what not, send 'em to me and i'll definitely add them.

    Anyway, if you ever wanna chat w/ me, im me on Aim (AOL Instant Messenger).  My screen name is CutieM01 (that's a zero and a one).  If I'm not on or you just have some questions to ask me, just e-mail 'em to me and I'll definitely get right back to ya.  That's all for now...

    I wanna say a quick thx to all the people that helped me w/ this page... Thx Rhett for the kewl little dancing dude!! He's the cutest and he's totally awesome!! Thx so much. And you're such cutie yourself. To Sumesh for the little animation's at the mid bottom of thepage. They're way kewl and everybody seems to be enjoying them!! Thx Nick for teaching me how to use the Netscape Navigator. I wouldn't be close to where I've gotten w/ this page now. Thx Mindy's friend for the pic of Mindy, revenge is great, and that's what Mindy gets!! And the rest of you Imay have forgotten to thank, sorry, b/c let's face it, ihave short term memory and it gets really bad!! lol I've learned how to do so much stuff, it's so awesome.
when you see this, click on
it and it'll take you back to the main page
    I've also found some way awesome sites i thought you may want to check out...  So just click on the pic link and it'll take you to the page in no time!!...

Here's some awesome stuff that I've added for more of your enjoyment...

Pic Pages

    I just wanted to say what up to noah...the hommie i'm gonna visit in the summer w/ my awesome friend anna banana!!  Girlie, you are the kewlest!!  You're a great friend even tho you're in Indiana!!  But i miss you lots!!  I totally can't wait for our trip!!  We're just the kewlest like that!!  And to all you ppl that don't know Noah, he's such a punk!!  But you gotta luv him, but he can be way kewl!!  ha ha.  And vote Pepsi!!  b/c coke sucks the big one!!  Ok ok Noah, this is just for you...well, i'm just not gonna put it up b/c coke really does suck!!

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