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Hall of the Nine Kings

"Alone we are few, but TOGETHER we are many."

Oso Verde Age: 18 Height: 7'6" Weight: 600lbs. Quote: "You will never see me coming through the trees, and I will CRUSH you". Powers: Super human strength, speed, agility, duriblity, and endurance. Able to lift over 160 tons, and can run at speeds up 70mph for up to five miles. Tough skin able to withstand a "pointblank" shot from a .50 caliber gun. Also a skilled fighter, ferocious and deadly in battle. Origin: Touched the mystical Chalice of the Nine Gods. Weapons: Large hunting knife and gunstock club. Sometimes a bow and quiver of arrows. Weakness: Mortal, vunerable to most coventional weapons, though able to take a lot of punishment.
Fantasmas Mas Palomas Age: 17 Height: 6' Weight: 228lbs. Quote: "I only miss once... I think, no now that I think about it I guess I dont miss." Powers: Master of all projectile weapons. Unequaled sniper and gunfighter. Expert in camoflage and hand-to-hand fighting. Origin: Touched mystical Chalice of the Nine Gods. Weapons: Two nickle-plated, pearl handle Colt .45 "Peacemaker" revolvers, Smith&Weston 5 round shotgun, and a bowie knife. Weakness: Losing his hat.
Choni Susio Age: 19 Height: 6'2" Weight: 175lbs. Quote: "Do the DEW!" Powers: Able to stick to the sides of buildings and shrink down to the size of a jelly bean. Capable of shooting "snot rockets" that harden on impact and trap whom or whatever they hit. Origin: Touched mystical Chalice of the Nine Gods Weapons: None, but he is often seen with a bottle or can of Mountain Dew Weakness: When the size of a jelly bean: getting steped on or eaten. In normal size: Mellow Yellow
Sueltos Frijoles Age: 18 Height: 6'4" Weight: 250lbs Quote: "Fear the wrath of my ass." Powers: Able to emit various gases; such as knock-out gas, acid gas, explosive gas, and poison gas; from his rear end. Can create gale-force winds. Capable of flight by creating a "gas aura" around himself that is lighter than air. Can fly at speeds up to 400mph by using his farts as jet propulsion. By wrapping himself in the "gas aura" he can increase his strenght to be able to lift 20 tons. Origin: Touched mystical Chalice of the Nine Gods. Weapons: None Weakness: Beano
Duende GalloAge: 18 Height: 6'6" Weight: 315lbs. Quote: "And you thought that Carrie chick was bad..." Powers: One of the worlds most powerful telepaths and telekinetics. Can read people's and animal's thoughts, and can bend the wills of others to do his bidding. He is capable of moving objets with just his mind. With great focus and concentration can lift, and move objects weighing up to 30 tons. Can also fire a "psychic blast" of telekinetic energy powerful enough to level a small building. Origin: Touched mystical Chalice of the Nine Gods. Weapons: Anthing thats not nailed down, and even some things that are. Weakness: Cannot control people(or animals) with an extreamly strong will and nobel spirit. Getting hit in the head.
CervicheAge: 19 Height: 6'1" Weight: 155lbs Quote: "Every little bean must be heard as well as seen". Powers: Can shoot his head off like a bullet at speeds up to 1000fps. His head is extreamly durable, and can withstand up to 5 tons of pressure. His head can survive under water and in outter space as long as his body is reciving oxygen. If his body is protected he can fly around for up to 3 days before his body and head die of dehydration. Origin: Touched mystical Chalice of the Nine Gods. Weapons: various helmets. Ususlly a cut-open vollyball. Weakness: Cannot control body when his head is unattached, leaving it vulnerable to attack. If his body dies so does his head, and visa-versa.
Huevos De Diablo Age: 17 Height: 5'10" Weight: 169lbs Quote: "Did'ja see that? No? It was me running around the world a couple times." Powers: Superhuman speed and stamina. Can run at speeds of 2000mph for up to 2hrs before needing to rest and eat. His body is specially adapted for the rigors of running at such high speeds. Muscles are very elastic and durible. Bones are extreamly strong to resist the punishment of the pounding of the legs on the ground while running. Origin: Touched mystical Chalice of the Nine Gods. Weapons: None Weakness: Speed bumps, getting kicked in the huevos.
CALIENTEAge: 18 Height: 6' Weight: 187lbs. Quote: "Wanna see whats under my kilt?" Power: Caliente is a living solar battery. By channeling solar energy from the sun into his body, he can generate heat and fire. He can create fires as hot as 5000 F, and can withstand temperatures up to 10,000 F. He can also fire a powerful fireblast, hot enough to melt steel. However, using a fireblast drains all his solar reserves, and he must charge for atleast 24hrs before he can generate anoter. Origin: Touched mystical Chalice of the Nine Gods. Weapons: None Weakness: Strong winds, going long periods without sunlight.
El TorsoAge: 19 Height: 3'2" Weight: 98lbs. Quote: "I'm not missing all my legs, if ya know what I mean." Powers: None, but he is full of spit and vinegar. He runs communications from the engineering room in the Hall of the Nine Kings. He can run the machines through a mental implant in his brain. Origin: Had he arms and legs bit off by the dreadful giant Gibby. Weapons: Hover-chair with laser cannons. Weakness: He dosen't have arms or legs, duh.
Macho's Amigos

BUNDYAge: 19 Height: 6'0" Weight: 800lbs. Quote: "Dude, shut-up dude!" Powers: One of the strongest beings on the planet. Can lift 100 tons. Extreamly tough and durable. Great fighter. When angered becomes nearly unstoppable. Origin: Caught in the explosion of an experimental "Targon Bomb." He met Oso Verde at "HULK'S GYM FOR THE SUPER STRONG." Bundy was the only person there strong enough to spot Oso, and they have been great friends ever since. Weapons: None Weakness: Low endurance and stamina. Most people think he's a real prick, except for Oso. Well sometimes he even gets on Oso's nerves.
Running Big CalfAge: 17 Height: 5'10" Weight: 207lbs. Quote: "I'm going to kick the calf outta you." Powers: Born a mutant RBC has a huge right calf that is very strong. RBC can lift over 5 tons and jump a mile in the air with his big calf. Also has numerous birthmarks covering his body which can be changed in color and shade. These birthmarks act as camoflage and allow RBC to blend in with most natural surroundings. RBC is also an excellent tracker and hunter. Origin: The son of Christian missionaries who abandoned him becaused they were ashamed of having a mutant son. Was found by a nomad tribe of Navajos who raised him as their own. When his people were threatened by whites encroaching on their land RBC had a vision telling him to find Macho Mesa. Weapons: Various traditional Navajo weapons. Weakness: Not too bright.
The Graveyard

Ese CabronAge: 17 Height: 5'7" Weight: 170lbs. Quote: "Mi pelo es muy peligroso." Powers: Can control the length and movement of his excessive chest and back hair, making tendrils for grabbing and moving in an insect like manner. The hair itself is extremely strong. Using his hair as a weapon Ese can lift roughly 10 tons and create spears that can puncture inch thick steel. Though the hair can be burnt and cut it takes a very high temperature and at least 3000psi to sever a single hair. Origin: Tried to commit suicide by jumping into an experimental vat of Rogain X. Became friends with Macho Mesa when they stopped him from killing his adulterous wife (but they let him rough her up a little). Weapons: Hair, lots and lots of chest and back hair. Weakness: Barbers and hair stylists. Died: December 19, 2001. Ese was murdered by a brainwashed department store santa while saving the life of a little girl.

Machas Chicas
Amber Died April 10, 2001 Monica Died April 10, 2001 Rachel Died April 10, 2001 Christina Died April 10, 2001 Krystina Died April 16, 2001 Melanie Died April 29, 2001 Heather Died May 2, 2001 Paige Died May 17, 2001

The Vault