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One Night Stand

By Ammo

August 1999


This story is dedicated to my own friends, 'Kathryn and Chakotay', with whom I made the mistake of going to a party with, a party where they were the only people I knew.  Hint to anyone who knows them, never, ever, be on your own with just those two, but most of you know that already.  I actually thought of this story while watching them at the party after 'Kathryn' had had a little too much to drink.


Disclaimer: Paramount is god, there is no doubt about it.  They own Voyager and all the Star Trek universe.  I just borrow some of the characters for a short while but I promise to return them in one piece.


Rating: PG/13


Time scale: Oh I don't know!  Urm... does it really matter?  Some time in the future, a future that will never happen.






Kathryn found herself giggling as she took another sip of her drink.  Off duty, most of the crew were in the Messhall enjoying another of Neelix's parties.  Everyone appeared to be having fun if the sound of laughter and talking was anything to go by.


Stood at one end of the Messhall she smiled to see Chakotay approaching as she listened to another of Tom's stories.  The whole senior staff were here, or should have been... She frowned noticing that the Doctor was not around and nor was Seven.  Then she smiled remembering that he had probably taken her to sickbay, again.  She was the only person they knew who could get drunk on synthehol.


"Having fun?"


She turned hearing the deep husky voice of her first officer suddenly tickling by her ear.  It sent shivers wildly running through her body as rampant thoughts crossed through her mind.  Quickly she pushed them away.


"Yeap," she replied suddenly realising that she had finished her drink.


"Here," with a quick smile he handed her another glass of the pink sweet punch.  What ever was in it was delicious.






A while later.


Tom looked up as he heard laughter coming loudly from the other side of the room.  The Captain and Commander were still talking, although he wondered if that was all.


"What did you put in that drink?"


He flushed quickly as B'Elanna came up beside him but luckily her eyes were fixed on the commanding officers and did not notice.


"What makes you think that I..."


"I know you Tom," she interrupted.  "Anyway, I haven't seen the Captain act even half as bad as she is now, even at the Prixin celebration two years ago when Neelix brewed his fruit compo too much."


"What's she doing?"


A funny look crossed B'Elanna's face.  "It's not what she's doing, it's more like what she's not doing."


"How do you mean?"


"When was the last time you heard her laugh so much, or touch Chakotay so much.  She never this open in front of the crew."


They both watched as Janeway once again playfully hit Chakotay, a big grin on her face, half a glass of the punch in her hand.






Kathryn was feeling... I fact she did not know nor did she care what she was feeling.  She was happy.  There was this strange sense of joy that had settled on her in the last couple of hours.  She had a strange sensation of feeling light headed, but she did not even give a damn why.  It just felt too good.


Stumbling slightly as she suddenly felt dizzy, she gripped onto Chakotay's sleeve steading herself.


"Are you okay Kathryn?"


His hand had covered hers and he was holding her up.  Looking up, she found herself staring into his dark eyes.  Those dark, beautiful, mysterious, exquisite set of eyes.


Giggling, she staggered again.


"I'mmmm fine," she gasped between fits of laughter.  Hearing the music she turned still gripping onto him.  "Do yoouu want to dance," and before he could answer she had dragged him onto the dance floor.


Slinging her arms around his neck, they swayed, unsteadily to the music, unaware of the looks they were being given by the rest of the crew.  Both were enjoying themselves far too much to care about any thing else except each other.


"I neveerr kneeew you weerre such a gooddd dancceerr Commandeerr," she burped smiling up at him.


"I've beeen acquesceed of tryingg Captain."


Stumbling, she suddenly found herself sitting on the floor, her laughter close to hysteria.  Everyone was watching now, including a certain chief of security that quickly homed in on their position.


"Captain, I believe you are intoxicated."


She looked up at him as Chakotay, attempted, for a second time after the first had failed miserably, to pull her to her feet.  Her eyes were swimming as she attempted to focus them on him.


"I aaassurre yoouu Tuvook, I'm fine."


"I'm over here Captain."


This was worse then it looked.  Was that possible?


"Captain, I would suggest that you retire back to your quarters until you feel better."


She look at him as if he had suddenly discovered a sense of humour.  "I feeel fine Tuvok.  Reeaally I do and I'm not going to gooo back to my quarters.  I've haaving tooo much fun.  Isn't that right Coommmaander?"


Chakotay could only nod.  The rest of his energy was taken up on supporting the Captain.  She looked radiant to his eyes.  Beautiful, especially that smile.


"Then I would suggest that you sit down Captain, the Commander as well."


Janeway rolled her eyes as she slowly found her footing, aware of how Chakotay's arm felt around her, all wrapped up against her.  Opening her mouth she went to protest, then noticed the way that they were the centre of attention.  Everything else in the room had come to a complete stand still.  They were all watching her.


"Okay, but ooonly if yoou leave us alooone," she agreed.


Tuvok almost looked relieved as Chakotay lead her to the side and a seat, but frowned as she proceeded to sit, or collapse, onto her XO's lap.  Her arm was still around his neck as they unsteadily talked about something, laughing all the time.


"Have I eeveerr told yoouu how much I love your dimmmpples?" she giggles matter of factly, her hand reaching up to trace over his face.  "I dooo," she insisted.  "Always have.  And your eyyees.  I lourve your eyes.  And your smile." 


Her fingers travelled lightly across his lips, thoughts he believed to have buried a long time before suddenly springing back to mind.  In a bold move he opened his lips slightly, running his tongue enticingly against the tip of her index finger.


She shivered slightly at the touch, but didn't move away wondering what would happen next.  He didn't disappoint.


Opening his lips wider, her drew the finger into his mouth, all the while meeting her gaze.  He suckled it gently daring her to move it away.  She didn't.  He continued, first one finger then the next.


She closed her eyes allowing the sensations to wash over her, while blocking out everything else around her.  All she cared about were the sensations he was flooding through her body.  After a few seconds, she became dissatisfied with that feel, suddenly desperate to feel his mouth on hers.


Leaning down, she gently touch her lips to his.  Softly at first, tentative.  Then the dam broke and they couldn't stop.  His lips opened under hers and she felt herself falling and she didn't know why.  Feelings that she had kept hidden for such a long time flooded to the surface.  Things she had hidden from him.  Somethings she had even hidden from herself.  They all came now.  The frantic desperate need for him.


She broke their contact just long enough to gasp for the air they had not realised they even needed and pressed her lips to his neck, suckling on the soft skin found there.


Chakotay held her close, but was becoming aware of not only where they were and who they were, but also who were watching them.  Or more likely, who wasn't watching them.


Quickly, he pulled away from her, forcing her to her feet.  A look of stunned shock crossed her face and he motioned quickly around wanting her to understand.  She did, with a faint but unmistakable blush.


Her arm still around him, she reached up and whispered something in his ear to which he could only grin.


Quickly, they tried to make their way as inconspicuously to the door as they could.  They didn't quite make it.


Tuvok reached it before them, blocking their way.


"May I inquire just where you are going Captain?"


She smiled standing up straighter in her 'I am the Captain and no one mess with me,' stance.


"To our quarters, just as you suggested Tuvok.  So if you excuse us," and they clumsily made their way past, an unmistakable twinkle in the Commander's eyes.




Next morning.


Kathryn sighed slowly opening her eyes.  Blinking they slowly became accustomed to the unfamiliar surroundings and she sat up with a start.  A hand flew to her head as the throbbing began again, visions of the night before rushing back with a vengeance.  Moaning she collapsed back down.


Okay, she was in Chakotay's quarters, in his bed in fact, so where was he?  Glancing around, her eyes rested on a bath robe lying on the foot of the bed, a hypospray with it.  A detox.


Slowly she climbed out of bed, wrapping the robe around her bare body.  Injecting herself she felt the sharp throbbing of her headache begin to subside, but the memories, although hazy, were still fresh in her mind.


Taking a deep breath, she stepped into the main room. 


Chakotay was there, sitting on his sofa, gazing out of the window this far away look in his eyes.  He was dressed, a loose cream shirt thrown over dark brown pants that complimented his copper skin tone.  In his hand he clasped a mug of what looked like coffee.


"Been up long?"


He glanced across at her, catching his breath seeing the beautiful silhouette she formed in the doorway.  Her hair was fuzzed, her look natural, just the way he had always imagined she would look early in the morning.


Slowly he rose to his feet.






Moving to where he had been, she sat down watching as he moved around the room.  A panther.  He moved like a large cat, smooth, elegant.  Quickly she shook her head trying to dislodge thoughts like that.




His hands brushed over hers as he handed her the mug.  Memories of how his hands had felt on other parts of her body sprung straight to mind, bringing a slight smile to her lips.


"Did you sleep well?"


She nodded.  "Best I've done in days."


He did not reply.






"...we need to talk."


A smile spread to each of their faces at their sudden harmony.


"You first," she offered.


Sighing he put down his cup and turned to face her.  "Kathryn, I'm sorry about what happened last night.  It should never have done and I swear to you it will never happen again, but it did happen and that's all it can be, one night.  One unforgettable, wonderful but unique night."


"A one night stand?"


He nodded his head dropping so he didn't have to see her expression.


"Okay..." she breathed slowly, "but I know that's not what you want."


His tattoo crinkled slightly as he frowned.  "Pardon?"


Putting down her cup, she shrivelled in her seat to face him.  Gently she picked up one of his hands, marvelling at the size of it and at how soft and gentle it could be as well.


"Tell me what you want Chakotay.  You don't strike me as a man who goes in for one night stands."


He studied her expression closely, she seemed sincere enough, her face open.






He took a deep breath his eyes dropping to where she was still stroking his hand, gently running the tips of her fingers across it.


"What do you want Chakotay?"


Glancing up, he took the gamble.  "You," he said simple.


She did not react, just continued with her stroking forcing him to jump in at the deep end.  It was now or never.


"I... I...  When I saw you standing there... in the doorway... urm... I was reminded of one of my dreams.  That's what I want, more then anything.  I want to be able to love you Kathryn, I want to be able to love you in ways that I have only dreamed of.  To be able to fall asleep each night knowing that you are there.  To be able to wake up in the morning where the first thing I see is you.  I want to be able to share my life with you, hold you when you're frightened, comfort you when you're sad, laugh with you when you're happy.  Do all those things..."


He turned away returning to gazing out of the window, trying to protect the layer of water that was beginning to build up in his eyes.


"Oh Chakotay..."  Sighing she ran a hand down his face in a gentle caress, a faint smile playing on her lips.  "You know, I don't go in for one night stands either.  Never have.  It's all or nothing for me."


They were silent for a few moments, each staring out of the window.


"So what do you think Chakotay?.."


He turned to face her.


"Do you think we can build a relationship on Voyager?"


He blinked not sure if he had heard her correctly.


"Did you say 'relationship'?"


She nodded grasping his hand tighter.  "Neither of us wants a one night stand," she pointed out, "and I know that you are still in love with me, that's obvious.  But what probably isn't obvious is that fact that..."


She stopped, laughing slightly.


"What is it Kathryn?"


Glancing up, a blush formed behind her ears, gradually travelling down across her face.


"I'm in love with you too Chakotay."


His mouth practically dropped at the words.


"Are... are you sure?"


"I'm sure.  After last night, it's probably the only thing I am sure about, except that you're one hell of a lover."


A blush formed over his face.


"My head's telling me that I should walk away from all this, that all it was was a one night stand where we both drunk a bit too much and went a bit over the top."


Her smile was almost a grimace as she dared to remember events from the night before.


"But my heart's telling me other wise.  I know that walking away from you now may be the biggest mistake of my life and what ever happens our relationship will have changed because of last night, I just want it too change for the better."


"So you're not about to shout at me about irresponsible behaviour and the fact that we went completely out of control and that the entire crew now know that you wear red panties."


She paled at the words.


"They do?"


He grinned "I'm only joking about the panties thing."


Groaning she grabbed a pillow and started to thump him.  Within seconds she found the pillow had been stolen from her grasp and that she was lying back on the couch staring up at her first officer looming above her.


Their eyes met and for a second his dropped to her lips.


"Can I kiss you?" he whispered huskily.


"No," she replied, "but I'll kiss you."


Grabbing his neck, she pulled his head down, their lips tightly locked together.  For a few seconds they were frozen, then he was ravaging at her mouth, keeping her pressed tightly to the couch.


Her hands felt cool against his warm body as her fingers slipped under his top easing it off his shoulders.


Suddenly he pulled away, studying her face.


"On the couch Captain?" he questioned raising an eyebrow.


"Well, Commander, I recall doing it everywhere else in this room last night, including the coffee table."


"We didn't," he groaned.


She just laughed and pulled his head back down to hers.




Tom tried to keep his head down on the Bridge, wandering how he could explain this one.  Grins kept threatening to explode onto his face as he recalled how the Captain and Commander had been behaving last night.  Even so, he could not resist turning round when he heard the doors to the Bridge open.




The Captain looked a little stiff as she walked onto the Bridge, a mug of coffee already in her hand.  This did not look good.  Commander Chakotay was not with her but he did not need to have asked the computer where each of them had spent the night. 


"All systems are working at optimum capacity Captain."


She nodded heading straight to my ready room.


"Mr Paris in my ready room *now*."


Oh **** he was in for it now.  Quietly he rose to his feet, following after her.


She was already sat at her desk, leaning back, mug in hand her steel blue eyes resting on him.  She didn't say a thing.


He waited beginning to get a little uncomfortable in her gaze.  He absently began shifting from one foot to another.


She still remained silent, only taking a sip of her drink every so often.


Finally she spoke.


"Just what did you spike the drink with Ensign?"


He rubbed behind his ear.  He was done for now.


He didn't reply.


"Did you know it is a very serious offence to intoxicate your senior officers?"`


No kidding.


"Well, I'm waiting."


"I... urm... it's... urm... a... urm... a herbal... urm... sort of remedy that I... urm... got the recipe for... urm.  I didn't know that it would... urm... have that... urm... sort of affect... urm... on the people... urm... if they had... urm too much... urm... of it.  It's supposed to be a relaxer... urm... not an intoxicant.  I'm sorry." 


He hung his head as he finish waiting for his punishment to be handed out.  Here it would came.  Most likely to be more time in the brig.  Who knows, if she was too angry she may even demote him... again.  Crewman Paris.  Had a good ring to it don't you think?


Janeway smiled at his reaction, sipping at her drink.  Suddenly the chime to her door rang.


"Come in."


Chakotay strode, or tried to stride into the ready room handing her a PADD, nodding briefly at Tom.


"The results and evaluation you requested Captain."


She nodded taking them from him.  She watched as he turned to leave then called out stopping him before the door opened.


"Still on for tonight Commander?"


A grin slowly lit up his face and he nodded.


"Always Captain."


Then he left.


Tom stared after him, his mind trying not to think of all the possibilities that that sentence may imply.




He turned back to her ready to face any punishment that he was going to face.


"You can go now," she said lightly.  "But if I ever find out that you've done something like this again, you will be in serious, serious trouble.  Do I make myself clear Ensign?"


He nodded, stunned.


"Okay then, dismissed."


Still in a daze, he walked slowly from the room, turning briefly just before the door shut, to see the Captain drop her head and rub the back of her neck in a desperate soothing motion.


I wonder, he thought glancing at the Commander as he took his seat, but then shook his head, dismissing it faster from his mind then you could say 'warp ten'.





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