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FROG 1004

Hello~~!!! Welcome to FROG 1004. FROG stands for Fully Rely On God. Well this website is about me and my close friends i got to know from mainly Christian events. There's some profiles of them and also some pics. so just enjoy and kick back. =) oh yeah this is still under major construction so come back later.. thanks~!~!~ =) a lil note~~~ i took out a lot of pictures because some people are stealing my pics and putting them on their webpage without asking me.... so it's under more constructions~~~

This is me and my brother~!~! aren't we so cool... heehee j/k We are the ddkr(dance dance korean revolution) crew~!~! Even though we don't look alike, we have act very similar.. well he acts worse than me.. if you knew me then you know what i'm talking about.. XP

This is my family~!~! This pic is really ancient... my family is so hilarious... I thank God for giving me this wonderful family~!!~ =)

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