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jesus ! i love you! Welcome All to the freedom for prisoners homepage!

While You Are Reading This Homepage, Dear Reader, please know:

My Favorite Web Sites

Equality For Females_____
Prison Legal News, published monthly by 2 WA State Prisoners since 1990_____
Study Find Aid Outdoes '3 Strikes Law_____
Prison Issues Desk_____

Before clicking any of the below links, please know, that if you will NOW allow yourself to, first, mentally link with what you are about to read throughout this homepage, you shall proceed on the enchanting mentally exploratory journey of delving into the unknown depths of incarceration. incarceration is truly the last frontier. For, rather than transcending into plateaus of freedom, you shall step off the precipice of freedom and plunge into a world of mental and physical confinement, truly a moment when the soul is challenged to ascend and redefine its definition of freedom.

and please know that this homepage, shall not be a place limited to original content, and/or links..... but gradually it will come to be a fully interactive true home of all those who come here to seek more than what lies before us and our fellow woman and man. For Truly, there can be no limitations on a mind and soul unlimited in its' freedom.

Stop Prisoner Rape..... (as quoted from their homepage)"Stop Prisoner Rape is committed to combatting the rape of a male and female prisoners and to helping survivors of jailhouse rape.

Rhode Island Victim Offender Restoration Program [RIVORP]

Arizona Prison Reform Committee.....

Families Against Mandatory Minimums..... (as quoted from their homepage) "Families Against Mandatory Minimums Foundation (FAMM) is a national organization of citizens working to reform federal and state mandatory sentencing laws that remove judicial discretion. To ensure equity and fairness at all stages of the sentencing process, FAMM also works to improve sentencing guidelines. Formed in 1991, FAMM has 15,000 members and 25 volunteer-run chapters across the country."

YOU CAN HELP: by clicking here to see a SAMPLE petition about how you can help in the petition drive to repeal federal mandatory drug sentences... and YOU CAN HELP by clicking here to place their banner on your homepage. FAMMM encourages people to use their banner.

Families Against

                              Mandatory Minimums

Citizens United for Rehabilitation of Errants..... (CURE) (as quoted from their homepage) "We are a non-profit nationwide organization dedicated to the reduction of crime through the reform of the criminal justice system. We are a prison and jail reform advocacy group headquartered in Washington, DC with chapters or affiliates in most states of the union.

Among the changes we seek are fair and humane treatment for our prisoners, far less reliance on incarceration as a solution to our crime problems, far more reliance on alternatives to prisons and abolishment of capitol punishment.

Offenders need guidance and options that will allow them to become productive members of society. At present there is almost no effort on the part of our criminal justice system to provide offenders with an alternative life style. They are placed into crowded, inhumane prisons with little opportunity or incentive to change their behavior then released back into society, often worse than when they went into prison. Our motto, "Today's Inmates are Tomorrow's Neighbors."

Cure National, P O Box 2310, Washington DC 20013-2310 (202)789-2126

< An Open Letter From A Prison Doctor / This is a very informative and enlightening article from a prison doctor. Here as two excerpts:

"In my clinic today, she said "When I found out I had HIV I was happy, because I thought he would never touch me again." She said "I thought if I got fat and really ugly, nobody would want to touch me". She told her father that she had HIV-- she even said she had AIDS, but it didn't make a difference at Thanksgiving."

another excerpt from that article:

"So what does all of this have to do with running an HIV clinic for women? Nothing at all, if you ask prison officials and prison health care corporations . Nothing at all, if you ask my medical colleagues who wonder why I don't do "my work" and stop seeking answers to my questions. But I can't separate listening to these stories and seeking to understand my patients, from my work. If my work is to "take care" of HIV infected women, then understanding why these women use drugs, do sex work, don't go to their HIV clinic appointments that I set up for them on the outside, and end up coming back to see me in the HIV clinic at the prison, is part of the work that I have to do."

Voices From Prison / [as quoted from their homepage]"This journal provides a chance for the inmates to express themselves artistically. " The work of prisons has gone unreported and unnoticed but from here on out VOICES FROM PRISON will be the information and the creative outlet for prisons on the internet. " <

recommended reading

Asylums: Essays on the Social Situation of Mental Patients and Other Inmates by Erving Goffman

[as quoted from the chapter "The Inmate World" I] "...if the inmate's stay is long, what has been called "disculturation" may occur - that is, an "untraining" which renders him temporarily incapable of managing certain features of daily life on theoutside, if and when he gets back to it." this book also speaks about the fact that prisons "do not really look for cultural victory. They create and sustain a particular kind of tension between the home world and the institutional world and use this persistent tension as a strategic leverage in the management of men."

All Too Familiar: Sexual Abuse of Women in U.S. State Prisons. by Human Rights Watch

Beyond the Prison: Gathering Dreams of Freedom by Denborough, D (editor) Adelaide

Cold Storage: Super Maximum Confinement in Indiana by New York: Human Rights Watch

Confronting Prison Masculinities: The Gendered Politics of Punishment

Discipline and Punish: The Birth of the Prison by Foucalt, M.

It's About Time: America's Imprisonment Binge by Ira. J and Austin J

Life Sentences: Rage and Survival Behind Bars by Rideau, W and Wikberg, R

Mosaic of Despair: Human Breakdowns in Prison Toch, H.

Out of Bedlam: The Truth About Deinstitutionalization by Johnson, A.B.

Prison and AIDS: A Public Health Challenge by Braithwaite, R.L. and Hammett, T.M.

Prison Focus, Quarterly publication of California Prison Focus

Prison Madness, The Mental Health Crisis Behind Bars and What We Must Do About It by Terry Kupers, M.D. foreward by Hans Toch

Prisons in Crisis by Selke, W.I.

Psychological and Survival: The Experience of Long-Term Imprisonment byCohen,S. Taylor, L.

Rape in Prison by Springfield, Thomas

Sexual Abuse of Women Prisoners in the U.S. by The Human Rights Watch Global Report on Women's Human Rights Watch

Social Problems by Scarpitti, Frank and Anderson, Margaret O'Toole, Laura

The Farm: Life Inside a Woman's Prison by Rideau, W

The Felon by Irwin

Unruly Women: The Politics of Confinement and Resistance Faith, K

Women in the Criminal Justice System Feinman, C


personal note from me, as a Christian American:

i do not practice, nor do i advise the disrectful distortion of the image of the flag of the United States of America.
i have respectfully, placed the "let freedom ring" logo below in order to stand in unity with those who struggle for freedom, "indivisible, for liberty and justice for all" and for the freedom for which all Americans and freedom fighters can feel secure in knowing are represented by the bright red, white and blue, star spangled banner, the United States of America Flag.


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.....for coming to this homepage. you are guest number . just kidding! just trying to bring a smile to your face! keep love alive!