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Profiled 10-04-00 at $4.62


This is one Company Profile that is worth the time it takes to read...The Growth Potential and Business Model that InsiderStreet currently utilizes has tremendous potential to generate explosive revenue growth in the short term...

Now is the time to look into InsiderStreet as it is well off its highs in the teens and the Proactive Advertising Market is beginning to Boom...Read the following Information Sheet that we have provided and you will agree that InsiderStreet is an emerging leader and is priced at an attractive accumulate price.

Now is the time to consider InsiderStreet... as all indicators suggest that this company is a prime candidate for a Nasdaq National Market application and is currently an overlooked gem on the!


Market Capitalization $47.1M

Shares Outstanding 9.31M

Float 900.0K

52-Week Low

on 2-Oct-2000 $4.00

Recent Price $4.75

52-Week High

on 5-Nov-1999 $14.875

InsiderStreet is a fully reporting public company on the OTCBB market under the symbol of NSDR. Our SEC filings and press releases may be found at

Internet advertising and e-commerce are projected to experience significant growth. The number of global internet users, according to International Data Corporation, Inc. is projected to grow from 196 million in 1999 to 399 million by 2002. Forrester Research, Inc. predicts that business marketers will spend $2.5 billion for online advertising by 2002. They also predict that B2B e-commerce is projected to grow from $406.2 billion in 2000 to $1.8 trillion by 2003 and $2.7 trillion by 2004. International Data Corporation, Inc. estimates that the number of persons accessing the Internet will reach 320 million by 2002 and that total e-commerce will approach $250 billion by 2002.

Current Mangement Comments

"From our beginnings as a specialized financial content provider we have always seen the value of diversifying and expanding into new markets through acquisition. This year we have moved the company into this direction by successfully acquiring two synergistic companies in high growth industries. Now, through our subsidiaries, Ebizstreet, Inc., and, Inc., has the ability to reach vertical niche markets with essentially the same customer profiles and thus lowering customer acquisition costs.

Through our subsidiary, we offer the latest in streaming entertainment video content, the latest reviews on movies and music, and one of the most complete selections of music, books and videos available on the Internet. Through our subsidiary, EbizStreet, we now offer the latest in computer hardware and software to the business-to-business, business-to-government and business-to-consumer markets."


("InsiderStreet" or "Company") is an aggregator and horizontal-marketing generator for its operating business units. The Company is in the business of acquiring synergistic companies in growth industries, integrating their business functions and cross-linking their marketing objectives. InsiderStreet is a fully reporting public company on the OTCBB market under the symbol of NSDR.

Founded in October of 1999, InsiderStreet began with the primary business of providing proactive financial services to small cap and bulletin board companies for the online investor market. In July of 2000, InsiderStreet acquired EbizStreet, Inc. ("EbizStreet") and is operated as a wholly owned subsidiary. EbizStreet is a value-added reseller of computer hardware and software to businesses, governments and consumers. In March of 2000, InsiderStreet acquired, Inc., ("EviewThis") an Internet retailer of entertainment products including music, movies and books. Highlights of the entities include the following:

is a direct marketer of information technology products and services primarily to business, government, educational and consumer users in the United States. EbizStreet sells a broad range of multi-brand microcomputer products, including hardware and peripherals, software, networking/communication products and accessories through knowledgeable sales account managers, tele-sales and through the internet ( and Over 30,000 products are offered from national distributors. EbizStreet was created in July 2000 through the merger of, Inc. and AMS Systems, Inc. Combined revenues for both entities were $36 million in 1999.

· InsiderStreet ( provides in-depth overviews about publicly traded companies and interviews with public company executives. It also creates specialized financial content and distributes this content to other financial based websites. InsiderStreet markets services through banner and opt-in email marketing and tele-sales.

( provides full entertainment content to include streaming movie trailers, pre-release movie and music reviews, interviews, and behind the scene reports on the entertainment industry. EviewThis has outsourced all of its order fulfillment and shipping operations in order to allow the Company to focus on core strengths of developing and enhancing online entertainment.


The Company has established relationships with leading companies across a variety of online and offline channels; discussions for other similar deals are pending. Some of the Company's existing partners and relationships are as follows:


Pandell Tech Works closely with management to tailor total solutions to specific business environments, including complete integration with back-end operational systems Compaq Largest supplier of computing systems in the world. Dell World's leading direct computer systems company Merisel Merisel supports the growth of its partners with expert technical support, business development services and logistics services Ingram Micro Industry leading fill rate and same-day shipping capabilities

InsiderStreet Objective news source focusing on OTC Bulletin Board companies TheFirstNews Provides financial news delivered in live audio. We have a co-branded page on our website to provide this service to our customers. Union Atlantic We use their investment services to raise capital for our client companies. Promotion Alert Identifies OTC companies that are being marketed by IR firms. Traders Press Offers investment books for sale online. Fairshare Plan to make public venture capital investing both affordable and available to the average investor. Our members are kept abreast of new IPO and investment opportunities from Fairshare.

Global Media Provides content and back-end product fulfillment DMC Cinema Acquired the Theater Radio Network and handles the distribution of commercials to the production of the images onto speakers. We provide a distribution channel for this partner. They provide us advertising through member theaters nationwide. Exodus Entertainment¤Provide 2D and 3D web based animation and broadcast and special effects. We feature the Game Room on the EviewThis site, which provides interactive reviews and interviews within the video game industry.


Independent business units vertically grow their core business. The Company selects businesses in growth industries with experienced executive staff whose mission is to expand and vertically grow the core business of the operating business unit. Each business unit must achieve revenue goals and operate independently from the parent. Integrate and cross-link each business unit. The Company realizes its full value when each business unit is fully integrated, sharing economies of scale, customers, resources, equipment, manpower, and e-commerce infrastructure. The Company has developed a unique cross-selling marketing strategy that enables each business unit to share members and customers. Continue synergistic acquisitions. The Company is actively evaluating new opportunities to further its Internet business strategy and also seek out opportunities to increase shareholder value through increased revenue and bottom line profits. Develop strategic alliances. InsiderStreet is developing relationships with key organizations and businesses that are involved in complementary product and service offerings and/or provide the Company with a wide audience of prospective customers. Content, Commerce & Community. The Internet properties of InsiderStreet present multiple channels of products and content. The Company is creating a large business-to-business affinity community based on the ideas of specialized content and products.


Continue to foster customer loyalty through superior customer service. The Company has invested in a sophisticated suite of electronic commerce tools, designed to increase the Company's ability to provide superior customer care. The Company has a flat management and operation structure that fosters fast response to customer issues. Offer a broad and balanced product mix. Currently, the Company offers more than 100,000 products from industry leading manufacturers and distributors. The Company maintains distributor relationships with multiple distributors to minimize the effects of fluctuation in supply and demand. Expand geographic coverage. The Company's future expansion strategy focuses on increasing market penetration in existing business-to-business and business-to-government markets and expanding into new geographic markets. The Company plans to increase its technically skilled sales force and locate representatives physically close to the largest accounts in the geographic target markets. The Company currently maintains operations in three regions nationally and has two nationally respected Internet Websites.

Exploit information systems. The Company has built a scalable, full-featured information system, SynerGy, which it believes is critical to its ability to deliver real-time information both internally and to customers. The Company's information systems provide the infrastructure that allows the implementation of a demand chain, customer-centric channel model. The website serves as a Business Center for customers, providing them 24/7 access to a myriad of information, including real-time pricing and availability, on-line ordering, order status, and an extensive product catalog that utilizes the top three distributors database of products.

Fulfill client and investor needs. Management believes that there is a niche of small cap and bulletin board companies that are good investments, run by strong management needing proactive marketing for investor exposure. Management also noted that there are communities of on-line investors searching for quality and factual information on emerging small cap and bulletin board companies. Our website allows investors to find investment information on small cap and bulletin board companies and enables these companies a vehicle to disseminate their stories to a large online investing audience. Manage database. Using technology that is the cornerstone of the Internet, coupled with an in-depth knowledge of the target market, has begun to create a database of individuals who are interested in investing. This database is created using a community model through the use of a free membership where members get access to InsiderStreet's array of services and email reports. Developing Strategic Partnerships. The Company has developed key partnerships that enable the Company to distribute its content further that its internal membership. This allows for further marketing and promotion of the site with little or no cost.

Content. Through the online store, the Company offers entertainment-focused content ranging from music and entertainment news to interviews with artists and authors, biographies and lists of their works. The Company also offers content in formats designed to enhance the customer's shopping experience, such as music clips that customers may sample before ordering CDs. To create an online experience that will encourage customers to return, the Company offers free give-away promotions, works with movie studios to sponsor movie previews and offers message boards. Utilize Content to Sell Product. The Company utilizes entertainment content to wrap around products. The Company features stories, reviews and interviews of artists and markets current and past product lines based on the story, interview or review. This type of content marketing allows the site to be more than just an entertainment retailer by offering daily information on the entertainment industry. Convenience. The online store and those of our horizontal stores may be reached from wherever the customer has access to the Web, such as the home or office. Customers may shop 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Global Media, the Company's contracted fulfillment company, delivers directly to the customer's home or office. Selection. Without the inventory or shelf-space limitations of physical retailers, the Company offers a large selection of CDs, videos, DVDs and books and will expand that selection as we add more fulfillment partners. The Company also plans to become involved in new forms of distribution of entertainment products, such as direct download of audio files, and intend to offer complementary products and services, such as magazine subscriptions and concert and event ticket sales.



The microcomputer products industry is highly fragmented. If all of the buyers and suppliers were aggregated it would not make up a material amount of the buying power in the market place. The Company competes with a variety of resellers of microcomputer and related products as well as manufacturers that sell direct to customers. In the hardware category, the Company competes with traditional and Internet microcomputer retailers, computer superstores, consumer electronic and office supply superstores, mass merchandisers, national direct marketers, corporate resellers and value-added resellers.

The Company is set between two sets of main competitors, either very large firms or small regional firms. EbizStreet continues to successfully win and retain customers because of the Company's customer centric organizational make-up. This includes a flat organization where decisions that can affect a customer can be made quickly and response time shortened to hours instead of days.

There are 10 plus investor relations' websites that could be considered competition for The Company's management does not take into account those sites that do not fully disclose fees, or make misleading statements about their clients. One could also consider other traditional investor relation firms as competition. Many of these firms work directly with brokers for road shows and the print media. This area of competition is shrinking due to the online investing boom and the fact that many new investors are looking for their own investment opportunities.

Management believes that is well positioned to be the leader in the industry. The trend for the investor relations industry is to become more proactive in nature, seeking out individual investors and providing information in a time sensitive manner.

Because on-line retailers or entertainment products incur a fraction of the costs for physical space and personnel and have almost unlimited "virtual" shelf-space, they can offer consumers a broader range of product categories, and selections within those categories, than can physical retailers. In addition, online retailers can provide consumers with a wide range of useful and entertaining information as part of the online shopping experience, such as interviews with authors or artists, book, music or video reviews, discographies and other lists of artists' works, historical perspectives and feedback form other consumers.

The online shopping experience can be interactive, such as giving consumers the opportunity to provide their own personal reviews or products that they have bought. Online retailing also offers the opportunity to increase communities of like-minded consumers. Finally, online retailers can also use technology to instantaneously gauge and respond to a particular consumer's interests, such as offering online recommendations or suggestions by e-mail of other products the consumer may be interested in based on the buying patterns of customers who bought the same product or information provided by the consumer about his or her interests.

Many online retailers of entertainment merchandise provide a hopping experience that, while convenient, informative and offering a wide selection of products, fail to fully deliver on entertainment value. Certain strategic relationships between online retailers and multimedia content delivery companies have attempted to create a blending online commerce and entertainment experience, but these initiatives are often limited in the product selection offered on the content deliverer's Web site and give a "piecemeal" impression to consumers, who are exposed to multiple companies' brands and Web site "look-and-feel" as part of the shopping/entertainment experience.


The Internet has emerged as an attractive medium for advertising and e-commerce. Along with the impressive overall growth of the Internet, business-to-business usage of the Internet has also grown rapidly. Increasingly, businesses are leveraging the Internet's ability to reach customers globally, deliver personalized content and open new distribution channels. Recently, the widespread adoption of intranets and the acceptance of the Internet as a business communications platform has created a foundation for business-to-business e-commerce that offers the potential to address structural inefficiencies of the traditional marketplace: streamline complex processes, lower costs and improve productivity. It can also provided new opportunities such as increase seller reach and buyer access, eliminate intermediaries and provide previously unavailable information.

Internet advertising and e-commerce are projected to experience significant growth. The number of global internet users, according to International Data Corporation, Inc. is projected to grow from 196 million in 1999 to 399 million by 2002. Forrester Research, Inc. predicts that business marketers will spend $2.5 billion for online advertising by 2002. They also predict that B2B e-commerce is projected to grow from $406.2 billion in 2000 to $1.8 trillion by 2003 and $2.7 trillion by 2004. International Data Corporation, Inc. estimates that the number of persons accessing the Internet will reach 320 million by 2002 and that total e-commerce will approach $250 billion by 2002.


InsiderStreet is a fully reporting public company on the OTCBB market under the symbol of NSDR. Our SEC filings and press releases may be found at

The acquisition of EbizStreet, Inc. by InsiderStreet on July 27, 2000 is recorded under the purchase accounting method and accordingly prior revenues are not recorded on the (unaudited) nine month consolidated financials statements as of July 31, 2000.

However, had the acquisition taken place as of November 1, 1999 the revenues and net loss would have been as follows:

Financial (unaudited) information provided as of July 31, 2000

Total proforma revenues: $16,705,223

Net loss $ 4,950,000

Total Assets $25,277,261


R."Corky" Miller, Chief Executive Officer and President, Mr. Miller has served as president & CEO of the Company since inception. Before joining the Company, Mr. Miller was executive Vice President & Co-founder of NEXTDigital, Inc. a Florida based Internet development and consulting company. While at NEXTDigital, Mr. Miller worked with clients such as Oracle Corporation, Transition Optical, Jabil Circuit and other large multi-national corporations. Mr. Miller spent most of his career in the telecommunications industry from start-up to IPO phases.

Albert M. Narvades, Chief Financial Officer, Mr. Narvades has served as the CFO of the Company since September 2000. Before joining the Company, Mr. Narvades was the Chief Operating Officer for 1st Internet Group, Inc. a Florida based financial services firm with subsidiaries serving the retail brokerage and online trading industry, online insurance and corporate accounting. Prior to 1st Internet Group, Inc., Mr. Narvades was an Audit Manager with the Entrepreneurial Services Group of Ernst & Young serving various high growth and SEC companies from 1994 through January 2000. He earned a Master of Accounting and Bachelor of Science in Accounting from the Fisher School of Accounting at the University of Florida. Mr. Narvades is a Florida Certified Public Accountant since 1995.

Albert M. Narvades, Chief Financial Officer




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The information contained herein is based upon sources which we consider reliable but is not guaranteed by or its officers, employees or affiliated partners. provides information only, this is not meant to be a recommendation to buy or sell the profiled security, nor is this an offer to buy or sell the security. The publishers of The are not investment advisors and are not acting in any way to influence the purchase or sale of the security. Before purchasing or selling any security profiled, it is encouraged and recommended that you consult a stockbroker or other registered financial advisor. The reader must understand that the companies we select involve a high degree of investment risk. Potential investors must understand that they may lose all or a portion of their investment due to the risk involved. does not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the information displayed in the "company spotlight" section of our web site. By viewing the information displayed in our "company spotlight" section of our web site you understand that is not liable for any losses, damages, monetary or otherwise, that may occur due to the content of this profile. reserves the right to purchase or sell shares of the company's stock on a voluntary basis in the open market during or after the profiled period.

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