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The Financial Ad Trader
The Financial Ad Trader


11-01-00...Two of our Momentum Favorites are Hot today...ICGE and CMGI both up and very active...Member mail favorites are JAWZ and NETM...

10-31-00...SNOW continues to build momentum...No further news yet...Momentum Favorite PPRO up 30% today as it recovers from recent declines...

Momentum Alerts coming back into service today...Pre-Open today SNOW climbing in early trading on News of expansion and rumors of takeover...Members Pages will be brought up to date today.

10-26-00...No momentum so far today as investors continue to express broad concerns...AFFI news...ICGE news...

10-25-00...EVOK beats the street afterhours...

Gave COVD another mention this morning in pre-open on Member Sentiment that COVD should be played on any selling and it has turned out very well for several of went as low as $5.88 and then spiked to over $7...Not a bad play in this down market.

Todays mail alert concerns EGGS and ETYS...

Shop 'til you drop. Christmas spending online and offline will always influence investors' appetite for risk. An explosion in computer-based shopping might be the holiday tonic that will lift severely depressed electronic retailers such as eTtoys (ETYS: news, msgs). Or it might be the death knell. Traditional retailers such as The Gap (GPS: news, msgs), which is active in Europe and Britain, also might benefit from Christmas. This much is certain: markets worldwide will have figured out the holiday effect by early December, a full month before retail spending figures arrive for the Christmas season.

10-24-00...Shortly after mid-day the Momentum began to fade...Member Mail is focused on RTHM news pending...Also seconday alert DSLN getting quite a bit of mail today...RTHM coming all the way back down as Nasdaq cools off late in the day...DSLN hold onto a 19% gain.

Today we managed to narrow the pre-open alert down to one stock! RTHM got the pre-open alert...Opened at $4 and looks like we may have another big winner as volume and price increasing at 10:30est....DSLN mentioned in pre-open report as well on the Watch.

10-23-00...Several of our stocks were on fire today....EGGS---EGOV---EWBX---Pre-Open report on COVD being undervalued brought in over 30 million volume...Target Alert Stock NCNT up 21% on its first day of 10 day alert...PSIX doing very well...

10-20-00...Todays Pre Open Alert TDFX finished up strong and is trying to break $4 in afterhours.

Yesterdays Alert BFRE trading above $4 this morning....PSIX and TDFX both attempting to move higher on volume....PSIX getting quite a bit of member mail as many picked it up in low $5's and CNBC mentioning PSIX under-valuation today has it moving higher...

10-19-00...BFRE ends up #1 gainer on Nasdaq on a day of broad Tech Rally...Virtually all of the stocks that we have been watching for past couple of weeks are recovering well today...

Todays Pre-Open Alert BFRE opened at $3.12...Then came down into $2.80 range for a good entry point...

The 10-08 alert IFMX finally paying off on the member expected positive quarterly news....

10-18-00...Another day of wild price swings...Most stocks plummeted in early trading only to finish up where they were at to begin with...USIX remains the #1 member mail stock, followed by ORCL and CMGI and ICGE...

10-17-00....Markets all turning south after the open today....Recent winnerS USIX and ORCL can not resist the negative current....SSFT after opening strong is lower as the Nasdaq comes back down again....JWEB and NCNT on the upside, both receiving venture capital investments....

10-16-00...USIX continues positive activity today...Momentum Favorite TFSM taking a giant leap toward recovery today...TFSM up 50%...ORCL hitting $37 but coming down in mixed trading....

10-15-00...Newest Target Alert Stock is in Members Area....Don't miss checking this one out at current price!

10-13-00...Target Alerted stock ORCL may not take the 30 days to reach its $39 target if the market remains positive....USIX trading slightly higher in afterhours tonite...

...Target Stock ORCL---DELL and AAPL all this pre-open..USIX getting intra-day alert on unusual activity today...USIX breakout alert at $3 1/2 on buying...

10-12-00....After a big open Nasdaq is in turmoil again today...New Target Alert on a B2B PowerHouse that will revoloutionize the way business is done in the 21st Century....See Members Area for details....INTW intra-day alerted at $3 3/4 on $20 million dollar investment news...

10-11-00...Today ACCL is the hot topic as it continues to climb in the face of overwhelming negative tech sentiment...ACCL first mentioned as an intra-day alert at $12 7/16 is breaking $16 today...

On the O.T.C. Stocks of interest are PDEO and TMRO...Both in mixed and lite trading today...

10-10-00...No alerts today as the Nasdaq lost another 100 point block...The recent stock alerts PLCN---EEEE---ICGE---CMGI and BottomFish Stocks ACCL and TFSM all active and up for the most part today...

For those of you interested in SANE ONLINE INVESTING check ShareBuilder

10-09-00...Despite another ugly Nasdaq PCLN and EEEE are showing some strength...Pre-Open alert for today EEEE getting some attention on product announcement and may move higher if the trend becomes positive in overall market.

CMGI and ICGE as well as VERT all making positive moves today....CMGI was part of the pre-open alert on news of insider buying and their firm commitment to hold internet stocks.....ICGE was in the scrolling text box in members area this morning on positive pre-open activity....and VERT is a members interest stock....

10-08-00...Fridays only play was the pre-open on IFMX...Open $4 3/16 high of $ 1/2...Decent considering the overall state of the markets...Stock of the Week NSDR also up on news...

10-05-00....Members looking for the bottom on PCLN today as it fell into the $5's....NTPA and WBVN are also active issues today....Several members got into NTPA today at $13 1/2 range and it hit high of $14 3/16...NTPA has a sudden plunge near the end of the day to close at $13 1/8...

10-04-00...No alerts today...very little member mail...Yesterdays alerted stock CORL managed to add a few % again today....New Stock of the Week NSDR getting very little attention on news...

10-03-00...Todays Pre-Open CORL was called for a dip after the open down into the +40% range...This dip occured as anticipated and the stock is trading up on heavy volume of over 15 million so far today...Many member mails coming in from those who were patient and waited for the after-open sell off and are now up a 1/2 point of more....Our current Stock of the Week MBAY is having a good day today despite the mixed trading on the Nasdaq... We are going to feature a new Stock of the Week tomorrow at the open...

10-02-00...Todays Pre-Open Alert on CICI on increasing acceptance of the e@signature...The stock opened at $2.72 and went as high as $3.09 before following the Nasdaq traditional sell off...Nasdaq losing another 100+ points again today and taking the momentum out of all positive stock moves...

The Financial Ad Trader
The Financial Ad Trader

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