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MAY 30 00...Alot of guessing on BAANF buyout price, getting some wild numbers from rumor sources of $12 plus...Most analyst saying $4 to $4.75...But we feel still that our original range of $5.25 to $5.50 is reliable...BAANF is not in a position in which they needed this buyout, They wanted it, but it is not a forced issue, Also, we hear that more than one company was interested in BAANF...So, the deal should be mildly sweet...

Our stock of the week of April 19th, ADTM was the hottest stock in afterhours today on still more China expansions...

We are sure you are about tired of hearing about BAANF, Since we alerted it at $1 1/2 it has been about our only topic,,,But,,,The news is finally coming in on the take-over and it looks to us like a minimum price range of $5.25 to $5.50...Potentially, the offer could be higher if non-materials like future potentials and European Internet growth rates get figured into the equation...Anyway, looks like we should be able to finally put BAANF story to rest very soon and move on to something else...

INGE up on buying volume again...member mail alert...Since we first mentioned INGE on the 24th, it has held steady and continues to get the buys...Looking stronger everyday, expect it to be added to wathlist today...

...After having Pre-market activity for the first time in a long time, WIRX not getting much action...Opened up 10% and now fading...BAANF down 8%, on mostly mixed trading...LTWO up on news...

MAY 28 00...Still getting quite alot of mail on BAANF...We are working behind the scenes this holiday to help bring the best alert for Tuesday, which most sources feel is going to be a strong open with sustained buying next week...

MAY 26 00...Lost our tracking this morning...Back online now...not much happening so far today...The news on BAANF is very interesting in that ORCL+MSFT+CA are all mentioned...So, BAANF is still at the top of our list of potential gainers...Watchlist stock CNRS is also having continued unusual activity...


BAANF high of 3 3/4ths was a 122% gain...And if the rumors are true, BAANF has potential to be our first double bullseye by going up another 100%+ tomorrow...It will be interesting to see, we tracked multiple large block buys on it today...ASTM couldn't hold up, especially late in the day on the Nasdaq selling...ACEI had no action after it ran up yesterday in afterhours...EGOV up another 13% after being much higher earlier, it has just been unstoppable...Also...we have alot of mail today...more than we have had in a long time...Rest assured that we are adding ALL of your stock tips to our list, and will be keeping a close eye on them, some of you are really helping us out, your tips are very good ones...

Update on AMEX---BDL. Todays second alert on BAANF is flying on speculation of pending merger/aquisition news...ASTM not able to sustain its rally so far, but ASTM has tremendous potential in the stem cell sector and we are sure it will be in the news more...ACEI looks like it was just getting kicked around by daytraders in afterhours yesterday,,,it is back to its original price today...but we still have high expectations for ACEI and China developements...

MAY 24 00...Our Special pre-open alert ACEI is up big in afterhours, over $2...Intra-day alert BAANF looks very promising for European growth and is in recovery mode, BAANF was a $50 dollar stock in 98...and a solid $12 to $15 dollar stock just 6 months ago...We feel BAANF has explosive potential...BAANF up another 3/32 in afterhours...Also yesterdays only alert was the pre-open on EGOV, and it was hot again today, closing up another 18%...INGE up another 27%...Thanks for all of the mail...Congrats to all of you EGOV holders, some of you picked it up when we added it to the watchlist and are up almost $5 dollars a share in a week...NOT BAD!!! Especially in this nervous market...Now, if we can just get a broad-based small cap tech rally...

MAY 23 00...Special Alert for tomorrows pre-open, 15 minutes before the open...

EGOV did very well today right from the open, Nasdaq was terrible again and is in a real rut...So, todays 10% to 20% gain on EGOV was much appreciated by those of you who stopped in for the alert this morning...Got member mail today from several of you...Got mail on INGE going higher...

Back online...Looks like Friday and Monday were sellers days...Todays alert EGOV is attracting some buyers in pre-market...

MAY 19 00...Alerts will resume on Tuesday...Stock of the week next wednesday...Good luck everybody!

MAY 18 00...Not much to talk about today, Investors continue to sit on the sidelines...Pre-open Alerted stock PETM finished where it started today...ECTL looks very interesting, but with the negative market it couldn't sustain the breakout...One of our favorites, ASTM made a good run today...And ACEI broke out late on its news. ACEI NEWS.

MAY 17 00...What a lousy action even in the big news stocks...INTXA got nowhere on its new B2B news...AWEB active but not much of a move...TCLN was blah...DBCC got a little action...EGGS broke out at the end of the day...GSTX got hammered on the Toronto Exchange...LCOS is giving internet a bad name today...VCST is a mystery, big buys and a small run after that, but then nothing...

Tracked 2 institutional size buys on VCST, 100,000 & 60,000+ at the ask of 3 1/8ths...VCSTW looks like it may be a warrant play...

GSTX trading in Toronto at around 0.45...If this market turns upward we are hearing that AWEB could be the hot play for today, alot of activity on it on AOL news...

In response to mail on GSTX...TWTC offers 450 million for GSTX assets...GSTX filing ch 11...The value of GSTX upon resumption of trading is still very speculative...We are hearing numbers ranging from 0.00 to 4.25 and us "little people" will be the last to know what is happening behind the scenes...If and When it resumes trading our advice is to follow the big money.

Nasdaq negative so far today,,,GSTX halted on buyout of assets/bankruptcy news...AWEB trying to rally despite the Nasdaq...INTXA not getting much action on their news...So far it is just a negative day...No big news driving the markets...

MAY 16 00...GSTX picking up a little in after-hours...Alot of you have, and are doing well with this stock since last weeks alert...The rumor mill is active on GSTX and news is expected by many...It had over 6 million shares traded today and we will be tracking it closely for tomorrow...

Looks like both alerted stocks GSTX and VUSA finish up 11% after running higher intra-day...

Getting some mail on " Why didn't you alert SRCH this morning?"...It is just because we are trying to avoid getting burned on those pre-market run ups, SRCH was opening up well above its previous close and GSTX and VUSA looked active and were still within a reasonable range...And as of this time, both GSTX and VUSA are getting respectable action...But, good luck and congrats to those of you who took SRCH this morning... Call us Gun shy...

MAY 15 00...GSTX the big winner again...This re-bounder just keeps going and going up despite all of the odds...NEXL and DRAX both retaining their strength pretty well...XYBR opened strong and then sank fast and that was the end of the day for it...LOCK is waiting for gun safety news and it doesn't seen to want to move until there is news...GSTX block buy has really got the speculators talking, so it will probably be on the list again tomorrow...Now I will confess the really heartbreaking news,,,We tracked AQLA this morning and passed on it...OUCH!!! It would have been Bullseye #6...

Nasdaq once again is stealing the momentum...LOCK active on anticipation of news related to the million mom march and all of the spotlight that gun safety is currently getting...NEXL & DRAX holding onto some of their gains in the face of sell pressure...XYBR is fighting against the wind...Nervous market is waiting for word from Greenspan on interest rate adjustment...

Getting quite alot of feedback on GSTX so here is the GSTX FACT SHEET. And it looks even more under-valued to us after looking the fact sheet over, but it is still a speculative play on their potential Bankruptcy...

We have had more mail than usual this w-end, which is a good sign that investor interest is returning! Getting some good leads for this coming week and we are shooting for another Bullseye!

MAY 14 00...Affiliate site has updated their site in anticipation of their Grand Opening, It takes awhile for the pages to load, but if your an online shopper, it has a Unique Stores Page that I actually got some good ideas at, And I am not an online shopper...Yet...I suppose we will all be Shopping online soon enough for everything from Groceries to Car Parts...This site is growing fast and has just about everything covered...

MAY 13 00...Member mail on XYBR was heavy today, alot of talk about expected press releases for next week...JWEB,OSFT,JBOH and TCPI as well as ENON getting some mail today...IMON too...

See new additions to the watchlist...ENON and CNRS...European Internet stock ENON is well off its high of $33...Internet B2B CNRS is well off its high of $12...When that sunny day comes and small cap techs are the hottest things around, these two companies, as well as the rest of our watchlisted stocks, will be where the action is. Also JWEB is so far off its high of $87 that it is now a small cap, and is firmly placed onto our watchlist at $8 dollars per share!

MAY 12 00...Congrats to those of you who are holding this mornings alerted stock DRAX, it is up big in afterhours trading, last trade 3 5/8...

Very little volume in the Market today, DRAX was a good play for 1/2 point this morning, Looks like further marketing of their cancer therapy is the reason for the activity...GSTX still getting heavy speculative action...AFFI trying to break 1 1/8ths today...But overall this is a very slow trading day.

Special Alert on IMON

MAY 11 00...Pre-open alerted stock XYBR was good if you got in at the open price of 11 1/16 and out at 12...It was not as active as we thought is should be on the big IBM news...Market still has a hangover from the big crash of April...IMON was a good play within an hour of the alert at 1 1/2 or less, Alerted at 1 15/32 and went as high as 1 13/16...Thanks to member mail for bringing IMON&INTC connection to our attention...And as any of you know who have been around here for awhile, we think IMON will be a big winner on emerging technology...EWEB up on analyst comments about European internet being the hot growth sector...The bottom fish GSTX had huge volume again today and finished down 5%, it was down 20%+ at one point but came back up on heavy speculative buying...PSI moving today...

European E-Commerce Hotter than China??? That is what we are hearing...See Watchlisted stock EWEB.

Good News! Tech/Internet stocks are rated a Buy across the Board...We are going to be back in Action Soon!

MAY 10 00...Not much action in todays afterhours, BYND has been acting up the past two days in extended hours...ICOM,PAGEE,GSTX all steady in afterhours....No word yet on FTEK activity...Today the Nasdaq closed down 200 points...

Market remaining in a down trend this afternoon...Noticed PAGEE once again getting alot of 50,000+ share buy orders filled, but the stock continues a downward trend...GSTX is very active on their possible bankruptcy news...ICOM snuffed out by the Nasdaq selling...

MAY 9 00...No action today, very negative market all day long...NEXL finished up at very close to $6 in afterhours so far...TCPI down .09 ...CNRS looking good, but no rally on it in this lack luster enviroment that we had today...ADTM having a little action today on yet another China venture, ADTM is going to be huge winner someday...TRAC perking up...BIKR unusual activity in afterhours, PHYC acting up a tad...Also, CNRS and FoodGalaxy, This is going to be a real revenue generator in the not so distant future, This is the new business supply model in the food service industry and CNRS has got their foot firmly in the door, CNRS will be a big winner someday...Well, hopefully tomorrow will be a more exciting day.

CVCL on the O.T.C. bulletin board, Last trade was at 0.70...No more info is available at this time...No press release or any info from company!

MAY 8 00...Pre-open alerted stock TCPI is doing well, but there may be more to the story.TCPI opened 1 1/16 high of 1 5/16 close at 1 3/16...So, TCPI was a very good play today in light of the negative market conditions...For those of you holding TCPI it could be moving even more soon according to several speculative sources...No word yet on CVCL, very mysterious situation...CVCL has just vanished without a trace!

MAY 7 00...Our O.T.C. area is up and will continue to grow quickly...Please visit the "Opinion Page" and vote in the 2 polls we have there...

Silicon Investor discussion of IMON.

MAY 6 00...CVCL is dominating the member mail so far...Demand for O.T.C. stocks is growing, so we will be opening an O.T.C. research area very soon...We will begin to focus some attention on the O.T.C. stocks, but our main focus is still Nasdaq small cap market...

Looks like the small caps are beginning to make a come back, I expect we will be heating up again soon...Member mail is the most important aspect of our network, all of those eyes and ears working the market for the benefit of us all...Keep it coming...

MAY 5 00...PAGEE, despite trading 1.5 million shares in first hour today, couldn't move the price...CVCL very active and some of you did well with it, Looks like it could be hot again on Monday with all of the speculation that is going around...NEXL, as mentioned in e-mail was on the big gainer list...PILL active but down slightly...Stock of the Week PCTH at the buy in price of 1 17/32...EMUS went up another dollar today in early tradiing but sold off the rest of the day...So, as it stands right now, CVCL looks good going into next week, Also we expect to see DAOU on the charts on Monday...

In response to mail on EMUS, we have the same rumor from 2 sources that an expansion of this AOL+EMUS agreement is the cause of all the hoopla.

MAY 4 00...Pre-open alert on ELEC opened at 3 3/16 and went up to 3 5/8 for a nice gain, it cooled off fast though and really did not do as well as we thought it would on very good news...Intra-day alert on EMUS was a great play, at time of posting it was at 3 1/4 or less and it went to 4+ for a big gain...All in All a very good day!

MAY 3 00...Not much action today, PILL held up reasonably well considering the state of the market today -8%...GTGO only had 19000 shares traded and finished at -3%...CYPB snuffed out by the negative market...FNCM showing unusual positive action today and looks like they are getting some attention due to their quarterly report...AIPN added to most requested list...ENON member mail as well...

RMKR added to most requested list.

Got member mail about GTGO on the rise, did some checking and sure enough there is speculation that they may have landed their first marketing agreement with a bigname ISP...All speculation as of now, see GTGO NEWS...3 of our watchlist stocks doing well today,,,COPY---UVEW---EMUS.

MAY 2 00...PILL = BULLSEYE at high of 2 3/4 +118%...This bodes well for small caps in general!...ASTM finished up only 15% on potential very big news for their future...Nasdaq slammed down for 170+...

PILL is under complete market maker control, buying has been very heavy with at least 18 buys of 20,000+, at one point 100,000 shares were bought and then a 100 share sell order dropped the price....We are not sure how to interpet this action, the usual motto is to follow the big money, and the big money is buying PILL, despite the obvious manipulation.

PILL news out again, now saying that they are entering a standstill agreement with stockholders...PILL is going to very active today and very speculative with this latest news...ASTM and HMGN and JBOH all active on news.

PILL news is out, and sell off verified as a margin call action...We expect PILL to be on the big gainer list tomorrow. PILL NEWS

ENON has interesting news...

MAY 1 00...NETX was by far the best play today, a solid 1 dollar gainer...AQIS opened too high and was a tough play...PILL selling off on heavy volume and increasing rumors and speculation,The company looks solid to us, and there is alot of talk about PILL insiders selling to cover their margins etc...Looks like some kind of news should break on it soon, the company is obviously aware of the unusual activity...We still like it as a bottomfish under $2 for the short term... Want to mention CARH on the otc, have 2 member mails on it and it looks interesting...Also we are going to refresh the most requested stocks list every month so that we keep it current, so if you have a stock you would like to see there just mail it in...

APRIL 29 00...ProxyMed (PILL) is on the research page under the "Free Stock Rumors" Button...Could get interesting.

APRIL 28 00...Getting alot of member tips on NETX.