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JUNE 29 00... After a negative open and morning...Nasdaq picking up a tad mid-day...CLST picking up some volume at +7%...Member mail on SBAS and GMGC,,,those are about the only stocks from the Momentum Website with any positive action today....SBAS continues up from June 13th alert price of $6...

A bit of good advice from a member....

In your e-mail today you repeated a note you had received from someone who wrote, ³....I wonder why I paid the $50.00 for the Gold Membership²..... I wrote to say that I had been following Momentum Traders for about 3 weeks before I sent in my $50.00 for the Gold Membership.

I am a small investor starting with $4,000.00 and I made my $50.00 back and then some on just one of your picks!! And, have made a good bit more on my small investment on some of your other picks. I have done so by using limit orders and shooting for one-eighth to one quarter gain and not hoping for the moon on every stock pick.

I am well satisfied with your picks and the amount I have made on them. Also, I wonder if the people who are doing the complaining realize that penny stocks are risky??

I am not a seasoned stock trader but I would advise folks to do use the following: Limit Orders, shoot for a little less gain, Limit Orders, donıt be greedy, Limit Orders, have patience and AGAIN USE LIMIT ORDERS.

JUNE 28 00...Pre-open EEEE was a dog all day long....nothing but red ink....Intra-day alert WAVO is undecided, WAVO has history of big breakouts.....Feature stocks EGRP & TFSM showing strength today....Overall, a good day for the Nasdaq, and a bad day for small caps!

JUNE 27 00...SOCT continues to build up...Not much reaction yet on Fed decision...Most techs idle...

Pre-open alert SOCT slowly building up so far this morning...Been keeping an eye on SOCT since their profile on CNBC...Recent internal developments are positive and SOCT has alot of potential short term....CNRS not paying off on rumored news yet....TRAC no further news.....Last weeks alert CORL active and up today....former Bullseye stock PILL is up.....Last weeks PCTH up and active....

JUNE 26 00...Pre-open TRAC ends up today at 1 5/8 +23%...CNRS lost 10% on no news...Not really alot of activity today on the eve of the Fed Decision....

(MID-DAY)Well,,,PCTL showing strength today....TRAC is still in holding pattern and speculation is on if and when company press release will come...Is there more to the story etc...

Pre-open alert TRAC holding onto gains so far on heavy volume...Last Weeks alerted stock PCTL going higher today...CNRS coming down on no news, continued news watch on CNRS.

JUNE 23 00...So good to see CYPH moving,,,it has been on watchlist forever it seems and some of our most active members got killed holding through this market decline...lots of smiles for CYPH...

Well, looks like we did see some positive action today afterall....Notice CFON is active today as well....been very busy today, sorry for not updating some of the text areas....and not answering mail ...been working hard on behind the scenes info gathering...

Nasdaq and AMZN are raining on the parade today...CNRS off to a strong start...At this point 10:20est...I think we will see some positive action yet today...


Speed is golden and highly profitable for investors and providers. Three million Americans have wireless Internet access now. In five years, that figure will grow to 50 million or more. With this growth comes a bounty of investment opportunities. "The next five years will be awesome for the farsighted investor," Rowe says. "They will be very similar to the last five years of enormous wealth building. The best low- risk investments will continue to be in the Internet, technology and wireless telecommunications sectors." So which stocks are going to be the "Blue Chips of the Future?" In the current issue of The Wall Street Digest, Rowe reveals ten bargain-priced tech stocks that will lead Internet Revolution. Among these soon-to-be tech giants is Nokia (NOK), the global leader in wireless telecommunications. A pioneer in mobile telephony, Nokia is the world's leading mobile phone supplier and a top supplier of mobile and fixed telecom networks and services. Nokia's products are designed to meet the diverse needs of wireless, fixed, and convergent environments. Also on the list is Digital Lightwave (DIGL), which provides the fiber-optic networking industry -- the backbone of the Internet--with products and technology that monitor and manage fiber-based voice, data, and multimedia communication networks. Over the last several years, telecommunication protocols and transmission technologies have advanced dramatically. For the past two quarters, the company reported increased earnings of 333% and 317%, and increased sales of 129% and 110%. "Internet growth is bursting at the seams," Rowe adds, You should be a buyer, not a seller, in this market. Over the next five years, hundreds and possibly thousands of millionaires and billionaires will be created."

JUNE 22 00...Former stock of the week, and alerted last week PCTH--NEWS...Agilent Selects Pacific Aerospace & Electronics for High Frequency Microwave Switch Packages

Our Members Watchlist SBAS is cooking today on volume and price!

Alot of member mail coming in today...AFFI #1 topic,,,alot of speculation about AFFI and a suspected voice application tech, and GMGC being so hot on IBM news...We are getting Alot of our favorite kind of mail from those of you who have been in GMGC since last weeks alerts!!! Congrats and Thanks...

Pre-Open Alert AFFI maintaining some action so far today...Speculation Building...Last weeks alert GMGC is Hot!....WBVN very active on analysts coverage news...PCTL and ALMI steady so far....AMMB is down on very low volume after yesterdays 1.3 million shares traded....

JUNE 21 00...Another alerted stock up big,,,Last weeks alerted stock PCTL up 25% on new c.e.o. news today...

Looks like we find out what the unusual activity was about on ALMI yesterday...Yesterday's alert ALMI moving higher on news today...

Mid-day AMMB holding up on about 4 times normal volume...IOM getting some member mail...Much alerted stock EGGS getting some good news today, but we know how hard it is to get that one to move, but, yet another positive sign...

Pre-Open alert AMMB is up on heavy volume, technically speaking, AMMB has a book value greater than MSFT, We have received speculation on AMMB buyout, but nothing solid...And their news yesterday seems to confirm AMMB's viability as a going concern.

JUNE 20 00...Large Cap Techs beginning to really enter a recovery mode,,,Indicator stocks like RHAT--MSFT--YHOO--all positve action today...This bodes well for all techs...

Nasdaq cooling off some at Mid-day...Some of you are seeing huge potential in the IMON Internet T.V. Station...We have to agree, Institutional buying is listed as up on IMON also...

A suprise to us here,,,alot of you are still using our old front page,,,the one with the big red stop sign on it...This front page was replaced about 3 weeks need to manually type in our address,,, and then re-save us to your favorites list...

We are swamped with mail about GOLD MEMBERSHIPS, we will wait to the end of trading today and put together a list of answers to the most frequent questions and place it on front page....Please be patient...we will begin our service upgrades this w-end for next weeks trading...

Alot of you happy about GMGC since last weeks alert, it continues heavy volume...ALMI in a similar breakout pattern now... IMON NEWS UPDATE.

JUNE 19 00...Last weeks alerted stock GMGC continues its climb, got quite a bit of member mail from those of you who are holding it, CONGRATS...Todays Pre-Opens IMON and MCLL up on volume and price from the Open...Feature Stock CNRS looking strong today...All in All a good day for Momentum and Small Caps...CFON fading out with no news...

Mid-DAY---IMON 1.4 million shares traded and upside momentum holding...MCLL continues strength...Feature Stock CNRS building on news...Previous alerted stocks popping up today, VVUS--IPIC...

Pre-Open stocks IMON and MCLL...IMON open 1 1/8 high 1 5/16, currently showing signs of firming at 1 3/16ths...News today on Sony Product Marketing, and IMON still has news expected on further development of their Internet T.V. Products...MCLL is a strong player today even if you bought it at open of 6 1/8...CFON is idle with no news yet...GMGC continues its strength...PCTL holding up...EGGS slipping down,,,many analyst are holding their breath for news of the fed interest rate plan...

A few days ago we added a new stock to the Members Feature Stocks Area, well,,,Guess we weren't the only ones who like this company!!!Citing 24/7 Media's aggressive development of ever-more sophisticated technology, Prudential Securities initiates coverage with a "strong buy" rating. Prudential says TFSM is a leader in online advertising

JUNE 18 00...Got a member mail today that I want to share with you...

Zombieman, you're the greatest! Keep up the good work. You're the only web adviser I trust. BTW, did you see the SMARTMONEY.COM report about the CNBC program "Emerging Company Report"? Incredible. It's hard to trust anyone in this business!

Yes, there is a darkside to this market, and it is dominant, fear and greed are the driving factors, Momentum Traders Network is the place to be if you want honest opinions and analysis...We may be wrong sometimes, but we only make honest mistakes! As long as I am in charge here at Momentum, you can Trust that we have NO hidden agenda with any of our stock alerts...The foundation that this website and its members stand on is Trust...We are going to have set-backs...We are going to make bad picks...but at least we play on a level playing field here...

JUNE 16 00...Pre-Open alert CFON turned into a dog today, losing 20% of yesterdays gains...Hopefully, 1/2 of the reports that we have on CFON will come true and it will have good news Monday...EGGS is a tuff stock to move, this was its second alert this week, we started covering it at 3 1/4 and then today at 3 5/8 and millions of shares later it is still in 3 1/2 range...PCTL rebound still looks good, finishing up 27%...PCTH finished at high and 21% gain...

EGGS firming up a bit, CFON coming down on lite volume to the sell side...Block trade alert on PCTL at 2 5/8 at 12:25est...Former stock of the week PCTH active today...

Markets opened strong across the boards today, but then profit-takers came in and snuffed out the positive beginning...Looks like at this time though that the buyers are overpowering the sellers, so stay tuned...CFON #1 in mail room today...alot of rumors on further agreements such as the one they just announced with Vid Net...EGGS very active, but not much price of a price move,,,so far...GTGO continues to rise...

We are detecting a "Market Shift"...Since the earnings report of giant CMGI, we are tracking increasing mutual fund money coming into the internet sector and the market in general, We hold the belief here at Momentum that the Nasdaq is going to experience explosive growth, we believe that the internet stocks will be the ones to benefit the most from this growth. This is not something that we say lightly, this is based on what we are hearing and seeing in the Market. What we have seen so far in the internet sector is only the beginning, the growth potential and technological advancements are limitless within our healthy economy...Just as our great grandparents sat around a clunky old radio set and listened to the Lone Ranger...we now sit around our clunky old desktops typing manually in order to communicate...our kids are going to laugh at us for being sooo boring and primitive...So to those of you who are discouraged by the last few months, we believe the sun is on the horizon...indicators are beginning to point northward...So hang tough!

JUNE 15 00...Lots of Member mail tonite...and I mean LOTS!...GMGC hot topic...GTGO lots of speculation about voice mail undervalued...CICI coming up in afterhours...CFON holding up in afterhours...Also---your member information is not shared with anyone, ever, Got a mail tonite about privacy of their sign-up info...we keep it private,,,we will not share your info with anyone! I am adding privacy statement to sign up area A.S.A.P....Also---M.T.N. is now listed in top ranked most popular websites at two locations, Financial Ad Trader, which is the premiere top 20 list,,,current rank 11th...and the much respected top 20 list...current rank 9th...Outstanding for only our 3rd month of operation, and during the biggest market decline in history! Thanks to all of you original members!

CFON had large volume increase in last 45 minutes of trading to close up 67%...Have quite a bit of mail from those of you who got in on the pre-open alert for CFON this morning, looks like about 1/2 of you sold it on the first run up...the other 1/2 are up even more...CICI was an o.k. play 3 25/32 high 4 3/4...And the E-Signature tech looks hot...

Mid Day---Getting alot of mail on GOJO moving up, currently at 9 1/4...52 week high of $32...GraphOn (Nasdaq:GOJO - news) The software developer is up after announcing that Hewlett-Packard has licensed and integrated GraphOn's Bridges for Unix product into the new HP ServiceControl Manager. The Bridges software allows remote computers to access power administrative tools from remote locations using a Microsoft (Nasdaq:MSFT - news) Windows computer.

CICI looking good still...CFON has not been able to maintain its earlier gains...PTET--GTGO--getting some attention today...

As expected, Nasdaq going up and down...Pre-opens CICI and CFON both providing gains from the open...CICI listed as #1 gainer at this time...GTGO is getting attention again today...GMGC cooling a bit now, INFO holding up so far...

Expecting alot of volatility today on the eve of the witching...Want to mention one of our previous stocks of the week GTGO, has been moving up on slight volume...GMGC is on the watch...

JUNE 14 00...Nasdaq turning south at the end of the day...GMGC finished up at $5 1/16...INFO 4 3/4...CTEK being ran up in afterhours...

GMGC maintaining strength mid-day...SBAS is idle...EGGS mixed along with the Nasdaq...INFO following Nasdaq as well...Small caps CCEE...CMPC...DEMP...ADTM...CNRS...All in need of attention. New Feature stock TFSM tracking the Nasdaq...

Pre-Open Alerts on GMGC and INFO doing well...SBAS still solid...and the Nasdaq is actually holding onto its positive attitude!...Member Mails on WWTR--CHTR--SOFT--DELL--AMTD--SBAS...

Hearing alot of good things on SBAS. EGGS on news watch...

Member Alert on IMDS--LINK.

JUNE 13 00...A new stock has been added to the Feature List...Also, In response to Member Mail, We have not ran a Stock of the Week because there is no demand for it...A couple of the other clubs have attempted stocks of the week announcements and suffered big losses as traders just sold these stocks off...So, until the market becomes positive again, stocks of the week are on hold, actually, just about ALL of our stocks meet the stock of the week criteria for price and value/ take your pick!!! When this market comes back to life, it will be hard to pick a loser...

Markets closing with an upswing...This may bode well for tomorrow...Most of the small caps are in dire need of some money to flow back into the market...In response to Member Mail, the reason that we have sent no e-mail alerts/intra-day Alerts etc...Is that List-bot E-Mail is down AGAIN...They claim to have the problem solved and we should be back in action soon, but we have heard that before...

...SBAS continues to have increasing buy pressure, EGGS is a little more mixed on unusually heavy volume, IMON breaking into new low price range, many still waiting for news from IMON...They have very exciting technology, but without any news, IMON just settles lower....

Strong indications in pre-market on news pending rumors on both EGGS and SBAS...Nasdaq moving into negative territory...down another 70 points at this time...While almost all small caps are following the Nasdaq, EGGS on volume of over 1 million at this time, is bucking the negative trend...SBAS also holding up...

News after close on CMPC

JUNE 12 00...Not much member mail today, CNLG/CNLGW are moving today on European prospects...No action on DEMP/CCEE/CMPC/IMON as the Nasdaq finishes down over 100 points...Watchlist stock COPY had a brief rally today, but like most stocks, it could not maintain...HTEI active...WAVO holding up in this down draft...

After strong pre-market and open, Nasdaq is mixed...CMPC getting activity this morning, IMON now calm after a flurry late in pre-market, news rumored to be coming very soon on IMON's I-TV products...Nasdaq now becoming negative -80...CMPC, Book of $4+ sales $60+ per share...Increasingly lucrative contracts...Couldn't sustain momentum today, but CMPC looks like another under-valued tech...ZIPL is maintaining its gains today on anticipation of news...

JUNE 10 00...Looks like messageboards and mega-links areas are both having technical difficulties, but the rest of the links are in order...

What we are hearing on CCEE is that the company is a shell, shell companies are attractive to any company that is looking for a quick way onto the stock market, the most valuable asset that CCEE has is their Nasdaq symbol, There was a period about 1 1/2 years ago where this type of shell buying become popular and some stocks really made huge gains...IMON is a good example, They got into the stock market through the purchase of a listed sports store, CALP, I think it was...So CALP was broken down and about worthless and Imaginon came along and took them over, Resulting in CALP going up about 2 or 3 hundred percent...Then CALP changed symbol to IMON and the rest is history...This is just from memory, so dont hold me to the details, but that is basically how it went, I know because I was fortunate enough to own shares of the sports store at like $0.20 cents or so...and IMON ended up going to $17 dollars! So, there is potential in Shell Takeovers, And CCEE may be in that position at this time...

DEMP we are getting mail on still, many feel that news will have to come very soon on KOOP/DEMP/AOL...KOOP has been active all week and DEMP as most of you know, we have been tracking it for days now with unusual activity...So, DEMP is on the News Watch.

JUNE 9 00...Market Rally faded out, becoming a trend for the market and stocks to open up high and then fade away...We are encouraged somewhat by the fact that we are seeing more and more articles about money flowing back into the markets, and our small caps look so cheap, DEMP closed with a tentative 23% gain today...CCEE still very shakey, but it did hold up o.k. today, Will have a close eye on both of those, Also you may want to put WAVO and EMUS on your list, this downloadable music issue is getting alot of press...Feature stocks ADTM and CNRS wilting a little without any attention...Watchlist stock DDIM showing up a little today...STMP getting some mail...NEXL cooling off, but, NEXL has alot going on, and it is just a matter of time before they breakout again...ONHN also on the rise,,,

Be sure to check out your stocks on our Mega Links tool on the front page, if it works, had alot of problems with the pages this morning, Also want to mention that the ticker tapes are for you to add your own stocks to, just hit the custom button and you should be able to add any stocks you want...we will work on the site this w-end and have it all spiffy for next week,,,

Markets in rally mode...CCEE pre-open alert on projected revenue growth rate for next 5 years of over 100%...CCEE looks very cheap at low $1's...DEMP continues to have unusual activity, spiking to 1 5/8...CCEE has speculators on both sides of the fence as to which way it is going to go...CCEE 3x normal volume to the upside so far...

JUNE 8 00...Nasdaq opened strong and faded throughout the day...Just like all of our stocks today...opened up, and then slid down the rest of the day...DEMP and AOL are two names that keep coming into our mail...NEXL had less than expected interest today on their news...DWCH is a mystery, but news is expected by some and the activity would support that theory...DEMP is being mentioned here and there as speculation continues on their potential KOOP merger...INSW after dipping down, came all the way back up to close even...WAVO weakened a little more as traders wait for some news...ADTM added a little on small volume and PCTH even on over 1 million volume...

Server having problems today, so in response to mail that we are getting about no access to website, we mailed the pre-open alert on NEXL...Mixed trading so far...DEMP up a bit on slight volume, INSW no news=no action...Watchlist Stock DWCH up with no news...NEXL continues to slide down despite much member mail and enthusiasm about NEXL's research and products...

JUNE 7 00...Not much action today...RMII breakout on news of AT&T trials has potential...but, otherwise low volume and low interest today...

Not any action in our neck of the woods today...Member Mails on VCST up big...WAVO holding steady...BYND still down...RMII active in afterhours...CNC speculation...Watchlist Stock AIPN climbing...KOOP falling...INSW no movement/DEMP no movement...Just a slow day for Momentum...

Pre-open alert on INSW on speculation of merger/aquisition and unusual activity...INSW STORY...Company has $75 million in cash. Nasdaq following European markets lower after initial strength at opening...

JUNE 6th 00...Today is D-DAY...In 1944 many fought and died for our Freedom...Never forget that the Red in our flag, is the blood of those who have fallen in Battle!

Well, pre-open alert WAVO, even though alot of you were already up big on it, took the plunge after a strong open, a few block sells triggered a landslide as investors decided the news today just wasn't what they wanted to hear...Pre-open Alert KOOP was a good player today, open 2 7/16 high 3 9/16...EFAX was only good if you got the Alert within an hour of being posted to the Members Area, The mail delay was about 2 hours, so by the time mail got out, EFAX was up 1/4 above alert price,,,Momentum Stock of the Week from May 5th PCTH is the hottest stock in afterhours on News of new powerline filter tech! Look over that list of previous stocks of the week...

WAVO took a plunge as traders decide todays news was not what they were looking for, most are wanting news on their Yahoo/JamCast progress...KOOP turned into a PowerPlay...EFAX alerted intra-day and Member Mails on PHYC on the Rise...

WAVO is still the hot topic of member mails, Also we got so much mail in response to our last e-mail to members(every response was positive except for one)that it is not possible for us to thank all of you for your support individually...SO THANKS EVERYONE! KOOP--PHYC--ZAPP in the mail...

In response to Mailings, If you want Password to Under Construction Members Only area click here- View Momentum Traders Network E-mail Archive Message # 126. The mail delay is so bad that you may want to check in here periodically to get Momentum Mailings!

INGE added to watchlist---EISQ added to O.T.C. watchlist---A 2nd stock has earned our highest status and was added to Members Only Featured Stocks List...

Momentum Traders Network ranked on TOP 20 most popular stock websites! And in only our 3rd month of operation!!! Congrats and GOOD JOB to all Members!

JUNE 5 00...WAVO maintaining its strength in afterhours...KOOP strong...AFFI couldn't hold onto its gains today on the news of stock purchase plan, but, AFFI looks alot better than it did a week ago...

WAVO continues to have very unusual activity...The is covering the story...WAVO cooling after an explosive opening...Member mail is heavy on speculation of a press release to follow this 3rd and largest day of increased activity in WAVO stock...As you members know, We beleive WAVO has an opportunity to receive increased market share in what many feel is a huge market.

JUNE 3 00... Looks like you members are doing a great job! We even had an article in The's Night Watch News that refers to our Momentum Press Release. ARTICLE. Want to mention CNRS today on 2x normal volume and increasing momentum...You know how much potential we feel CNRS has,,,see our news from May 13th when we last alerted CNRS and added it to watchlist...We were suprised by all the mail today from happy campers who has ADTM, When we alerted it last manth and made it our featured stock in the members only area we didn't hear a peep and thought it was being ignored,,,but, it looks like several of you took the alert and agreed with our assesment of ADTM...and today, despite giving back alot of its gains, it still closed up 25%...

Make sure you can access the MEMBERS ONLY AREA!!! Password e-mail should arrive today...Monday we will post alerts on both the front page and in the members only area...But on Tuesday, ALL Alerts will be in the Members only area and not available to non-members...

JUNE 2 00...ICOM--ADTM--WAVO all doing well today and look good for next week. WAVO was exremely active in afterhours to close up at 1 9/32, over a 20% gain...

Small Caps are coming ALIVE!...PAGEE is building momentum, earlier alerted stock CDNW is flying, Other favorites in positive today are-XYBR-MSFT-EWEB-JWEB-VCST-ONHN-NETX-TCLN-TGEN-UVEW-ASTM-CFON-...And others...

Pre-Opens on ICOM & RRRR...ICOM very hot alert today, shot to 3 1/2 from open of 2 13/16...RRRR went up a dollar but is cooling now...Our Feature Stock ADTM is Hot!!! Special Rumor Alert on WAVO.

JUNE 1 00...Members area password sent out today, so you could receive it anytime in next 48 hours...Our mail server must be in bad shape again...the EMUS mail was sent out on 5-30-00 and it just came in today!...There is another mail about ADTM out there somewhere in cyberspace... Member Mail on CICI breakout and SBAS buy action....

Broad based rally today, not much action in small caps yet...Stocks of interest are PMTC--ARIA--VASO--WAVO--IMON--EMUS...

CompuBank got the #1 ranking from SmartMoney. Compubank

MAY 31 00...A mixed day for small caps...some of our previously alerted stocks has activity today. VASO-ARIA-PMTC...ADTM, we have decided to make our first Featured stock, we will keep it on the front page at least until it reaches 3/4ths of its pre-crash price of 10 3/4...We just feel that ADTM is going to be a big winner in coming months and that the New Economy stocks are going to be huge gainers again...ADTM is on the top of our Under-valued New Economy Small Cap List...

BAANF story ends on a sour note...Company sells out for well below the analyst consensus price and even further below our own estimate...But, it was interesting and profitable for alot of you, We hoped it would have a happy ending, but NOT!