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Upside Todays 25 stocks to watch in 2001

12-29-00 Last day of 2000 and Pre-Open Stock ICIX is turning into a winner for several of you...GWRX made a nice run in early trading and EMUS is picking up volume with no price movement...EMUS will remain on News Watch through next week...FASH as expected is skeptical on the $3.50 offer...

No Pre-Open Alert today...Post Open Alert on ICGE building Upward Volume today at $3.38...

Pre-Open Alert PCOM finished up 98% and is a BULLEYE... Open at $2 1/4 high of $3 1/4... Pre-Open NETA looking good for a Bottomfish...And Watch Stock EMUS had No Action again today...

12-26-00... EMUS remains the stock of Interest, No news or Action on it today however...Nasdaq remains weak throughout all sectors again today...No real action or news today as the Markets appear lackluster between the holidays...


12-16-00...Friday market could not muster any positive late day movement, ICIX leading member interest stock for Friday...EGGS held up fairly well...ICIX interesting in that if the WCOM buyout fails, most members the downside is mostly factored into ICIX price already...IF the WCOM buyout goes through, ICIX is bound to rise...NOTE: 90% of members mail feels the WCOM deal will succeed...12-14-00...EGGS is #1 stock of interest going into tomorrow, it closed up strong and is on top of the watchlist for tomorrow into next week...

Another mixed to negative day today, Company Spotlight FEVI getting a lot of market attention today...EGGS as a possible breakout is the #1 topic stock...MRCH posting gains today on finance deal...

12-13-00... Not much action today...MRCH exploded upward late in the day on large volume increase, no clear indication on it yet...ICIX and NPNT held up today...MRCH is another company that has tremendous debt and also tremendous future potential...Like PSIX it is a buyout candidate and todays stock activity is very suggestive, almost 5 million shares traded in the last hour of trading...MRCH is at the top of the watchlist for tomorrow.

12-12-00... Current Spotlight PSIX is the talk of the Market today, and may continue to be so as speculation grows about possible offers...RTHM lost a little ground today on no news...ICIX up and active again today...NPNT up and active again today...

12-11-00... Todays Pre-Open stocks and sector were NPNT, RTHM, PSIX...DSL demand is fueling what we think is a coming rally in DSL provider stocks...NPNT up 53%---RTHM up 21%---PSIX up 12%... COVD was the big winner today adding 90%...DSLN on watch...

12-08-00...Was today a turning point for the markets?....Many are hopeful that we have finally found a bottom and that the markets will at least stabilize here...Here is what the bottom looks like...THE BOTTOM OF THE BARREL

12-07-00...This mornings pre-open alert was on consolidation, which is the hot topic today as so many companies are looking to merge in the face of this overwhelming negative market...Todays story on NOK buying into RAMP...We alerted that RTHM and PSIX are also candidates...RTHM doing very well today, PSIX continues its slide down,,,,Also, intra-day alert on NEOF on activity picking up, NEOF is rumored to be close to cutting a deal soon...

12-06-00...ORCL--MOT--ICGE--CMGI--PALM all losing strength today as we find out that the rally does not have any backbone...

12-05-00 ...Bush Rally expected today...Tech stocks expected to show strength...PSIX on news watch for this week...

ORCL--MOT--ICGE--CMGI--PALM all showing strength today as we hold our breath and see if the rally has any backbone...

12-04-00...Very slow news day today, especially for a Monday...Trading was mixed to negative on the Nasdaq all day....PSIX trading down about 10% as it stays in the low $1's without any positive news...ORCL managed a gain of 6% as it continues to move higher...

12-03-00... Who Wants to be a Millionaire T.V. Show has a Lifeline called ASK THE AUDIENCE...And the Audience is Correct about 90% of the time... Well, our Momentum Audience is Calling PSIX a Winner... As most of you know, PSIX has been Dominating our Member Mail for a few weeks now, and almost all of it is Expressing that PSIX is a very Oversold/ High Potential Turn-around...After Tracking PSINet all of this past week, We have decided to Spotlight PSIX based on Trading Activity and Break out Indicators as well as Intense Speculation on PSIX valuation...

12-01-00...This mornings focus stocks were ICGE, CMGI and Members Favorite PSIX...All 3 opened up strong and went higher in early trading, but then sold down as the market cooled...Market Breadth was positive today, and even though there was sell off in late trading, today remains a positive going into next week...

Member Mail still focused on PSIX again today...Market is getting very negative, and PSIX down on the day at $1.25...MRCH was #1 gainer, but, it was all just a recovery from earlier losses...Many are losing hope of a Pre-Christmas Re-bound for the Nasdaq...Election woes continue to be blamed by many...

The Financial Ad Trader
The Financial Ad Trader

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