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06/25/01...Todays alerts were a an extesion of the past two days alerts...EXDS and MFNX both up and strong...EXDS up over 20% and MFNX up and trading over $2 in afterhours +40%...XOXO and PALM both double digit gainers today...Recent Performer NUFO only adds 1% or so...JDSU strong volume ends up +2% after trading higher in early trading...IBEM closes up another 7% on heavy volume...Intra-day rumors alert BUYX heading higher. align=left>06/22/01...Lead Alert Today was IBEM open at $0.47 high $0.64 and closed at $0.59...Second Alert NUFO open $5.96 high $7.09 and closed at $6.69...BottomFishers from yesterdays EXDS up 6%---JDSU up 7% XOXO up 12% PALM up 1% and MFNX down 4% but is back up in afterhours today...

06/20/01---06/21/01....CELL news alert from Wednesday moving up another 15% today...Todays Lead Alert EXDS trading around $1.50 and appears bottomed out...OTC Stock AXXC plummets to $.09 cents! Will keep a look out for Info on it...PALM as a bottomfish looking higher in afterhours and XOXO and MFNX are bottomfishers candidates as well...Market attempted to gain momentum today and friday we may see some decent positive action.

06/19/01...Market opened up with a bang...Only to falter into negative momentum once again today...Techs got a boost from the ORCL upgrade and AXXC on the OTC had about 4x normal volume moving up 5%...COMM and ESTM both had good volume but weakened with the market...ESTM may be interesting in coming days as they have extension to their Nasdaq listing...ADSX continues to be the controversial issue and trading is heavy...

06/18/01...ELOT has been lead alert for past two sessions...ELOT has moved between $0.53 and $0.72 on over 1 million volume each day...Target Alert of $0.75 on AXXC for 45 days...Overall market remains negative...

06/14/01....UBET--ESSI--PCTH pre-open alerts today...UBET opened at $1.15 and went as high as $1.34...ESSI opened high and came down with the rest of the market...PCTH opened at $0.27 AND CLOSED AT $0.28...Another very negative day for the Markets...

06/13/01...NTCS alerted again today for unusual activity...HEAR news Alert and NUFO members Mail Leader as an under-valued Play...Momentum Members Report covers the details...

06/12/01...As anticipated the bargain hunters came in today...3 stocks alerted in pre-open...ADSX going nowhere today on their news...LOUD opening up high and leveling off at minimal 14% gain...The winner today was the FFIV upgrade...FFIV went up all day despite the negative trend through most of the session. RVST continues to hold up as well...

06/11/01...Negative Trading for the entire session today...The bright spot was XYBR closing up 30%...News Alerts on NETO--ELOT and a watch on CHINA all opened high and broke even at best today...

06/09/01...Company Spotlight LRCM holding up in the down markt, losing only 4% on 2 million volume...Both JWEB and NZRO opening high to sell off on very light volume considering the major merger news...NWKC and HMSK mixed trading all day...

06/07/01...Lead Alert and Company Spotlight LRCM adds another 10% today on over 3 million volume...News Alert LOUD opened at $2 and went to $2.25 before moving lower to close at $1.80...Two speculative alerts CCSI and STGC both very unusual activity today...CCSI opened at $0.23 high of $0.32...STGC opened at $0.26 high of $0.36 closed at $0.33...

06/06/01...Todays Alerts in pre-open were yesterdays NTCS which opened up strong today adding a solid 20% to 30% on top of yesterdays decent gains...News Alert MFNX opened $5.30 and went as high as $5.80 on huge 25 million shares traded...OTC Company Spotlights PAAT mixed all day and LRCM up 11% today on over 1 million shares traded.

06/05/01...Todays lead news alert NTCS managed a 20% gain above the opening price today...Recent alerts RTRN, RACE etc ...all mixed to lower...Several Mails on NTCS suggesting tomorrow could be good for some more action...

06/04/01...Todays lead alert RTRN has traded over 13 million shares today and leads the speculative category...RACE building momentum and OPUS and RVST remain active....Company Spotlight PAAT trades almost 3 million shares and is 2nd most requested pink sheet today as it attempts to break out...

06/01/01...Another LackLuster day today...OPUS remains the top speculative alert and RVST leading the rumors section...Market has been up for the past two days on very little momentum in individual issues...

05/31/01...Todays lead alert OPUS on Activity...Ended up 7% on aprox 4x normal volume...RTRN up 15% on 10 million shares volume...STRM opend high and ended up 30% on News Alert...All in All, a Slow Day for Momentum!

05/30/01...LAUN, Pre-Open Activity Alert is a huge success so far DESPITE the Negative Market Trending lower! LAUN opened at $.50 cents and is now at $0.75 late in the day!...Todays News Alert LOUD skyrocketed upward from the open only to cool off the reat of the day...Negative Market Conditions prevail again today...

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