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Company Name: E*Trade Group Inc.

Symbol: EGRP

Price 6/25/00: $17.0625

6 month target $31

The online financial services industry is growing exponentially each year. EGRP has been making acquisitions and partnerships to develop itself into a full-fledged online financial services company instead of simply the number two online broker (behind Charles Schwab). The company's E*TRADEBANK offers valuable features like CD's, checking, and bill paying. With a tremendous customer base already using its brokerage services, E*TRADEBANK will have no problem becoming a very valuable asset to EGRP. Wit Capital has recently acquired E*OFFERING, EGRP's online investment banking firm that serves as an underwriter for IPOs and an investment analyst.

We expect EGRP to make many more acquisitions to further the development of its consumer financial services. I also believe that EGRP will begin to offer services tailored to corporate clients. Once a high-flyer, the stock has sold off tremendously in the past 12 months and when value tech stocks come into favor, EGRP will perform well.

The Financial Ad Trader
The Financial Ad Trader