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AUGUST 14, 2000 ---SRGL---

SRGL---SURGILIGHT INC.--- **********************************

Corporate Financial Snapshot **********************************

Approximate as of 8/14/00

Shares Outstanding:21.5M

Shares in the Float: 6.2M

Market Cap $188M

Cash: 1.2M

52 Wk Hi/Lo 60.00/4.50

Sales: $3.06M

Recent Price$ 8.50

Daily Volume (3mo): 6.4K

SurgiLight, a world leader of IR-laser for vision correction, currently holds 4 US pending patents for new laser technologies in "Presbyopia Reversal" which has a potential US market of over $150 billion and a worldwide market of over $1.5 trillion. In addition, the company operates 21 Laser Eye Centers worldwide for recurring incomes based on royalty fees. The Company also developed a new laser for psoriasis treatment which is expected to obtain the FDA approval within a few weeks.

SurgiLight is focused on the fast growing industry of advanced lasers for Ophthalmology and Dermatology. The Company has several new patent-pending technological advancements in infrared lasers and diode lasers that can replace current laser technologies in the marketplace. With the recent opening of the first Laser Eye Center in Vietnam, Surgilight now operates a total of 21 centers worldwide with many more planned.

SurgiLight plans to to establish more than 50 such centers in the next 5 years. In the first quarter of 2000, revenues increased 61% to $761K, in the second quarter revenues increased 24%. **********************************************

Background **********************************************

SurgiLight Inc., is a Florida-based public company founded in 1998 by Dr. J.T. Lin - the inventor of scanning lasers. SurgiLight is focused on the fast growing industry of advanced lasers for Ophthalmology and Dermatology. The Company has several new patent-pending technological advancements in infrared lasers and diode lasers that can replace current laser technologies in the marketplace.Dr. Lin pioneered scanning laser technology in 1994. Now, through SurgiLight Inc., he has pioneered infrared (IR) lasers for vision correction. The Company now owns four patents-pending for new laser technologies that are used for vision correction, including LASIK and Presbyopia correction.

Lasers for vision correction have been the most important and largest market for all medical applications that use lasers. Within this vision correction market SurgiLight owns the patent-pending technology for presbyopia correction. Presbyopia correction has a U.S. market of over $150 billion and a worldwide market of over $1.5 trillion. SurgiLight expects to have a minimum market penetration of 1% - 2% via its sales of new devices and the income from royalty fees charged to the surgeons.

Dr. J.T. Lin, is also the inventor of the solid-state UV-laser for PRK (1992), was also the founder of LaserSight (1991) and is a former Associate Professor (1987-91) at the Univ. of Central Florida Laser Center. Dr. Lin has more than 80 publications and books. *****************************************

Business Plan and Strategy *****************************************

SurgiLight Inc. has submitted a new patent application which covers a broad range of near-infrared lasers for the use of presbyopia correction. The Company believes that this additional new patent submission will further strengthen its technology advantage over its competitors. SurgiLight Inc. currently has a total of four(4) pending US patents covering over 65 claims and a broad range of laser spectra, from ultra-violet to the mid-infrared. These pending patents cover a wide range of IR lasers for vision correction including LASIK and presbyopia corrections.

The Company believes that all the existing technologies used by its competitors are limited to UV Excimer lasers including VISX (Nasdaq:VISX -news), Sumit (Nasdaq:BEAM -news), LaserSight (Nasdaq:LASE - news), Nidek (Japan) and Bausch & Lomb (NYSE:BOL - news).

SurgiLight Inc. has recently established one Laser Eye Center (LEC) in Vietnam which is believed to be the first LEC in that country. The Company currently has over 19 LEC in Asian countries and continues to be the major player of LEC in these areas. In addition, the Company has expanded its cosmetic mobile laser centers (CMLC) from three (3) in Florida (with 45% control) to the fourth in Venezuela (with 100% control). The Company has a plan to operate more than 50 CMLC in the next 5 years.

SurgiLight Inc. has recently submitted to FDA for 510K pre-market notification approximately 30 cases using its EX-308 laser for psoriasis and vitiligo treatments. The clinical trials for laser presbyopia reversal (LPR) will start in the next few months in US, Europe and Japan. The Company also expects to obtain two market approvals within few months under the 510(K) applications for UV-laser psoriasis and WaterJet for eye surgery.

SurgiLight Inc. recently announced the world's first IR-laser for presbyopia treatment at the American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery (ASCRS) in Boston.

The Company believes that it is the first and the only company that currently owns the technology for laser presbyopia reversal (LPR, patents pending) with on-going clinical trials in two Latin American countries. The Company has reported the first set of 15 cases results of LPR at the 1999 ISRS Conference and had submitted a paper for 21 case results (with longer than 10 months follow-up) to the 2000 Summer World Refractive Surgery Symposium (July 21-23, Miami, FL). ********************************************

The Company currently has two divisions:

1) Laser Technology, and

2) Laser Eye Centers. ********************************************

In the Laser Technology division, SurgiLight Inc. develops and conducts research for lasers in the UV and infrared spectra for applications including vision correction and microsurgery. They also conduct clinical trials for various new applications including laser skin treatment and the patent pending device for laser presbyopia reversal. The Company currently operates 20 Laser Eye Centers (LEC) internationally and one Eye Center and two Cosmetic Mobile Laser Center (CMLC) in Florida.

SurgiLight is currently conducting clinical trials in Caracas, Venezuela for the treatment of presbyopia patients using the Company's patent pending technology. Laser presbyopia correction has a worldwide potential procedure revenue of over $1,500 billion. The Company believes that it is the first Company to successfully develop this technology and the only Company currently conducting clinical trials. A royalty fee policy will apply to the users of the Company's new technology, which will allow the Company to earn long-term recurring income.

SurgiLight Inc's strategy is to focus on recurring revenue and income from Laser Centers operation and the procedure royalty fees charged to the users. The Company, however, will continue to develop new products for markets mainly outside the US prior to the market approval for use of the Company's products within the US. The Company's revenues will come from both Laser Center procedure income and the sale of medical systems. Industrial Background Lasers have been used in various medical and industrial applications over the past twenty years. The recent application of lasers with wavelengths ranging from ultraviolet to infrared have been emphasized in the areas related to surgeries involved in ophthalmology and dermatology due to their highest potential growth markets and the significant clinical efficacy of the laser technologies. For recurring revenues and increased long-term profits, company-operated LaserCenters havebeen recognized as a fast growing industry. In addition to the above-described medical lasers and centers, the Company also operates a division for the infrared thermal imaging systems that have applications in security, law enforcement and military surveillance.

The presbyopia worldwide potential procedure income is estimated to be over $1,500 billion, since almost 100% of the worldwide population for ages older than 45 will become presbyopia. This estimation is based upon the worldwide population of 900 million (15%) who are presbyopia and an average procedure fee of $2,000 per patient. The US presbyopia population is approximately 40 million which also represents a potential procedure income of about $160 million based upon a fee of $2,000 per eye. The current treatments for presbyopia including implants and diamond-knife incision which have drawbacks of being a complex surgical procedure and require a lot of the surgeon's experience. Another method is to use a Ho:YAG laser for monovision correction, a clinical trial system made by Sunrise Technology. This method however can only treat one eye for near view and requires the second eye un-treated to see far. Strictly speaking the Ho:YAG method is not a presbyopia correction but only correct hyperopia in one eye. Surgilight's new method of using lasers for presbyopia reversal has the advantages of being precise, fast and a simple procedure which does not require surgeon's experience. The new procedure will be less complicated and more stable, with less regression than the mechanical, non-laser methods. The Company believesthat it is the first and the only company offering this new procedure which is now limited to the international market prior to the US approval.

The Company believes that it is the only company currently owning both the ultraviolet (UV) and infrared (IR) laser technologies for vision corrections. For vision corrections using UV lasers, there are several existing patents which may prohibit our sales of the UV lasers without obtaining a license. The Company has three pending patents for the use of IR lasers which has the potential of replacing the existing UV lasers currently used by most of its competitors including Visx, Summit, Bausch & Lomb, LaserSight, Nidek, Schwind and Meditec. The IR lasers, the Company believes, will have less mutagenic effects and be safer than the UV lasers which may have potential risk of long-term biological complications. However, prior to the market approval in US the Company's new products will be limited to international sales. The Company believes that its Infrared (IR) lasers for vision corrections will be protected by its proprietary technology and its pending patents. In addition, the users of the Company's IR lasers will not have to pay the license fee or royalty fee which are required for the use of UV lasers. Currently, the UV laser royalty fee in the U.S. is about $250 per case paid to the patent owners Visx and Summit. The UV laser manufacturers also need to pay the IBM-patent fee of about 3%-7% of their sale price. Without paying these fees, the Company believes that its IR lasers will have advantages in both profit margin and in market competitions **********************************

Research and Development **********************************

SurgiLight Inc. currently has several new products under R&D and clinical trials: (a) IR-3000 for presbyopia correction, (b) IR-5000 for Lasik procedures, (c)Ir-3001 for Lasik and presbyopia, (d) EX-308 for skin treatment, (e) other new diode lasers with wavelength range of (980 - 2100) nm for microsurgeries. The Company will be continuing the R&D for these new products improvement in both system design, software and hardware aspects. The Company will also invest efforts relating to the clinical aspects for the uses of these products. The Company currently has three (3) Labs which are used as R&D and systems testing for prototypes.

New Technology & New Procedures:

The Company is in a unique position using its in-house technologies for system upgrades for new procedures to increase recurring revenue and profit for its Centers. These new procedures are not available to most of the Company's competitors. Sales Growth from New Products: The Company foresees the introduction of at least two new products every two years to increase sales growth and reduce competition. In addition, most of the software and system control developed by the Company are "multiple-use" and can be cost effectively integrated to various of the Company's existing and future systems for eye surgeries (vision correction, cataract treatment).

SurgiLight has ongoing clinical trials and/or market approval applications for the following: Presbyopia clinical trials will start soon in the U.S.A and Europe. Presbyopia procedures in Venezuela and Argentina 510(K) Application submitted for dermatology uses SurgiLight's Medical Laser Technologies are the result of more than 10 years of R&D.

We are a pioneer in the following technologies: 1991-92: The world's first solid-state UV Laser for PRK (Lin, Ren, Gailitis, Waring) 1992-93: Design and invention of the Mini-Excimer Laser (Lin) 1994: Design and invention of the Scanning Laser (Lin) 1996-97: SmartScan for topo-linked LASIK System (Lin & Hwang) 1998-99: World's first IR-laser for LASIK* 1998-99: World's first device for Laser Presbyopia Reversal (LPR)* 1998-99: World's first UV-laser for Psoriasis and Vitiligo treatments. 1999-2000: World's first OPO Infrared Laser for LASIK acquired from IR Vision. *patents pending **************************************

Markets **************************************

Refractive Lasers and Laser Centers Vision correction is one of the largest medical markets, with approximately 136 million people in the United States using eyeglasses or contact lenses. Within this group, approximately 60 million people are myopic and 30 million are hyperopic. Another 45 million are presbyopic. Industry sources estimate that Americans spend approximately $13 billion, at retail prices, on eyeglasses, contact lenses and other vision correction products and services each year.

The international market is approximately 3 to 5 times higher than the US market with at least 500 million people using eyeglasses or contact lenses. Refractive Surgery for vision correction is now the most rapidly growing surgical procedure in the world in which the market really began in late 1995 with FDA approval of the first excimer laser for Photorefractive Keratoplasty (or PRK).

Prior to 1995 refractive surgery was done by non- laser techniques known as Radial Keratotomy (or RK), where the surgeon uses a diamond knife to make radial incisions in the cornea to flatten it. The problem with this technique and others like it was that it was too dependent on surgeon skill and gave mixed results. During late 1996, many surgeons started using a new technique, Laser In situ Keratomileusis (LASIK), which resolves the negative patient issues, while preserving the accuracy of PRK. LASIK utilizes a microkeratome, which is a mechanically driven razor to create a flap in the surface of the cornea. After creation of the flap, a laser is used on the exposed internal tissue, called the stroma. After the laser treatment, the flap is laid back down on the eye to heal in place. The patient is able to return to normal function the next day, and the LASIK procedures have little pain and no glare on the corneal surface. At present, over 90% of refractive laser procedures in the U.S. are LASIK procedures. Obviously, the success of LASIK in meeting both surgeon and patient needs has been the driving force behind the refractive market's dramatic growth. According to "Market Scope Report", by the end of 1998 there were an estimated 450 excimer lasers in the United States and at least 600 lasers outside the U.S. At an average price of $500,000, just the installed base of excimer lasers expected to be operational in the world by the end of 1998 represent over $4.5 billion already spent in just a few years.

At the present time most ophthalmologists are charging $1,500 to $2,000 per eye for LASIK. In addition, since there is currently no insurance or Medicare coverage for this procedure, the patients are paying cash and there are no administrative costs dealing with complex paperwork. The above patient charges may be reduced when competition increases. We note that the presbyopia market shows a much bigger potential than that of myopia and hyperopia. Presbyopia treatment using lasers, however, is still in the developing stage. We believe the worldwide potential market for procedure income, will be about $450 billion in the US and over $1,700 billion internationally. Based upon a 1% acceptance of the potential patients, the procedure revenue income will be in the range of $3 billion to $7 billion annually after 2002. According to the Market Scope report (May 1997), the major Laser Center companies include the public companies of TLC Laser Centers Inc., Laser Vision Centers, LCA Vision, PRG and private companies called Clear Vision and Vision Correction.

SurgiLight Inc. believes that it is the only Laser Center company which has the in-house technology with the advantageous position of providing up to date technologies at low start-up cost for its Centers. The Company's competitors buy systems from others which have high start-up and facility costs for their Centers. Being a laser equipment manufacturer, the Company's start-up system costs of its international Centers is about 30% of that of its competitors.

The Company's objectives are multifold: (1) replace the currently used medical laser systems with the more advanced lasers which represent substantial improvement in safety, precision, time and cost effectiveness over the existing laser technologies; (2) maximize profits by offering the systems based on the 'per procedure' fee which allows the Company to receive recurring revenues rather than one-time revenue from the sales; and (3) expand to other areas of medicine for the existing Company's centers.

To achieve these objectives, the Company has the following key elements of its strategy: Expand Technology Leadership: The Company will continue to pursue its leadership position in advanced laser technologies in areas of ophthalmology and dermatology. In addition to the licensing agreements, the Company will pursue patents aggressively for any newly-created technologies, adding to its current pending patent applications. Focus on High-growth Markets: The Company focuses on what it perceives as the highest potential growth markets, such as laser resurfacing, laser vision correction and phototherapy. Expand Worldwide markets: The Company has an established strong international marketing infrastructure and intends to continue emphasizing its international marking activities, while its products are waiting for the approval for domestic sales within the US. The Company has distributors in most Asian and Latin American countries and intends to add new distributors in European countries. ********************************

Recent Developments ********************************

7/31/00- SurgiLight, Inc. today announced financial results for the second quarter ended June 30, 2000. The six months total revenue of 2000 showed an increase of approximately 24% over the same period in 1999. The revenue for the second quarter of 2000 increased approximately 33% over the first quarter. Revenues for the six-month ended June 30, 2000 increased 23.8% to $1.78 million from $1.43 million for the same period of 1999. The Company reported a six-month net income of $12,000 or $0.001 per share, compared to a net income of $112,000 or $0.01 per share for the same period of 1999. The growth of revenues is attributed to the Company's growth in system sales and procedure income from the Laser Centers.

6/26/00- SurgiLight Inc. announced that it has submitted a new patent application for presbyopia correction using infrared lasers and has opened the first Laser Eye Center in Vietnam. In addition, the Company has expanded its cosmetic mobile laser centers (CMLC) from three in Florida (with 45% control) to the fourth in Venezuela (with 100% control). The Company has a plan to operate more than 50 CMLC in the next five years.

5/16/00- SurgiLight Inc., announced today that it will introduce the world's first IR-laser for presbyopia treatment at the American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery (ASCRS) to be held at Boston this week. In addition the Company will also present an up-date of its new infrared (IR) lasers at the Refractive Technology Forum scheduled for May 21st at the Ritz Carlton Hotel in Boston during the ASCRS Conference.

4/18/00- SurgiLight, Inc. today announced financial results for the first quarter ended March 31, 2000. The first quarter 2000 revenue shows an increase of 61% over the same period in 1999. The Company also announced the appointment of Clause Burton, M.D., Associate Professor at Duke University, as its Medical Advisor. Revenues for the first quarter ended March 31, 2000 increased 61% to $761,000 from $472,000 for the same period of 1999. The growth in revenue and operation income is attributed to the Company's growth in system sales and procedure income from the Laser Centers owned by the Company.

3/16/00- SurgiLight Inc. announced that the Company currently has three (3) patents pending regarding the laser techniques for presbyopia correction. These patents were filed in November of 1998, May of 1999, and September of 1999. These pending patents cover a broad range of wavelengths for the correction of presbyopia, and innovative laser beam reshaping techniques.

3/6/00- SurgiLight Inc. announced that it has signed a Letter of Intent with MicraUSA to form a Joint Venture in the United Kingdom to assemble and market the Escan, IR-3000, and IR-3001 laser systems. MicraUK, Ltd., is a wholly owned subsidiary of MicraUSA. MicraUK gained ISO 9002 and EN 46002 certification for its quality system in 1995 and it is fully accredited for European CE marking.

2/14/00- SurgiLight Inc. announced that is has concluded a Letter of Intent to acquire IR-Vision, Inc. (San Jose, CA) for approximately $3.2 million all paid by SurgiLight's common stock. The Company is also negotiating with HOYA, Inc. (Japan) for laser presbyopia correction new technology. According to the acquisition terms, the Company will acquire all assets and shares of IR Vision, Inc. that was 40% owned by HOYA and 60% owned by the founders of IR Visions and others.

2/1/00- SurgiLight Inc. announced that it has submitted an application for the NASDAQ National Market listing. The Company believes that it is fully qualified and fits all the criteria necessary for inclusion on the NASDAQ National Market. ********************************** ***********************************

Corporate Contacts


12001 Science Dr., Suite 140

Orlando, FL 32826

Phone: (407)482-4555

FAX: (407) 482-0505 ************************************

Summary ************************************

When it comes to Laser Ophthalmology Correction there is a company that just can not be overlooked. We feel the potential market penetration and worldwide presence makes SurgiLight Inc. undervalued at current prices, management must agree as they have initiated a stock buy back program. They have already established 23 Laser Eye Centers using their innovative technologies. This company has several revolutionary patent-pending products, an experienced international network, a stock buy back in place and a filing with the SEC to be listed on the Nasdaq. In addition to ophthalmology patients the company also has products to treat dermatology patients. They are a world leader in the development of new infrared technologies, a pioneer and inventor of scanning lasers and lasers for presbyopia reversal. We think SRGL is small enough to be nimble in deploying new technology and that they are using this to their advantage by gaining critical future market share in the international community by being first to deploy their technology in many countries. SRGL will be participating in a multitude of forums, conventions and committees in the near future to demonstrate and report on current clinical trials regarding their products. SRGL has shown tremendous revenue growth from existing clinics and an aggressive expansion plan for future clinics, they continue to receive royalty income from international eye laser and cosmetic centers. Add to that the many new, exciting and potential blockbuster products in their pipeline and you get the recipe for success. ****************************


August 14, 2000

The Complete SurgiLight Profile is now posted on our site. *********************************************


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