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JULY 21, 2000 ---APPN---


Americas Power Partners - APPN - (OTC:BB) $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

Dear Members,

Today's HOT new stock profile is APPN.OB - Please read the full profile below, we are certain you will see the opportunity. This profile is expected to be seen by hundreds of thousands of investors over the next week. After you read this profile pass it on to a trusted friend.

Sincerely, The Staff =================================================


Americas Power Partners, Inc. (APPN) develops, optimizes, owns and operates utility systems that include steam, electrical, compressed air, and water treatment services. The Company has become a major player in the field of energy outsourcing as it has built strategic alliances with industry leaders like Armstrong Services Inc., Strategic Energy Ltd. and Environmental Resources Management Inc.

APPN and its strategic partners provide clients immense flexibility by allowing them to outsource operations and maintenance services, monetize existing utility systems, upgrade outdated systems, and reduce electrical power and fuel costs. Additionally, the Company has the advantage of low overhead - due to each partner handling its own and possessing the ability to do smaller projects ranging from $1 million to $25 million-per site. ****************************************************** ******************************************************


APPN's services are located in the mammoth $420 billion energy market. The Company's niche, all-inclusive power management is rapidly expanding as large companies in multiple industries are becoming eager to outsource their power generation needs to create greater efficiencies and meet current de-regulation guidelines. In addition, many large and established companies have long been dependent upon inefficient, aging power generating equipment, which is difficult to maintain and highly subject to failure.

APPN formed its niche to purchase these mid-sized, "in the fence" power generation facilities from industrial, institutional and commercial users, upgrade and improve the facilities and provide the output of the facilities to the customer at favorable rates and under long-term contracts. ***************************************************** *****************************************************


APPN offers energy services with earnings potential in several U.S. markets, including institutional, commercial and industrial. The total annual energy market in the U.S. is valued at $420 billion. If APPN captures only one percent of the market, it will achieve revenues of more than $4 billion.

APPN has minimal competition in this lucrative market, in which U.S. deregulation and a current outsourcing trend are rapidly driving companies to search out APPN's services. APPN holds a unique position within the market, in that it is large enough to service major clients, yet small enough to profit on deals that many of its competitors cannot.

The Company is exercising a consolidation-like strategy, pulling four utility disciplines (electric, steam, water treatment and fuel management) under one project team and providing a potential customer a total solution approach.

APPN's partners include Armstrong Services Inc., who provides steam supply and distribution expertise and is also responsible for plant operation and maintenance, Strategic Energy Ltd., which provides natural gas and electric power consulting services; and Environmental Resources Management Inc. which provides engineering services for water and waste water systems. APPN enjoys a significant deal flow pipeline, thanks to its strategic partnerships with these respected industry partners.

A savvy, experienced, technically qualified management team leads the Company with nearly 150 years of combined experience in power development, engineering, business and project management and investment banking and finance. ***************************************************** *****************************************************


7/00 APPN and Armstrong Services announced that Western Michigan University's (WMU) Board approved an agreement to develop a utility generation and distribution system for WMU's new Business Technology and Research Park (BTR Park) in Kalamazoo, Mich.

5/00 APPN was awarded a contract to optimize and sustain a steam utility system for National Foods, a division of Conagra in Miami, Florida.

4/00 The Company received an exclusive letter of intent for a $50 million utility agreement with Western Michigan University, to develop a utility generation and distribution system for WMU's new Business Technology and Research Park in Kalamazoo, Michigan.

3/00 APPN announced the signing of a multi-year contract worth approximately $1 million with Mallinckrodt, Inc., to optimize and sustain steam utility systems for its Raleigh, N.C. facility.

3/00 The Company was awarded a $2.5 million contract to own and service the utility plant at Bates Troy Industrial Laundry. ***************************************************** *****************************************************


Monday, July 10, 2000 Announcing a $650,000 Utility Agreement With Flex-O-Tex, Inc. and the Alliance of Americas Power Partners and Armstrong Service - BusinessWire

Wednesday, July 5, 2000 WMU's Board Approves 25 Year Agreement With Americas Power Partners - BusinessWire

Tuesday, May 30, 2000 Americas Power Partners Selects Continental Capital & Equity Corporation for Financial Public Relations - BusinessWire

Wednesday, April 17, 2000 Announcing a $50 Million Utility Agreement With Western Michigan University and the Alliance of Americas Power Partners and Armstrong Service - Press Release

Tuesday, April 4, 2000 Americas Power Partners Announces Strategic Alliance With Strategic Energy L.L.C. - Press Release

Friday, March 10, 2000 Americas Power Partners, Inc. and Armstrong Service, Inc. Establish Groundbreaking Alliance PRNewswire

Wednesday, March 8, 2000 Americas Power Partners and Armstrong Service Announce a $2.5 Million Deal to Own and Service the Utility Plant at Bates Troy Industrial Laundry - Press Release ***************************************************** *****************************************************


Current Stock Range - $.90 - $1.50

Approx. Market Cap. - $8.5M

Shares Outstanding - 8.5M

Approx. Current Float - 2.46M ****************************************************** ******************************************************


APPN enjoys distinct advantages in the utilities market for targeting both large and small companies. Current trends allow extremely large companies with multiple sites or manufacturing facilities to adopt a site-by-site approach to its utilities needs. Companies are often hesitant to allow a utility provider exclusive rights to its individual locations, but rather, test the waters by giving the provider a chance on one or two of its facilities before making an enormous commitment. APPN has positioned itself to be large enough to meet the most demanding power needs, yet small enough for Companies who are often overlooked by industry giants. As a result of these advantages, APPN has embraced a new site by site strategy and targets large Companies looking to attain power services for only a few locations, which much of its competition can not touch. Additionally, APPN does not place a pre-determined footprint on its clients, but rather, the Company purchases its sites individually and uses unique terms for each situation.

APPN has also realized a current window of opportunity for comprehensive utility system purchasing and/or development for Fortune 500 private and public companies. And, through its strategic alliances with industry giants, the Company enjoys significant deal flow. APP continues to leverage its services to meet the needs of Companies that are often overlooked by the largest utilities providers, and as a result, remains a top player in this niche market with very little competition. ***************************************************


Contact: Bruce E. Elliott


phone: 407-682-2001 ****************************************************


This profile is an advertisement on behalf of Americas Power Partners, Inc. (APPN) whose articles and/or information appears herein and may not be construed as investment advice. All articles, notices, and other information contained herein concerning Americas Power Partners, Inc. is a paid advertisement by a third party which has retained The Momentum Traders Network to produce this advertisement. The information contained herein is based upon sources which we consider reliable but is not guaranteed by The Momentum Traders Network or its officers, employees or affiliated partners.

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Momentum Traders Network does not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the information displayed in this corporate profile. By viewing the information displayed in this profile you understand that Momentum Traders Network is not liable for any losses, damages, monetary or otherwise, that may occur due to the content of this profile.


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In order to be in full compliance with the Securities Act of 1933, Sec. 17(b), Momentum Traders Network has received a fee of six hundred dollars as compensation from Inc. These shares/monies received have been accounted for as advertising fees for displaying Americas Power Partners, Inc. (ANNP) corporate information to our members. Momentum Traders Network reserves the right to purchase or sell shares of the company's stock on a voluntary basis in the open market during or after the profiled period.

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