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AUGUST 01, 2000 ---AMMQ---

AudioMonster Online - AMMQ - (OTC:BB)

Dear Members,

Tonight we bring you a sneak-peek profile of AudioMonster Online (AMMQ.OB), an exciting small-cap growth company. Although AudioMonster's has a high profile story the stock remains 'under the radar' of Wall Street. Over the next week we plan to help change the companies undiscovered status. AMMQ's profile is expected be seen by 1 million potential investors.

Looking at the historical trends in the chart you will notice the 52 week high on the stock is $25.00 per share and the low is $0.65. This leaves huge upside potential! Read the full profile below, then pass this exciting profile to a trusted friend. ------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------


AudioMonster Online is a company that has a number of web properties under development. AudioMonster's leading web property is a cutting edge online music label that exclusively licenses music from established artists. distributes this music via its own web site and through its music distribution partners. features an easy to use online store where both retail and wholesale business customers can order CDs direct from the record label. "Creating an e-commerce enabled web site that is also a music label allows us reach our customers and business partners directly. It is an extremely efficient way to conduct business," said Greg Corcoran Pres/CEO.

AudioMonster Online has been designed as an efficient business from inception. The company harnesses many aspects of the Internet to reduce its overhead and operating expenses. "Every dollar we can preserve adds to our earnings, and when makes money, so do our artists. We have a tremendous respect for artist recoup costs, so lowering costs increases the artist's royalty return. Providing a solid artist royalty makes us a great alternative to a major music label. We will never skimp on promotion and marketing of our artists though. Its integral that people know about us and our artists.", said Greg Corcoran Pres/CEO.

AudioMonster is capitalizing on new business opportunities available within the music industry.

The following events have enabled these business opportunities:

~Popularization of the Internet

~Growth of high bandwidth consumer Internet connections

~Acceptance of the Internet as a commerce platform,

~Development of music compression technologies including MP3

~The ability to use the Internet to create a highly efficient and cost effect business structures

This era of Internet development represents the golden age for a new economy and those players who establish themselves early on will continue to prosper in the future. Additionally, the high valuation provided to Internet companies presents an opportunity to acquire profitable old economy audio companies with excellent future prospects inexpensively in relative terms.

The worldwide music business is approximately a USD$40 billion-dollar per year industry growing at an estimated 10% per year. Many industry leaders are speculating it can grow to a USD$100 billion dollars in a few short years. The online category for music sales has a current annual growth rate of 110%. In the music industry, revenues are derived from licensing of copyright and distribution rights. The four major music labels that hold the near exclusive possessions of these rights are:

-Warner EMI Music

-Universal Music

-BMG Music

-Sony Entertainment

~Several factors have presented an opportunity to make huge strides towards the current industry leaders:

~The advent of non-physical distribution medium, which includes MP3 (a popular audio compression technology) combined with the Internet to provide a low cost music distribution mechanism

~The growing acceptance of the Internet as a commerce platform

~The ability to create highly efficient and cost effective business structures by decentralizing and outsourcing.

"the Net (Internet) gives a way to reach fans directly, bypassing the major record companies' lock on distribution." BusinessWeek June 28/99

AudioMonster expects that the Internet will be the primary distribution medium for music in the future. However, AudioMonster anticipates that traditional hard copy product such as CDs will be the format of choice and revenue generation for a number of years to come. The combination of music, audio compression technology, computer hardware and the Internet is a massive opportunity given that the rules of music distribution are being changed. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^


In a nutshell, AudioMonster is:

+Creating licensable technology including e-commerce components and content management systems for the

+Internet music industry.

+Building a music label with a high quality roster.

+Developing a business to business trading network for the music industry.

+Building an audio advertising network.

+Building a music distribution network.

+Planning for significant growth via strategic investments and acquisitions. -------------------------------------------------------


- August 2000, Hunter-Smythe Research prepares a White Paper on the Online Music Industry. This White Paper is available to investors to help understand where the music industry is headed, and more importantly, how it can be profitable. It outlines how the Internet can be used to "discover", market and support artists, and to market and distribute music. To put things in perspective, the White Paper also provides comparisons between the different players in the music industry.

- Click below for the 'White Paper' Report -

- May 2000, a federal judge ordered the controversial Napster music-swapping company to stand trial for copyright infringement, handing the start-up a setback in its wide-ranging legal battle with the recording industry. As a result, the RIAA who represent the major record labels claimed an early victory, saying that the decision keeps Napster on the hook for damages that could range into the hundreds of millions of dollars. Clearly music industry business models that try to bypass music copyright laws run the risk of time consuming and expensive lawsuits.

- April 2000, lost a landmark case against the major music labels over copyright infringement buy building an unauthorized music database for commercial purposes and using it to create a commercial service without paying licensing fees to the music labels. Clearly, the courts are in favor of protecting rights so that owners of music rights have an opportunity to get paid for their work and investments. This ruling provided excellent validation of AudioMonster's business model.

- January 2000, AOL announced that it would acquire Time Warner for an estimated USD$160 billion in stock! The largest corporate merger to date suggests that proprietary content is of critical importance to draw users to web sites. Users surf for one reason and that is to see and listen to content.

- July 1999, announced that it successfully raised USD$115 million through their IPO and reached a multi billion-dollar market cap on NASDAQ. Clearly the US investment community is taking music industry investments extremely seriously.

- June 1999, major Internet portal AOL, the largest online service in the US, made massive investments to acquire companies that develop MP3 technology. This MP3 technology will spread to hundreds of millions of new users in the coming years. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


AudioMonster has the following items in place:

~A growing inventory of excellent domain names that are being protected by trademarks: AudioMonster, DoubleListen and ENTO

~A growing inventory of exclusive licensing agreements with well-known quality artists

~A working business model for an online music label,

~E-commerce components

~A rapidly growing outsourced development, production, marketing, sales and distribution team,

~Highly capable Internet savvy management with a track record

~A strong group of business advisors

~A strong group of initial investors

~A proprietary content strategy

~A business to business strategy

~An acquisition strategy //////////////////////////\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\


Monday, July 17, 2000 AudioMonster Online Inc. Update Regarding ADS Technologies Inc. Share Purchase Agreement - BCE Emergis e-News Services

Monday, June 05, 2000 Announces Initial Music Roster - BusinessWire :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::


Current Stock Range - $1.50 - $2.50

Approx. Market Cap. - $16M

Shares Outstanding - 9.8M :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::


Greg Corcoran, Founder, President and CEO Mr. Corcoran is a 10-year veteran of British Columbia's technology industry. He has worked for start-up companies in various capacities and has proven year after year that he has the ability to innovate new products. He has worked for Dorigo Systems, Andronic Devices, Q-Media Software (TSE:QMS), Image Power(CDNX:IPZ), Jenosys Technologies(CDNX:JET), and Intrinsyc Software(CDNX:ICS).

In 1996, Mr. Corcoran founded Spidex Technologies which successfully developed and sold web server technology for the Microsoft Windows CE operating system to Intrinsyc Software. This web server technology allowed Intrinsyc to become a leader within the Windows CE industry and helped bring Intrinsyc's stock price from $0.45 to a high of nearly $10. The web server product won industry recognition and Mr. Corcoran has been published in trade journals including the CE Tech Journal a Microsoft sponsored trade journal.

Mr. Corcoran's key areas of strength are the ability to innovate and market new products, to understand the technical limitations and capabilities of the Internet and to manage growing start-up companies. *******************************************************


The corporation that maintains the intellectual property rights, artist licensing agreements and other agreements is AudioMonster Online, Inc. The corporation maintains three web properties - (Music Label), (Ad Network), & (B2B Network). *******************************************************

THE BUSINESS MODEL [Music Label -] The basis for's (the music label) business model is to create products and services with increased margins. The Internet allows both retail and business customers to be reached directly effectively removing a number of layers of "middle men". The elimination of the middle layers provide margins that otherwise would be unattainable. Other Internet companies have garnered market share by selling other company's products at a loss. It is clear that this business model is doomed for low margins or failure.'s business model of developing unique products and selling direct to consumers and businesses is clearly more logical in terms of attaining larger (positive) margins. The company intends to increase its unique product count by acquiring suitable businesses in the future.

[B2B Trading Network - ENTO.NET] The ENTO concept is to establish a business to business trading zone so that rights, goods and services can be traded in a web based environment. The company believes this is a huge new market that has been enabled by the rapid adoption of the Internet as a widely accepted e-commerce platform. The inspiration for this service is derived from AudioMonster's music licensing activities and the company's desire to perform these activities in a more efficient manner.

[Audio Advertising Network -] The DoubleListen concept is to establish an MP3 audio advertising network. This network takes advantage of dynamic MP3 streaming technologies to integrate advertisements onto both sides of an MP3 track (hence the name `DoubleListen'). Attaching advertisements to MP3 files and hosting them in a reliable high bandwidth environment should enable a new mode of music distribution that will fairly compensate artists and provide a unique medium for advertisers. Think of DoubleListen as the DoubleClick of the audio ad world.

[Investment/Acquisition Unit] The Investment and Acquisition Unit is actively pursuing investment and acquisition opportunities. For the company to get to critical mass quickly this business unit is extremely important towards maintaining rapid growth of the company.

[Software and Web Development] In order to support the company's business units, AudioMonster has launched a development effort to create the company's web properties. The development effort will also spin-off generic technology that will be useful or licensable in service offerings. The web sites will consist of professionally designed graphics, HTML, JavaScript and PHP/PERL backend code that is responsible for user interaction, event tracking and database functions. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++


AudioMonster is a very different kind of online music company with exciting new initiatives underway that will change the way the music industry does business. The new technology landscape has enabled a whole set of new opportunities for content providers like

AudioMonster works closely with their Artists to help produce, promote, and distribute products to a worldwide audience. As experts at music production, distribution, and promotion, they're very Internet savvy, so artists reach new heights using the power of the Net.

AudioMonster is presently known for its Internet music label, which has designed a business model that is legal and that will generate revenue in both the online and offline markets.

Opportunity occurs when industry experiences a paradigm shift and offers excellent opportunities for those who enter at the new ground level. A paradigm shift has begun within the music industry. AudioMonster has determined the correct ingredients to launch a successful company in this environment and the timing is impeccable. ========================================================

Good Luck to All, and may your investments and trades always be profitable.

Thanks for Visiting,

The Staff


If interested in reserving your company's week in "the spotlight" please e-mail the sales office.


This profile is an advertisement on behalf of AudioMonster Online, Inc. (AMMQ) whose articles and/or information appears herein and may not be construed as investment advice. All articles, notices, and other information contained herein concerning AudioMonster Online, Inc. is a paid advertisement by a third party which has retained The Momentum Traders Network. to produce this advertisement. The information contained herein is based upon sources which we consider reliable but is not guaranteed by The Momentum Traders Network or its officers, employees or affiliated partners.

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In order to be in full compliance with the Securities Act of 1933, Sec. 17(b), Momentum Traders Network has received a fee of one thousand dollars as compensation from a third party (St. George Capital)Through The Street These shares/monies received have been accounted for as advertising fees for displaying AudioMonster Online, Inc. (AMMQ) corporate information to our visitors. Momentum Traders Network. reserves the right to purchase or sell shares of the company's stock on a voluntary basis in the open market during or after the profiled period.

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Good Luck Investing, The Staff

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