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Event Schedule




Cortez High School Marching Band Awards


Student Bus Rules

Cortez High School Band Boosters

Welcome new and returning Band Fans!

Band Director: Nathan Garrison

Mision Statement

Our mission is to support the Cortez High School Band in sustaining a top performing instrumental music program, secure closer contact between parents, students and director while promoting music culture throughout the community.


Band Booster Duties

There are many duties of the Band Boosters. We provide assistance of fitting uniforms, fundraising, chaperoning, pit crew, and parent to parent communication. Parent and family participation is greatly needed for all of the above areas.

More information about Band Booster chaperoning duties


Joining the Band Boosters

Anyone who has a student in the Cortez High School Band can join. Meeting are held the forth Thursday of the month in the band room at 6:45 p.m. Dues are $5.00 per year to cover mailing costs. Don't have a student in the band? We welcome volunteers! Contact one of our Band Booster officers or attend one of our meetings to see how you can help.

More information about joining the Band Boosters


Did you know you have a choice how the State will spend your tax dollars?

As long as you pay at least $200 in state taxes, you can choose how this money is spent. Arizona taxpayers can designate up to $200 for public school extra curricular activites and deduct that amount from their state tax bill. You can now specify the individual student, school, and the extra curricular activity, such as band. You do not have to be a parent of a student at the school; grandparents and friends can receive the credit too.

Individuals and married couple filing joinly can take a credit of up to $200 per tax return. Married couples filing separately can credit up to $100 each. A tax credit form must be filled out and the money need to be turned in to the bookstore no later than December 31st to be credited on this year's tax return. You might want to plan around the school closing for winter break.

You probably have to pay something in State taxes anyway, so why not have that money helping your son or daughter!


Band Booster T-shirts

Band Booster t-shirts are available for purchase. Contact Bonnie Compton or Debby Jamieson to place an order or receive additional details.

red polo type shirt
with collar $11.00
regular t-shirt $8.00

grey polo type shirt w/flag and instrument logo
with collar $20.00
regular t-shirt $14.00

extra charge for larger sizes

Cortez High School Band Booster Logo

Cortez High School Band Boosters
8031 N. 31st. Ave.
Phoenix, AZ 85051





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Copyright © 2000 Cortez High School Band Boosters
All rights reserved. Last modified: October 11, 2000.

Cortez High School Band Boostershaulgas@sprynet.comBackHome