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In Memory of my Wife


Nena Carlisle
January 27, 2010

You are my best friend, my wife, my world ...
I will always love you forever ...
I wish to dedicate the following poem and blessing to you:

~ ~ ~ Should You Go First ~ ~ ~

Should you go first, and I remain to walk the road
alone, I’ll live in memory’s garden, dear, with happy
days we’ve known, in spring, I’ll wait for the roses
red, in summer, lilacs blue; in autumn, when the brown
leaves fall, I’ll catch a breath of you.

Should you go first, and I remain for battles to be
fought, each thing you’ve touched along the way will
be a hallowed spot. I’ll hear your voice, I’ll see
your smile though blindly I may grope; the memory of
your loving hand will buoy me on, with hope.

Should you go first, and I remain to finish with the
scroll, no dark shadows shall creep in to make this
life seem droll we’ve had our cup of joy; the memory
is one gift of God that death cannot destroy.

Should you go first, and I remain, one thing for sure
we know; we’ll meet again in that bright land beyond
the golden shore. God’s great salvation we’ve
received through Jesus’ matchless Name, and in heaven,
reunited, we shall never part again!

~ ~ ~ Irish Blessing ~ ~ ~

May the road rise to meet you,
May the wind be always at your back,
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
The rains fall soft upon your fields and,
Until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of his hand

Love always, Burton


My Precious Wife

I Can No Longer Hold You In My Arms,
I Can No Longer Call You On The Phone
But You Will Always Be In My Heart
And Forever In My Dreams
I’ll See Your Smile And Sparkling Eyes
I Will Always Hear Your Laughter
Above Any Other Sound
The Lingering Smell Of Your Perfume
Will Forever Be Around
You Were My One And Only True Love
My Special Lovely Rose
How I’ll Survive Without You
Heaven Only Knows
Goodnight My Precious Love
I Will Hold Your Memory Close
And ‘Till We Meet In Heaven Above
One Last Kiss My Darling
That’s What I’ll Give To You
Knowing It Will Have To Keep
Me Until My Life Is Through


God picks a flower

Sometimes God picks a flower that's still in full bloom.
Sometimes the flower that is chosen, we feel He's picked to soon.
We're at peace knowing; in God's heavenly garden,
He has placed the ones we treasure.
You have changed my life forever.


One Day at a Time

You lived your life one day at a time.
The words you shared were always kind.
You loved us all with your whole heart.
It saddens us to be apart, and forever we
hold you in our hearts
Today you stand in God's bright light.
Watching over us day and night.
In our hearts you will remain
Until the day we meet again...
Forever Your love will live on in our hearts
and the hearts of those you touched.
We are so grateful to God for blessing our lives with
the beautiful gift of you.
We miss you sweet angel,
more than you can imagine.

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