Please note this space has been left specifically for Rolaan.
You can also Email me by sending mail to
By Clicking on this link, I affirm the following. I not only wish to visit Rasheks page, but I also confirm that I am a freak. I suck my thumb when nobody is looking. I have an unnatural attraction to Rashek. I beleive that fairies come and strip me nude while I sleep. I like to eat live turtles. I sometime find tree's sexually appealing. All in all, I am a moron. This I affirm by clicking this link.
You can visit the official Bronze Dragon Fellowship Site by clicking on the link below. Please note that Rashek forced me to do this. He needs to learn not to annoy me, thank you.
I dont know if anyone ever stops by this site anymore, but if you are reading this right now, and you are not me, then I hate you. You all suck. It seems as though none of you can put down this game for a 10 minute period of time to email me for gods sake. And dont even think about sending me email saying that you've been busy. Remember, I used to be one of you guys. I know how much you lie.
Slightly Outdated News From Bristol