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Atlantic Brewing Company
1937 to 1954
© By Dave Paradine

This Brewery was located at 1171 North Orange Street in Orlando Florida. This Brewery only bottled there Beer.

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2 Atlantic Glasses
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Atlantic + Signal Bottles
Don Walker's Collection

As you can see in Don's Collection they also produced "Signal" Beer. I have seen a Signal Beer Glass and a opener in the form of a bell that was sold on Ebay.

The match book as seen on your left I recently aquired over the internet (non Ebay). The matches show 5 Breweries listed under "ATLANTIC COMPANY BREWERIES" as Chattanooga - Atlanta - ORLANDO - Charlotte - Norfolk.

Atlantic in Orlando produced Beer, Ale and Bock. They bottled these in different sizes from 10oz, 12oz, to Quart size. I have seen many of these labels and have saved pictures giving myself a great reference to what I need. I have seen a Atlantic Coaster recently that didn't show it's origin but with the risque women in a bathing suit in a beach theme points to Florida as it's origin.

It is interesting to point out that the Orlando Brewery produced labels with a Black waiter that had "Bottles" on His serving tray. The Atlanta Georgia Branch which produced 4 different cone tops (one shown to your right) has the waiter holding "Cone Tops". The Atlanta branch produced 2 different Ale Cones and 2 different Beer cones. The Beer Cone Tops did not have the waiter as it's trade mark.

The Atlantic Brewing Company also had a plant in Charlotte North Carolina, which produced 3 different Flat Tops. The one shown on your right is there Beer, which if in good shape is a Beautiful Can. Shows a southern scene that is wonderfully colored. Even in bad shape such as mine, it is a impessive Can. They also produced 2 other Flat Tops in Ale that had a very similar design as the "Orlando" and "Atlanta" breweries but the waiter shows the Flat Top Cans on His tray

Any further knowledge or maybe even pictures out of your collection pertaining to this Brewery would greatly be appreciated. Give me a Holler! (email link) I would be honored to share your thoughts and ideas about these Florida Breweries.

Marlin Brewing Company
1954 to 1956

In 1954 Atlantic Brewing Co. was bought out by a New York business man by the name of Joe Rigenback who renamed the Brewery to the Marlin Brewing Co. which was located at 1171 North Orange Street in Orlando (same address). The Brewery invested monies into a Flat Top Canning line and canned 2 different brands:

  • Marlin Green Hornet Ale, single label, 12 ounce flat top.
  • And Marlin White Label Beer, single label 12 ounce flat top.
    Both of these Cans are extremely rare, the USBC puts a book value at $1000+ on both in near mint condition. I have heard one of them going for over $12,000....well I probably can't upgrade then.

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    In 2003 at the Orlando show I was able to pick up both Cans.
    Thanks goes to Dale Rogalski for dumping (finding) these many years ago, they are now in my Collection.

    They also bottled their beer and I look forward to seek and own there labels. I have cataloged pictures of these labels in 12oz and 10oz sizes, unfortunately I could only gaze as the prices soared.

    There is also a Marlin White Label Beer Coaster out there which is extremely rare and my guess it would break a record at auction for a single coaster.

    Mike Zane (an avid Fla Collector) also has a tap knob, letterhead, and a glass from the Marlin Brewing Co.
    Sincere thanks goes to Mike for helping me out with dates and other information on these Breweries. Mike has an awesome Collection that is of Museum Standards.

    This Beer Tap was recently aquired by Pat Taylor (2003). Pat is an avid Florida Collector also, that lives in the Orlando area. He has amassed an amazing Florida Breweriana Collection of what I've seen in photo's that He has brought to our Gator Trader shows. Pat also has been extremely helpfull to my Collection and my quest for knowledge.

    Someday I would like to wander over His way and see His Collection! Pat also has one of the "Top" U.S. Gallon Collections in the World. Those must make for a very impressive "Display".


    In 2002 at our Orlando Gator Trader show, Roger Williams (fellow Gator Trader) snuck up behind me and grabbed this Can from right out in front of me for $25.00. And then ya know what He did next...............He bragged about it!!!! Notice in first picture He needed backup from His son......... Hehe all kidden aside, these shows teach you to be at the right spot at the right time. I probably got to that table 10 steps behind Roger.

    I look forward to learning about this brewery in greater detail in the future. Any further knowledge or maybe even pictures out of your collection pertaining to this Brewery would greatly be appreciated. Give me a Holler! (email link) I would be honored to share your thoughts and ideas about these Florida Breweries.

    National Brewing Company
    1956 to 1961

    The National Brewing Co. purchased the Marlin Brewing Co. in 1956. They also had plants in Baltimore Maryland and Detroit Michigan.

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    They continued with the Flat Top line with 8 different variations to the Cans in Florida. At this time I have only the one pictured. They also produced Bock Beer which was canned and bottled.

    Bottle Labels

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    Quart size Foil Label
    Lists other plants as Baltimore and Detroit
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    12 oz
    Left side says:
    The National Brewing Company - Orlando, Florida
    Right side says:
    Brewed & Bottled at the Brewery
    Contents 12 FL. OZ.

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    12 oz Label
    Shiny Gold Foil Label
    Lists other plants as Detroit first
    then Baltimore
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    12 oz dull Gold paper
    lists other plants with Baltimore first
    then Detroit

    This Cone top was produced in their plant in Baltimore along with a total of 20 other Cone Top variations from Baltimore.
    Also 20 different variations of Flat Tops from Baltimore
    And 6 variations of Flat Tops from Detroit Michigan

    That's why Can Collecting and Breweriana Collecting is so Fun!

    You can specialize in one area and other areas seem to open with new and exciting finds.

    You could have have a Collection of just items from the National Brewing Company and probably fill a room plus+.

    This Brewery then relocated to the AB Miami plant in 1961 and survived all the way to 1975. That's another story and another part of my Collection!

    I look forward to learning about this brewery in greater detail in the future. Any further knowledge or maybe even pictures out of your collection pertaining to this Brewery would greatly be appreciated. Give me a Holler! (email link) I would be honored to share your thoughts and ideas about these Florida Breweries.


    HEY !!! Give Me a Holler!!!!
    Email: Beer Can Dave!