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a Bevy of KatZ

This site changes as it is part of a reflection of our lives and that seems to be in a state of constant change. Anyone with DID needs to feel a safe familiar place. Yet to grow we must Change Pages such as our poems we have started to add here and articles we have written for a trauma journal we write for, they will be our familiar. We will be adding new poems, articals and thoughts. We hope you come back to see what we hope to be a healthy Change.

I have dissociative identy disorder. (also known as multiple personality disorder.) We have gone by Kat and the girls, until recently. When we became aware of "Theo". We don't quite understand how this can work, but our doctor explained that we all {even singletons} have male and female "parts". As well as we were a "tomboy" most of our life. So we needed to revise our identy. We decided on a Bevy of KatZ .

Main Entry: bevy
Pronunciation: 'be-vE
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English bevey
Date: 15th century
1 : a large group or collection

We will share our thoughts, poems, humor, links to other places on these disorders~~~and whatever else comes up.
We WILL make a note at the link to another page if it could be triggering. You must deside for yourself if you are comfortable and safe to read it. We have plans to have pages for the little ones. Our "bevy" will be making their own pages. They also will be noted as such.

Hope you enjoy our site and come back often as it takes a long time to make a site.

About my Words
by Katz

Poppa John
by Katie

Humor Hodgepodge
by Katrina

Cleaning the Closet
by Katz

Deep Waters poem
Katz {mt}

The Art of Dissociation
by Katrina {mt}

To Med or Not To Med
Medications and DID
by Katrina and the Girls

Preception Problems
letter to Many Voices

LINKS page

Links page 2
DID / MPD links

last updated August 17, 2004

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