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[Updated Fubruary 17 2001]

Digi Dia-Lao's Page

(>-')> Mah 411 <('-<)

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(__) (__)

Name : Jacob Ang                                                        Height : 5'5" 5'6"
Age : 19                                                                       Weight : 165 lbs
Product of : Davao City, Philippines                               Eyes : Brown (original), Baby blue or Hazel
Store : Edmonton, Alberta, Canada                                Hobbies : Sports, dance, guitar, friends,
Ethnic : Chinese/Filipino                                                             drawing, party, snowboard, lots more
Occupation : Student/Self Employed                             Status : Single and lookin
School : University of Alberta                                       Likes : Cartoons, pepsi, guitar, (>-')>girls<('-<)
E-mail :                                Dislikes : People with bad attitude (any sorts)
ICQ : 50028606                                                                        people taking ma stuff with no
                                                                                                                          permission, ummmm yah that's it I
                                                                                                                          I think... hmmmm

                          WeLcOme                   CoMe LoOk ArOUnd 


WelComE To My PaGE

? Thougts for the Day ?
  • Topic 1 : What's the real reasone why we have to go to school?
  • Topic 2 : Does Barbie and Ken ever get married?
  • Topic 3 : Why do girls go to the bathroom together?
  • Why do we say, "It's raining cats and dogs..." if even there's no cats and dogs falling from the sky?

My Special Gift

Lyrics by
Jacob Ang

verse 1:

The cold days of December 
And see all the snow flakes fall
And all the special moments I remember,
Of Christmasday that brings us all.
Huney I hold you close in my arms
With the warming love I have
A suprise for you
From me to you
With all the love I have


This is my special gift to you 
Something missing that I knew
Friendship and love,
With the heavens above,
A star is shining down on you
Lovely girl I'm asking you please,
I'm down on my knees,
Would you be my special friend
My love for you has no end
This special song
Is my special gift to you

verse 2:

Baby I knew I loved you 
From the first day I met you
My love grew more and more
Everytime I see you walking on the floor.
Christmas is here
My gift for you my dear
You are one special girl
And I would like to give you...



Everytime I see you girl
I want to ask you somethin'
My shyness blocks my way
The question that I would like to say,
"Would be my girl,
My special girl?"
This is...


Questions about life?

Jacob Ang

Life is just complicating
Why am I accepting,
As it is?
Are the question such importance
Or just some obstacle
Just wating for a miracle,
Waiting it to happen.

Life is just a mystery
Just like anything as I see
Of wondering thoughts
In our minds as we think
That would link
Of answers that we need.

Some things can be confusing
Which can be abit amusing
But some things can not be
Like hatered, justice, war,
Things like that, that we don't adore,
Poverty, homeless, and viloence,
People these days are taking away our innocence.

This is a tragic
It is a tragic
Life i spent everyday
It seems i just throw it away
All the things i do
I truely seem to reget it ...
Only things i do wrong, 
Is what I find the most amusing... 
I don't know why.

Questions people always think of themselves:
Are we good enough or are we just the best?
My respond would be:
"All you people aren't best of the rest! 
Just equal to other people in this world"
So my question is...
Why is Life complicated?

                     ShOuTs 4 Da ChIcaS        
StEpHaNie (ex-gf and BeSteSt frIenD) : hEy huN wAtZ uP? nOthIng MuCh.. mIss yOu loTs anD foReVa beSteS fRiEndZ! sEe Ya sOoN guRl! hEy i nEeD yOuR nEw PhOne NumBa in U of ToRoNtO! lUv Ya LotS! aNd mISs Ya!
Lena (sweetbabygurl): HeY lIl' Sis.. WhAt'S uP? nOtHinG mUch? Sooo WhEn'S yOuR WeDdInG hehehe
Connei: Hi hI Hi!! WHY DON'T YOU PHONE ME ANYMORE!!!!! =) sTiLl luB Ya gUrlIe
Chi-Anne (if I sPeLt iT riGht) : Hi CoUsiN SherYl! HoW'S it GoiNg? wElL SeE Ya ArOunD sOmE DaY =0Þ
JacKie (fLiP gUrL) : HeY fLiP gUrL hoW'S iT gOiNg? HeY I pRoMiS tO bRiNg yOu to A rAvE oK?
KriStEn (JiGglY pUff) : My J.Lo! hehe HoW'S iT goIng? JiGglY pUff !!! ScRaTch AttAcK nOW! JiGgLy PuFF RetuRn! lUb YoU!
LiNdsAY (MeLoDy) : MEEEELLLOOODDDYYY!!!!! hEy I pRoMiSE ThAt I cOmE tO yOur DeBuT oK?!?! PrOmISe! KeEp On SiNginG!
MaDz : hEy At-E!!! WazZuP?! KeEp On rOcKiNg! HeY I mIgHt CoMe tAkE YoUr JoB aT ArBiE's!! hehe
GrAcE : gRaCeY wAzZzZuP? nOtHiNg hEer.!>! heY cAn I gEt SoMe DeAls At yOur ThEatEr?
MaRY-aNnE (Ma-An) : Yo dUde! wHerE hAb yOu BeEn? mIsS Ya! SeE yA SoOoN!
AnGiE (JoCkeTtE) : Yo GiMmE sOmE tIcKeTs to ThA oIlErs GaME yO!
ApRiL (pInK pRiNcEssE) : EvA!!!! WazzUp?!?! kEeP oN RocKiNg.. hEy I WanT yEr ShOes .. Ya yeR sHoeS .. Da OnE yOu goT frOm StEpHen... hehe j/K!
AnnALyN : Oi! cRaZY lIl" onE! haha j/k! KeEp On sInGiNg!
KeLsEY (eLm0) : hEY ArE yOu sTiLl MaD @ mE?!/!? i"m soRrY if I dId!
CiNdY (Chickeroos) : CinDy! BaBiE!!! hOw yOu dOiN? mIsS yA!
 BrIeAnNe (Krewlchic) : Oi! bRiE! fInD a TiMe WhEn wE cOuld Meet Up anD go DrInKing!
ChRiSsY (AngelicPage) : *Chip_Ahoy slaps AngelicPage around with a large trout* =p lUb Ya!
kRiStInE (sis) : SiS!! WhErE aRe YoU! iTs J!!! cOmE tO EdMoNtOn sOmE dAY!
MeL (JubeJubes) : MeL! mIsS ya LoTs AT-E!!! cOme BaCk To E-tOwn soOn B4 i lEave to RiChMoNd BC!
KrIStInA (midnightmist) : hEy CrAcK bAbY! OnE And OnlY! haha mAn mIsS yOu At SchOoL! COME TO SCHOOL!!!!!!!

Antony (Ant-Man) : hEy aNtoNy! hoW'S it gOiN? puRty GooD.. hEy wE sHouLd gEt tOgeTheR sOmE daY aNd jAm!
AdrIaN (MoJo) : HeY AdriAn! MAH SUPERSTORE BUDDIE!!! hehe PeaCe!
DeXtEr (Digi_Dim_Sum) : HeY bAcKsTrEeT AsIaN BoYs feR eVa! (98 + 1 degrees) hAhAha!
SaM YoUng(soccerbuddy) : HeY my GoD brOthEr! we ShOuLd hIt ThE raVes To gEthA sOme DaY! (orIgiNaL BSAB and 98 + 1 degrees !!!)
JoSe (pEppAtOn) : heY pEpS! ShOw Me soMe DaNciNg mOvEs! YG FaMilY! haha
MeLvIn WoNg (mElViN) : hEy SUp dOoD yEw LikE diSsaPpEar oUt of No wHerE... cOmmOn ReApPeAr aNd gEt thE BSAB aLiVe :)
BeRnArD LiM (BeRnIe): OrGinAl BSAB! yO gImMe a HoLlA to Go raVin' soMe dAy wIth SaM!
IvAn (FlIp buddY) : yOu wHaT hapPen tO yOu And Tabs?! HoI! yOu AnD mE stArt a ClUb in PhIliPpInEs!
MiTcHeL (kAndY rAver) : yO ... hoW's iT gOinG?! SiMma Donna !@!

   .:QuIcK ShouTZ:.
[Mike Webb] : HeY bUdDiE! [Nikkie BuRcH] : mIss Ya gUrL in ICQ! [LinDsAy MoNK] : How'S ZellEr's? aRe U StIll WorKing tHerE? [Jaquie HeNdErsOn} : Hey GuRlIe! I lOsT yOur PiCtUrE aGaIn I'm SoRrY! CauSe i LosT mY wAleT aLso! [ChelSea CoMeaU] : BonJouR meS aMie! Coma savA? SaVa bIeN! hehe caLl mE sIs [TYnE cOlBy] : HeY aDoPtEd CoUsIN! wHerE aRe You?! [FranCis] : hEy CoUsIn! BumbIn SoMe grooVes In CalGaRY! sEe Ya Soon Bro! [AnNe McNaMaRa, kIm, anD cInDy] : yEw grOvy NoVa ScoTia ChicKies! miSs Ya loTs GIMME A CALLL!!! hehe [MicHeaLa] : mY AusSiE chIc..!! hoW's cAdEtS! gImmE aN e-MaiL soMe Day! miSs ya!! [JenniFer HuBeNiG] : hEy JeNn hOw"s iT gOinG hEy cOngRatZ to YoUR grAd! HeY mAyBe i"ll Go tO yEr GrAd! luB ya
[FoR yA oThEr PeoPle tHat I diDn'T mEnToN! mY sHoutz To Ya!!! iF yOu WaNnA bE nOtiCeD oN maH paGe!? giMmE A hOllAr aT]



Thanks fer checking out my page.....
Well if you want to chat with me and stuff... you can find me in  mIRC: server... random irc dalnet channels: #edmonton! and #edmonton and nick Chip_Ahoy, MuGEn_RaCiNg Alamak: server A.. room teens16-19 and nick as OneSweetGuy19m, or you can just e-mail me at

Please don't forget to add me as a friend and sign my GBook
 <(^-^)> thanks <(^_^)>


copy right©
production of Jacob Ang productions™