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AK's Home Page


Hello everyone! Thanx for stopping by and paying me a visit. This site is just a pictorial to my family and friends, to let them know just how much they mean to me. If you are a family member or friend and want your pic posted here, email it to me. Well take a look around and don't spill anything!

p.s. >>>> I would like to take this oppurtunity to thank Cori for visiting after I bugged her to death and inform her that she has won the grand friendship forever!

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Top 10 things you will never hear 1 woman say to another woman.

Some nice stuff here!

The Baby Collection
The Family
The Family (part 2)
A Fruitful Page by Aprykot
More Whips than all of the Indiana Jones movies combined!
Want to see a Princess from Neptune?
A very sweet, singing girl (singirle)
Visit Earthschild, but beware of her fireants!
The Friends
The Friends (part 2)
Bottoms up!
yahoo - Visit the people of Chicago
Angelfire - Free Home Pages
Virtual Fantasy Sport Games
