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Sailor Moon

I am Sailor Moon, I am one of the original Scouts. here is my Profile

Name: Tsukino, Usagi
Birthday: June 30
Astrological Sign: Cancer
Blood Type: O
Favourite Colour: White
Hobby: Eating Cake
Favourite Food: Ice Cream
Least Favourite Food: Carrots
Favourite Subject: Home Economics
Worst Subject: Math
Has Trouble With: Dentists, Ghosts and Thunder
Strongpoint: Crying
Dream: To Be a Bride
Gemstone: Diamond
These are my weapons

Prism Brooch
Crescent Wand
Luna Pen
Silver Crystal
Crystal Star Brooch
Cutie Moon Wand
Cosmic Heart Compact
Spiral Heart Rod
Holy Grail
Super Heart Compact
Eternal Heart Compact
Power Moon Tier

Here I am using my kaleidomoonscope to destroy the evil tactics of the Dead Moon Circus. Most of my weapons take a lot of concentration in order for me to defeat the enemy.

These are the original five scouts

Thank you for Visting my Website. I Hope you enjoy it And please visit it again Bye

This is Sailor Saturns Website

This is Sailor Chibi Moons Website

This is Sailor Uranus Website

This is Sailor Mars Website

This is Sailor Jupiters Website

This is Sailor Polaris's Website

This is The homepage for all the Sailor Scouts