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Family and Marriage

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Women In Islam

Introduction | (1) Eve's Fault | (2) Eve's Legacy | (3) Shameful Daughters? | (4) Female Education | (5) Unclean Impure Women | (6) Bearing Witness | (7) Adultery | (8) Vows | (9) Wife's Property | (10) Divorce | (11) Mothers | (12) Female Inheritance | (13) Plight of Widows | (14) Polygamy (15) The Veil | (16) Epilogue | Footnotes

Islamic Teachings Series

by Dr. Jamal Badawi

Islamic Information Foundation(IIF) Halifax, Canada

In order to view the links below, you need RealPlayer.

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RA 200.G10 Place of Family in Islam
RA 200.G11
Position of Women in Ancient Civilization
RA 200.G12
Women in Judaeo-Christian and Muslim Scriptures I
RA 200.G13
Women in Judaeo-Christian and Muslim Scriptures II
RA 200.G14
Position of Women in Islam - Spritual Aspect
RA 200.G15
Position of Women in Islam - Economic Aspect
RA 200.G16
Position of Women in Islam - Social Aspect
RA 200.G17
Position of Women in Islam - Political Aspect I
RA 200.G18
Position of Women in Islam - Political Aspect II
RA 200.G19
Muslim Women in History I
RA 200.G20
Muslim Women in History II
RA 200.G21
Muslim Women in History III
RA 200.G22
Muslim Women in Recent History
RA 200.G23
Muslim Women in Contemporary History
RA 200.G24
Islam's View of Sex
RA 200.G25
Selection of Spouse & Engagement
RA 200.G26
Engagement (Cont.)
RA 200.G27
Marriage Laws in Islam I (Forbidden Categories)
RA 200.G28
Marriage Laws in Islam II (Validity of Marriage)
RA 200.G29
Marriage Laws in Islam III (Marriage Contract)
RA 200.G30
Marriage Laws in Islam IV (Marriage Contract)
RA 200.G31
Polygamy in Islamic Law I (Historical Perspectives)
RA 200.G32
Polygamy in Islamic Law II (Historical Perspectives)
RA 200.G33
Polygamy in Islamic Law III (Why Allowed?)
RA 200.G34
Polygamy in Islamic Law IV (Women's Options)
RA 200.G35
Polygamy in Islamic Law V (Prohibition or Legalization?)
RA 200.G36
Marital Relations I (Wife's Rights)
RA 200.G37
Marital Relatons II (Wife's Rights)
RA 200.G38
Marital Relations III (Related Issues)
RA 200.G39
Marital Relations IV (Husband's Rights)
RA 200.G40
Marital Relations V (Husband's Rights)
RA 200.G41
Marital Relations & Children's Rights
RA 200.G42
Rights of Parents
RA 200.G43
Rights of Relatives
RA 200.G44
Marital Problems
RA 200.G45
Dissolution of Marriage I
RA 200.G46
Dissolution of Marriage II

Other Topics of Islamic Life on RealPlayer can be found at Islamicity Islamic Series.

Al Qur'an

Regarding Marriage



Regarding Marriage



Characteristics of a Pious Wife

Characteristics of a Pious Husband

The Marriage Contract

Islamic Marriag Goals

Format of an Islamic Wedding Ceremony

The Duty of a Woman to Serve Her Husband

Words of Advice to the Husband and the Wife

Marriage audio


In order to view the links below, you need RealPlayer. Download RealPlayer

Dawud Abu Tasneem Adib

Marriage or Education, which comes first? Part 1

Marriage or Education, which comes first? Part 2

Problems Facing Muslim Women Part 1

Problems Facing Muslim Women Part 1

Abu Usaamah adh Dhahabee

Sister's.....Be Patient!

Bilal Philips

Duties of a Muslim Towards His Wife Part 1

Duties of a Muslim Towards His Wife Part 2

Proper Treatment of Husbands & Wives Part 1

Proper Treatment of Husbands & Wives Part 2

Shaik Siraj Wahhaj

Marry Righteous Women

"Among His Signs is this that He created you from dust; and then Behold ye are men scattered (far and wide)!And among His Signs is this that He created for you mates from among yourselves that ye may dwell in tranquility with them and He has put love and mercy between your (Hearts); verily in that are signs for those who reflect."

[Surah ar-Rum, 30:20-21]