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The Tactician Deck - Part 1
by Akodo Jesse

I have been playing LTD for about six months and have seen many cards come and go.  Lion has been looked upon as one of the easiest decks to make and play.  Gohei, Charge! Right?! Wrong....Since the switch from Jade,  most of our Lion Samurai have been knocked off.  Gohei, Chokoku, and many others.  But we have gained many others to at least make us come back in the 40/40 format.  I know that we are talking Tacticians here, but let's see what we have to work with.

Matsu Tsuko, R, Imperial
F6, C5
RH:5, Cost:14, PH:4
Lion Clan Chanpion*Samurai*Unique*Double Chi*Tactician
Will only Join Lion Clan Player.

Kitsu Motso, R, Shadowlands
F2, C4
RH: 8, Cost:6, PH:3
Lion Clan Master Tactician*Tactician*Unique
Limtied: Bow to put a Master Token on Kitsu Motso.
Battle: Bow Motso and discard a Matser Token to be able to perform two consecutive actions before the next player.
COMMENT: This amazing personality has been in practicaly every LTD deck in history for Lions.  Its tradition!!

Ikoma Tsanuri, U, Forbidden Knowledge
F3, C3
RH: 8, Cost: 11, PH: 3
Lion Clan Samurai*Tactician
Other players may not play terrain cards during a battle which Tsanuri is assigned.

Kitsu Motso, R, Crimson and  Jade
F2, C5
RH: 10, Cost: 9, PH:3
Lion Clan Master Tactician*Samurai*Experienced*Unique*Tactician
Limited: Bow Motso, put a Master token on Kitus Motso.  Battle Destroy a Master token on Motso to take one terrain card from your Fate deck and put it into play for this battle. This does not bow Motso.  Shuffle your Fate deck.  This is consedered Motso's use of his tactician ability for this battle.

Ikoma Tsanuri, R, Time of the Void
F5, C4
RH: 10, Cost: 14, PH: 4
Lion Clan Samurai*Tactician*Double Chi*Experienced*Unique
All effects of terrains and regions are ignored while Tsanuri is in this army.
Battle: Once per battle when Tsanuri is in the Defending army, target an opposing personality who is sent home, bowed.  This is considered a use of the Imperial Flavor. <--(oops small joke)

Akodo Toturi, F, Scorpion Clan Coup Scroll 3
F5, C5
RH:10, Cost: 12, RH: 4
Lion Clan Chanpion*Smaruai*Unique*Inexperienced*Tactician*Double Chi
WIll only join Lion Clan player.
Reaction: Straighten a Follower in this unit that just bowed to perform an action.  The Follower may not perform the same action again this turn.

Ikoma Gunjin, U, Dark Jouney Home
F0, C4
RH: 4, Cost: 6, PH: 3
Lion Land Campaigner*Smaurai*Tactician

Ikoma Ken'o, U, Honor Bound
F2, C3
RH:5, Cost: 7, PH:2
Lion Clan Cartographer*Samurai*Tactician
Battle: Bow Ken'o. All opposing units with force less than Ken'o's are bowed.  This is considered Ken'o's use of his Tactician trait this battle.
COMMENT:Ken'o is possibly the best Lion Tactician to hit your enemies with.  I like that he can Tactician, and then move to another battle, then use his ability!  Bow what now?!

Ikoma Tsanuri, R, Ambition's Debt
F5, C4
RH: 10, Cost:14, PH: 4
Lion Clan Champion*Samurai*Double Chi*Tactician*Exp 2*Unique
Tsanuri will only join a Lion player. While Tsanuri is unbowed in a battle, she negates all effects of regions and terrains in the battle.
Battle: Bow Tsanuri. Destroy an opposing Personality with lower force.
"Let the fires of battle temper my soul; I am a Lion!"

 Thats all the Tacticians we have to chose from and I must say that this is a big list to chose from. Note that not all our persons in the line-up will be Tactician. We must have support from most of our brothers if we are to crush our enemies. I have to knock out the high Tacticians for now due to their high gold cost. Lion need to get their personalities out and quick enough to supprise our opponents. I have liked using three Ken'os and Gunjins for their low cost and since they are Lion, they can also be the target of Charge. We'll put Motso in there for he also has 3ph and adds to the mix. Like I said, tradition. That makes seven Tacticians and thats a lot. Now for the experienced personalities. Tsanuri exp2 looks powerful enough to put in the mix. That makes 8. Now lets look at support from our brethren.

Matsu Agetoki, U, Imperial
F4, C4
RH: 5, Cost: 8, PH: 2
Lion Clan Samurai*Cavalry
This unit cannot be the target of ranged attacks.
COMMENT: This one looks promising.  He is quiet the undercosted one if that is even a word.

Matsu Gohei, C, Imperial
F1, C3
RH: 6, Cost: 4, PH:3
Lion Clan Samurai
Gains a 2F bonus when attacking
COMMENT: Great in the open setting.

Matsu Turi, C, Time of the Void
F4, C3
RH: 6, Cost: 8, PH: 2
Lion Clan Samurai
May not bow as part of a lobby attempt.  This unit my not be the target of the Imperial Favor or its effects.

Matsu Hokitare, C, Scorpion Clan Coup Scroll 2
F2, C3
RH: 6, Cost: 6, PH: 2
Lion Clan Samurai
Reaction: Bow to challenge to a duel a Personality that is leaving battle that Hokitare is in.  If the challenge is refused, the Personality is dishonored and the controller loses 7 honor.

Matsu Morishigi, C, Honor Bound
F2, C1
RH: 0, Cost: 3, PH:2
Lion Clan Revolutionary*Samruai
Morishgi does not bow to attach an ancestor, but cannot attach more than one ancestor a turn.

Kitsu Osen, R, Honor Bound
F3, C3
RH: 5, Cost: 9, PH: 2
Lion Clan Master Spy*Samurai*Experienced Daidoji Osen*Unique
Reaction:  When Osen enters play, target any one Human Personality with Chi below or equal to Osen's.  The personality is really Osen in disguise.  Attach all cards attatched to the Personality are then attached to Osen, if you can legally do so.  All other cards and the personality are dicarded from play.

That is all I care to put and I have made the choice of putting 3 Morishigi's, and since I play mostly Open, Gohei hits the pot.  Even Osen will help, I like his ability.  That makes 15 personalities, I will then add 3 Agetokies.  That is a total of 18, the perfect number of personalities.  Watch the next section for a follow up on holdings, events, and regions.  Then we will hit the Fate deck.