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Jade Strict Tactician Deck
by Akodo Jesse

I made this Strict Jade LTD deck and it is amazing!!!!!  I thought that only 13 gold holdings was pushing the curve just bit too much... but a good shuffle and BAM!!  It moves like a damn viper.  The new punches of the deck are Burning your Essence, 2 Fields of Courage, Blade of Secrets, and 2 Death-Seeker Techniques (All I got).

Stronghold: Ancient Halls of the Lion
Sensei: Kuro Sensei

Dynasty: 40
3x Matsu Morishigi
3x Matsu Domotai
3x Matsu Agetoki
3x Ikoma Ken'o
3x Ikoma Gunjin
1x Ikoma Gunjin Exp.
1x Kitsu Motso
1x Kitsu Osen
2x Fields of Courage
1x Golden Sun Plain
1x Kolat Duplicate
1x Imperial Gift
1x Evil Feeds Upon Itself
1x Iris Festival
1x Inheritance
1x The Enemy of My Enemy
3x Small Farms
3x Large Farms
3x Jade Works
3x Copper Mines
1x Charter of the Lion Clan

3x Strength of Purity
3x Superior Tactics
3x The Sun Returns
3x Rallying Cry
3x Burning your Essence
3x Tactical Maneuvers
3x Charge
3x Counterattack
3x Focus
2x Death-Seeker Technique
2x White Shore Plain
2x Sneak Attack
3x Elite Light Infantry or (3x Lions Pride)
1x Blade of Secrets
1x Gohei's Diasho
1x Shiryo no Gohei
1x Ring of the Void