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Lion Speed Deck - Part 2
by Matsu Kusinagi

For the gold scheme, we'll need to keep in mind that the Lion Clan cannot produce heavy amounts of gold. All of the gold producing holdings going into any Lion deck*must* come off the SH. With that said, I'll introduce you to the more popular holdings used in Lion decks:

-Small Farm
0 Gold
Bow to produce 1 gold

-Large Farm
1 Gold
Bow to produce 2 gold
Cards that affect or are affected by Small Farms affect and are affected by Large Farms as well.

-Copper Mine
2 Gold
Bow to produce 2 gold, produces 3 gold for a member of the Lion House.

-Jade Works
3 Gold
Bow to produce 3 gold, 5 gold when paying for a Jade card

-Merchant Caravan
0 Gold
Bow and discard a card from your Fate hand to produce an amount of gold equal to the Focus value printed on the discarded card. Merchant Caravan may bow to produce 0 gold.

-Charter of the Lion Clan
2 Gold
Bow to produce 4 gold when paying for a Lion Personality. The charter is destroyed whenever you lose a province in battle.

These are the gold producing holdings that I use in my personal deck, because the versatility of the holdings allows me to bring all of my personalities out with moderate ease. I recommend that you use these holdings in your Lion deck. Some Lion decks have incorporated the Yoritomo Sensei. This sensei allows your gold producing holdings to come out for 1 less gold, but you produce 1 less gold for personalities. He allows us to a whole new range of gold producing holdings. The more useful of the 4 gold holdings are:

-The Hiruma Dojo
4 Gold
Bow to produce 3 gold, 4 when brining a Samurai personality into play

-Sanctified Temple
4 Gold
Bow to produce 2 gold
Limited: Bow and pay 2 gold to gain 2 honor.

-Kabuki Theatre Troupe
4 Gold
Bow to produce 2 gold
Limited: Bow to gain 1 honor.

All of these are very useful is most Lion decks. Especially a Lion Honor deck, with the Kabuki Theatre Troupes and Sanctified Temples. Some even incorporate them into a militant deck to save them from losing too much honor. Of all of the 4 gold holdings, I recommend replacing the Jade Works with The Hiruma Dojo (since most Lion decks have heavy amounts of Samurai). For now, I'll leave out the Yoritomo Sensei leaving us with this gold scheme:

Merchant Caravan
Copper Mine
Jade Works
Small Farm
Large Farm

Now that we have planned our gold scheme, we need to figure out which events and reigons are going into the deck. Here is a list of the better events for Lion decks:

-Evil Feeds Upon Itself
The player with the lowest family honor has their rightmost province destroyed.

-Desperate Measures
Destroy the province that this event comes from. Lose 5 honor. Target any one province in play, which is destroyed immediately.

-The Enemy of my Enemy
Until the end of your next events phase, no player may target any Samurai with actions unless they control that Samurai.

This event produces 5 gold which may be used in any way. At the end of the Dynasty phase, if this gold has not been used, it is discarded.

-Imperial Gift
Gain 2 honor. You may retrieve any one item card from your fate deck and show it to all players. Put that item card into your hand, and reshuffle your deck.

-Winter Warfare
Until the end of your events phase two turns from now, no player may move units in or out of battle, or play terrains. Players with Yuki no Onna in play may ignore these restrictions.

-Kisada's Funeral
For the rest of the game, no player may acheive an honor victory until they destroy a province in battle, or put an elemental ring into play.

-The Return of Fu Leng
All players must denounce their right to win an honor victory, or have their rightmost province destroyed. All players who may not already win an honor victory (Shadowlands, Naga, Scorpion) must destroy their rightmost province immediately.

All of these are good events, but not all of them will go into the deck, mostly for the reason that they probably won't fit the 40/40 deck format. The three events that go into ANY Lion deck are Evil Feeds Upon Itself, Inheritance, and Imperial Gift. Lion players have the highest honor for about 70% of all games, so Evil Feeds is almost a garunteed province. Inheritance allows you to bring more of those personalities out, and Imperial Gift can get those unique items from your deck. For now, we shall only use these three events so we don't make the deck overly complicated.
We have 2 more cards to put into the Dynasty deck, and this is where reigons step in. Reigons lend a huge hand in many cases, adding special effects to the province. For the Lion, there are two important reigons to consider:

All gold producing holdings in this province have their gold cost reduced by 3.

-Golden Sun Plain
Once per turn, raise the gold production of any hold by 2.

While both are good reigons, I'd have to go with Crossroads. Golden Sun Plain is unique, so I'd rather not make an odd number of reigons in the deck. Now that we have completed the Dynasty deck, we still need to construct the Fate deck, which will be discussed in the final chapter.