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Treatchery and Deciet
by Jesse Butler

Back for another article of Lion Tactics.  This weeks article is on a card that saved my butt one too many times in the Strict Jade format.  This card is powerful for several reasons.  I like it because it sends one a single unit from a split army that a lone Morishigi is left to defend.  It hase a great Focus right off the bat.  That with my Tactician deck that was been tweaked so many times it makes my head spin.  Lets take a look at this wonderful card:

-Treachery and Deceit, R  Honor Bound
0 Gold
Battle: Target a unit in this battle with Force greater than 6. Send the unit home without bowing.
4 Focus

At first Glance you say, which unit to target, ok that should not be too hard to choose.  Lion SH have a six province strength so if one unit has the force to knock it down, then they become a target of deceit.  It can be used to send guys home with the sword backed up by a lock of guys, or a loaded Naga Warlord with plenty of shugenja ridden followers.  OK, this is a good card so far, what about an army which has been spread out?  Well, no sweat.  It has a good Focus for those Tacticians and iff needed, fed to the Merchant Caravans.  I have loved the idea of a card with three uses in a deck.  Gold, Tactician, or plain ability.

Now that I have stated the good.  Lets look at the bad.  This card has many drawbacks.  If you have it and THE ENEMY OF MY ENEMY hits play well then, Ken'o with that big sword laughs and then stomps a province or two.  Another drawback is, you just hate seeing a unit that has reached six force and you think, argghhh, just one more force and its bye bye.  Yes, if you get frustrated about the lack of just one force then well, this card only sends home guys with seven force or more.  That means it gets rid of the big bruisers such as "Broki" with the sword, Exp. Akuma, TA blitz guys, and Yakamo Exp. 3 with the Akasha boost.

Another point I would like to make is it sends home a unit UNBOWED.  This is a big drawback for the followed up counterattack.  But you won't have to deal with that unit if you just sent it home to save a province that you need to save to unbow your guys next turn and attack.  Yes, this makes a good combo with the favor that the Lion have most of the time.  Refugees and this card make another combo for send home as well as the ever popular, but not in most Lion decks, Block Supply Lines.

-A good ability to send home big bruisers(I think is important with low force on your side of the board.)

-Great focus of 4(For Tacticians or Gold)

I like the flavor text written on this card.  Aside from the ability, this cards fits nicely into a Tactician deck.  Yet in Open this card finds itself left out on the chopping board.  It is a power card but there are more powerful cards that fill its slot.  Don't understimate it though.  This card kept me alive so many times I lost count.  Until next time.

Lion Clan Legendary Tactician*Gohei's Avenger*Samurai*Tactician*Unique