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Lion Ancestors
by Jesse Butler

Hi all, back again and helping my bud Kusinagi out with that Mujina problem eating his computer.  WELL, were back and proud.  With that Legacy of the Naga Tourney this week we hope to represent our clan and Take it to them.  This weeks article is on Ancestors! Well, all of them really.  Since we have been gone for awhile then I will give a few big ganders at Lion Ancestors.

First, let's list them all:

-Shiryo no Akodo, R  Anvil of Despair
+0 Force
+0 Chi
2 Honor Required
Nil Personal Honor
Lion Ancestor*Unique
May attach to Toturi.
Reaction: This Personality may bow to gain a 1C bonus when entering a duel.
Reaction: This Personality may bow to gain a 3C bonus when entering a duel opposing a Personality with a Personal Honor lower than his.
3 Focus

-Shiryo no Gohei, R  Soul of the Empire
+0 Force
+1 Chi
3 Honor Required
Nil Personal Honor
Lion Clan Ancestor*Unique
Shiryo no Gohei counts as Matsu Gohei for Uniqueness
Shiryo no Gohei's personality gains +2F when attacking.
"His spear cut through the Senpet general with the roar of a thousand winds."
3 Focus

-Shiryo no Ikoma, R  Time of the Void
+1 Force
+0 Chi
3 Honor Required
Nil Personal Honor
Lion Clan Ancestor*Unique
If being attached to a Personality that is being brought into play at full gold cost, his Honor Requirement is waived. Reaction: Bow when you are about to lose honor to prevent the honor loss. This ability cannot be used if the loss is caused by a card you control or are bringing into play.
3 Focus

-Shiryo no Matsu, R  Crimson and Jade
+0 Force
+0 Chi
2 Honor Required
Nil Personal Honor
Lion Clan Ancestor*Unique
Limited: Bow this Personality and select a Follower card in play. This Personality has challenged the Follower's Personality to a duel. If the duel is refused or if this Personality wins the duel, The follower is attached to this Personality, if such an attachment is legal.
3 Focus

-Shiryo no Tsuko, R2  Hidden Emperor 1
+1 Force
+0 Chi
2 Honor Required
Nil Personal Honor
Lion Clan Ancestor*Unique
This card is considered Matsu Tsuko for Uniqueness.
Reaction: Immediately after this unit wins a battle as a defensive unit, you may declare an attack against the Attacker. No allies may be sent to these battles, and you may not assign or move any units other than this one to attack. Units currently assigned to attack your Provinces may not defend against this battle phase.
4 Focus

At first glance to a Tactician these are not too shabby Focus values.  All threes save for the Tsuko.  But most of them have dueling properties.  Good if ya like dueling!  Bad if anything else.  Let's look at each one and do a run down on its goods and bads.

Shiryo no Akodo:
This is one of those dueling ancestors where if you have high chi guys and you duels say ummm.... low chi enemies, well then, you got yourself a good ancestor here.  I have never personally used this ancestor and have never got the chance to glance at even the picture.  I have never even heard of it even being in a deck as of late or even ever.  My speculations is that this could be used in an all out dueling deck where duels rule and the opponent druels.  Other than that, his use combined with a Tetsubo gives his personality a counter to the Tetsubo chi reduction if opposing a low PH person.

Shiryo no Gohei:
This nice little piece of Gohei is just what us avengers of Gohei really needed.  We were waiting to see when Gohei would make his move and in Soul of the Empire he finally did.  Good going Gohei.  Yes, for just a few select Lions with three PH, to name a few, Gohei himself! Gunjin, Motso, Yosei, Domotai, Tsanuri, Akodo Toturi and the bunch.  This follower is just good and plain wrong on first turn.  Gohei, followed up by his ancestor.  Next turn, follower if ya need a force boost, and my personal favorite, finish it with a Forced March!!  Devastating.  If the Evil Feeds has not already popped by now then it is all over with.  Morishigi has to wait for this one, he has too little PH to attach it.  Overall, this ancestor if probably the greatest but we shall see as we continue.

Shiryo no Matsu:
This is quite a cool ancestor.  If ya play against a Naga deck and want well all those darn Nagas, just challenge that Warlord and BAMM.  All yours.  If those darn TA guys are using them Imperial Legions, why don't you use them by challenging them to a massive duel.  If prepared, you will most likely get the follower one way or another.
This is another ancestor I have never seen or used but it sounds like a good ancestor overall.

Shiryo no Tsuko:
This was kewl for the first time I used it paired with Morishigi and the like.  Shigi' likes using this ability and so does Turi Exp.  Even though you bow Turi to attach, Turi has that tendency to unbow then use the ability to counter attack with it.  Nice combo really.  The plus one force is quite a kicker to boot.  Since say, Agetoki can get that Eight force to pop that Kyuden Yoritomo, place this Champion ancestor on him and charge the hell out of him.  Sorry, man.  Your ports weren't strong enough for the boasting "Agebroki".

Shiryo no Ikoma:
This ancestor has gotten me out of so many knots that I lost count when it won me the game when I couldn't bring anybody out till this guy popped in my hand.  Its ability to stop dishonor is the best part about it.  It stops those darn Shames, Breachs, Winds Truth honorloss, Martyr, and the lot.  It will slow a Taka Tech for a few turns but just long enough for ya to kill the rest of the provinces.  Morishigi has to wait on the deepend with this ancestor.  Too much HR for his punny two.  Sorry bud, go preach to Matsu.

Well, I have looked into all the ancestors and like what I see.  The Gohei and Tsuko are most likely the common ones found in most Lion decks.  The Ikoma would be next to common in military because of the honor protection.  I personally think that the Gohei and the Ikoma are all that is needed in a great Lion deck.  I play with both in the open and Ex. Jade formats.  I just like the ability and versitility given by these fallen warriors of the past.  Well, until next time.  I hope Lion shows them Naga whos boss in this weeks Legacy o the Naga tourney.  For the Lion clan!!

Akodo Jesse
Lion Clan Legendary Tacticianist*Gohei's Avenger*Samurai*Tactician*Unique